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PLEASE NOTE: In the interest of privacy, we do not publish last names or locations of readers unless given specific permission. So, if you want everyone to know your full name or where you're from, please instruct us to include that information. Otherwise, we will use your first name only. 

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At the request of readers who have noted that the Feedback page has become very slow to load due to the amount of old Feedback on it, we have archived our older comments. We thought this a better alternative to deleting them entirely; this way, all the Feedback we have posted will remain on the site and available for reading. You may access the older comments on the Feedback Archive page.

Click this link to give us your Feedback!

Afternoon Jeff:

Thanks for your video on the new Bond Arms "Rowdy" 45/410. I was looking for some form of confirmation and review of this little weapon before I purchased it. As always, you hit the mark for me.

I enjoy your video reviews and appreciate your no "BS" honesty. Keep up the good work.

Happy Independence Day !!


July 2, 2019

Great information........ excellent photos....... you can increase size to see detail and print for reference. 

Keep up the good work...... 


February 23, 2019

Best Youtube Gun channel ever please know. 

I like the guitar theme song mighty fine also. 



February 18, 2019

Hi Jeff. I was just on your site, and found out about your health issues. I know you got a lot going on, but please know, you have a lot of people rooting for you. You are the Rush Limbaugh of the gun world, and your videos and comments are of great common sense and are very educational. The whole country is praying for your quick recovery. Thanks. 

Buck from Grand Junction, Colorado

January 27, 2019

Sir , would like to. thank you for your review of the Taurus Tracker 992 . I. have been on the net for over two days looking at different reviews and yours was by far the best and most informative. I do thank you for the time and care you gave in this review. I have just ordered a 992 and looking forward to many fun years of plinking. 


P Brodell 

Tennessee U. S. A.

January 8, 2019

Hello Jeff,

I very much enjoy the articles on your website. I also like that you put up special pictures and notes for special days, such as today. The 74th anniversary of D-Day. My dad landed on Omaha Beach D+20, June 26. He was with the 29th Inf. Div. The hedgerow fighting was as bad as the beach. They said `one hedgerow, one company. ` Fifty KIA, fifty WIA and thirty to put into the remnants of another company. By VE Day the 19,000 man 29th had received 19,000 replacements. Most to the 3,000 men of the year the three rifle regiments. In 1994 I was privileged to accompany my dad back to Normandy for the 50th anniversary.

Thank you for remembering. 29 Let's Go!


June 6, 2018

Ruger 10mm Match Champion review... just excellent! You folks are the best source of information when it comes to firearms the average man or woman might be interested in. I would like to see this revolver in the .45 ACP/.45 Super format. I enjoy shooting the Super out of my SS Blackhawk convertible, but a smaller, lighter, strong option is good. And while I have the opportunity, I would buy several more of the Ruger LCP's if they were chambered in .32 ACP. Gunblast has been my #1 firearm info source for well over a decade, and I truly appreciate the fine work you, your family and staff have accomplished. Thank you Jeff


April 30, 2018

Thank you, Sir, for the kind words. Let Ruger know what you want. Use the link on their website to Email the CEO.


Good Morning Bro, 

I am a Retired Paratrooper and just Retired again as a Motor Officer and Texas Master Peace Officer in the San Antonio area. I have been shooting and carrying a slab side off and on since I was 6. As a Peace Officer I have been forced to carry the Glocks and I can not speak bad about their absolute reliability, but I will always have 1-2 good O'l American 1911 close at hand. As far as history, I was pleased when Remington got back in the game but until lately I did not seriously consider owning one. There are a few Reviewers that I respect and am very entertained by on YouTube and print as it seems we are like - minded (fir the most part). Jeff Cooper, Patrick Sweeny, Hickock45, and of course you and your brother!!!

Yesterday I picked up a Marlin 1895G 45-70 from Budsguns at my local FFL Guy and saw a used Remington R1 E in SS at a good price and could not resist, so I had him put it aside for me until payday (lol, yes he is a friend and knows me...) Because of your reviews I knew I would not be disappointed with it or the Davidsons Colt Delta Elite FDE that I have been carrying off duty for the last 2 1/2 months.

I want to thank you and your brothers for an awesome job that you do and always look forward to watching and reading your works. I wish your video clips were a little longer but respect the "to the point and only the facts view you give. I also love the music and am interested in any CD's your brother may have available (or anything he has on YouTube too)!!!

Ride Tall, Shoot Straight, Speak the Truth...


Deputy Tom Peters

Thank you, Sir. Keep me posted on how well that R1 shoots for you.


I picked her up today, used, some holster wear and a bit dirty, but fully functional. As a Peace Officer I am lucky to have access to a range at night, with only the headlights on my truck to light the target (good training). 

I loaded up and fired 50 rds slow fire, with one Fed. HST (1 st rd in the mag) hanging up. After that I ran two different 50 rd qualification type courses of fire at speed without any failures (total 150 rds - 50 230 Fed HST - 100 230 Blazer Brass). I will only change 2 things: Grips will be G10 green & black Gator; and night sights if I can ever find any for this.

I have had Colts, Springfields, Kimbers, Auto Ordinance & Rock Island 1911's... this shoots like my Kimber TLE II/RL (w/o the night sights of course). This will be my new on duty - off duty side arm!!!


Deputy Tom Peters

First off thank you for your website. It's my first visit and was very impressed with your unbiased observations for this pistol. I recently purchased the REM .380 because I ended up getting it for $150.00 bucks with Remingtons mail in rebate and $50 discount at Cabelas. I have had a ccw for the last 27 years and have tried many pistols during that time, and ended up with two Kimbers. A ulta carry 3" and recently a Pro II 4" with Crimson Trace grips, both in .45 cal.. I am not a fan of plastic pistols. Tried them, don't' like em. Having said that. Many of my friends disagree with me. That's OK , to each his own, carrying a fire arm is something you should be comfortable with, not your buddies or anyone else. Your life my depend on it. I am very impressed with Rem .380 and I agree with all of your comments regarding it. It's great carry gun in warm weather when my other 2 are hard to conceal, and I find no negatives for it. In fact, I made the mistake of letting my wife try it. Now I have to get another one! Thank you again, and keep up the good work God Bless our troops and God Bless our country. 


November 26, 2017

Excellent choice, of both the pistol and the wife!


I want my two S&W 65 -2 and 65-3 modified to accept moon clips.

Could not find what to do on web site to make that happen.

Is this possible? Does anyone offer this service?

Scott Satterlee

November 13, 2017


Contact Tom at TK Customs. He will do an excellent job.


Hello Jeff,

Hope weather is good where you are. Overcast here in NC but sun trying to pop out!

A while back I emailed you requesting you do a review of Hal's Pathfinder, I left out something. I read the same article, something about the way he worded things made you feel like you new him. Anyway, in 1979 I was working as a draftsman, about 9,000 per year income, wife full time college student, saving for down payment on old farm house so cash was limited to say the least. A gun shop in down town Raleigh had two of the Pathfinders like Hal's, I bought the one with grips like your photo. Did I say it was on layaway for 90 days? 

Enjoyed the gun but when money got tight had to let it go. Sold it to a co-worker at the time. Hadn't seen him in years but called him few years ago, he still had the gun, taught his kids and grandkids how to shoot with it, and it was not for sale ! Can't blame him, wish I'd kept it but we still have the old farm house !

Have looked in vain for one but they just seem not to be for sale. 

Thanks for listening, 


November 5, 2017

If you ever get the chance to go to the Tulsa, OK Gun Show, it is worth the trip.
4200 tables under 1 roof. If one is to be found anywhere, Tulsa is the place.



Great write-up on the RIA 22TCM! I just ordered one on Sunday and I'm ANXIOUSLY awaiting it's arrival. Everything that you wrote about it covered all of the questions that I had as far as it's performance and reliability. The only downside that I can see is the plain black front sight. For an $850 MSRP gun, you'd think RIA would at least paint the front sight. That black sight would get lost in a dark defensive scenario. Once I receive mine, I'll put it in my drill press and "dimple" the front sight so that iridescent paint can be applied. Again, thanks for your review and for a kick-a$$ site!

(BRAVO on the handling of "JA's" limp-wristed feedback from December `16. He/she is just a troll who has no reason to be on this site other than to bust yer balls. ineffectively, might I add. I'd stand by you any day versus that twit.)


October 31, 2017

There are excellent aftermarket sights from XS and Trijicon that work well, or a good set of Crimson Trace grips will handle dark situations. I prefer to use both.


Just watched your video on the Remington 870 14'' Tactical firearm , out freaking standing! I did not see your hand slip forward on the slide as in other videos I've seen. Did you have any experience with this ? Just put one on lay away to get the rebate, can't wait to eliminate a pumpkin (watermelons are out of season in PA.) 


October 30, 2017

I had no problem at all with that. dandy weapon!


I have Ruger 357 Mag. Flat Top No. 1755. I have had it since 1966. I found it at a gun show in El Paso, TX. The seller told me he had bought it off a Navajo Indian on the way to the show. He told me the Indian needed gas money. It was a gun that had seen hard times. It was a tool to get dinner, Shoot a coyote, Pound in a nail in the fence ETC. It showed hard use. The cylinder has some heavy scratches (deep marks on one side from sliding around on the floor of a truck ETC. 

I don't think they well bury me with it, but it is the pistol that I grab first when heading out. 

I have put over a 135,000 rounds through it in the last 50 Plus years. I know that because I buy lots of 50 to 100 thousand primers at a time. The action is so smooth that you can cock it Quickly and Smoothly. There isn't a bit of drag when cocking or shooting. 

I have never re blued it or put new grips on it. (They are wood with a crack in the right one.) Now I have thought of having it engraved a few times, but the old war horse has more character than engraving job would give it.

To this day I still believe that it was the best spent $65.00 that I ever spent. PS: That $65.00 included 2 cavity Bullet Mold also which I still use. It has kept a smile on my face for over 50 years. Boy Ruger sure built some damn fine guns Then and Now.

Wolf Stumpf

October 4, 2017

Thank you for that great story. You chose well.


Working on my loads for the 450 and just got new data from Barnes via Hodgdon that is just out. Finding Lil' gun is an accurate grouper all through the velocities with the 250FTX. I have not tested as many rounds with H110 yet. However during testing I had several rounds that had notable sooting in the rimless groove. Could that be due to low pressure and not enough case expansion on firing? Extractor was stuck after that with sooting in the area which took me a little while to figure out. Never seen that before. 

Next round will taper crimp to .475 instead of .476 based on other reports. 300 grain bullets really drop in velocity from the 250's at the 200 yard range, time of flight to impact is notably slower to the ear. 

More fun to come! Can't wait to test this out during deer season.


September 13, 2017

I expect that you are correct. I like, with any bullet, a case full of H110, seated to the base of the bullet, with slight compression of the powder charge.


Ugly beard.


August 13, 2017

Jeff, Just read your review of the Marlin 60 50th Anniversary. I agree re the rifle's accuracy. I got the same 7/16" groups you did, albeit with three shots. I couldn't believe it. Semiautos aren't supposed to be this accurate, are they? My Ruger 10-22 wouldn't come near this. Marlin's doing something right. I hope they continue this tradition at the Remington plant. BTW--I really enjoy your website, and your writing. A treat to read. Blessings to you. 

Dave Smith

May 20, 2017

Only one reason I subscribe to this channel, honesty and Jeff Quinn.

Adam M

April 15, 2017

Really outstanding web site!!!

I would like to know if there is a magazine loader for the KelTec PMR 30 pistol I have on order. I currently have one that loads 9mm for my Glock 17L and KelTec 9mm Sub 2000. Will it also work with loading 22Mags into the magazine that will be coming with my PMR30?

Thank you in advance. 

Gil De Armas Jr. 

April 10, 2017

It will not, but look at this video to see a very quick, easy way to make a loader for the Kel-Tec 22 Magnum. 


Do not know if my feed back is in the right place but I wanted to comment on the AMT Auto Mag ll just got my hands on one after looking for a whole. First problem was a sticky trigger it is appears the gun has never been cleaned or lubricated, after I did clean and lightly lube it with 3n1 oil it runs great. I experienced no problems at all after about 500 rounds. Very nice feel and balance, caution is to be given with the report may need ear protection sounds more like my 357. They also have become a bit pricey they are starting at about 700 bucks on gun broker now a kel-tec can be had for less but I like the AMT more. Seems I will have no problems with I am currently running CCI maxi-mags flat tip.


April 4, 2017


I look at the Gunblast website at least once a day and use the archives for information about guns, ammo... etc. I'm also a Gunblast member. Gunblast is enjoyable and informative. Keep up the good work.

I just watched the Tales from the Vault video about the Winchester Model 1895. I really enjoyed it . I'll be looking for more of the same.


Keith Riemer

February 25, 2017


Just viewed your first "Tales From The Gun Vault" youtube video `starring' your 1895 Winchester saddle ring carbine in .30-40 Krag (.30 army)

The format, combining a brief history of the rifle, a live fire demo, and a closeup tour of the firearm, made for an interesting, informative and entertaining presentation. Thoroughly enjoyable!

Although not absolutely essential to your "Tales From The Gun Vault" presentations, the addition of chronographed velocity results and target images would be welcome. Velocity and downrange information notwithstanding, it is hoped you'll continue your "Tales From The Gun Vault" series. 

On a daily basis, I check Gunblast. com for the next presentation, so the more videos you make the more times I'll `hit the jackpot' when I visit the bookmarked site.

Thanks to Boge for all of his behind the scenes contributions to Gunblast, too. I hope all of you involved in the making of Gunblast never tire of running his excellent treatment of The Battle Cry of Freedom to open and close your presentations and accompany the closeup firearm tours.

Like you, I support Making America Great Again! Keep up the good work!

Happy Trails,

Tony Petersen - Life member of NRA, SASS and WySAS (Wyoming Single Action Shooters)

I read your article on the KelTec P32 and I'd like to toss out some points I always throw at naysayers in regard to this tiny gun and .32 caliber as a defense round.
I live near Abilene, Texas on a ranch, I'm 65 years old and have multiple sclerosis, polymyalghia rheumatica, a torn tendon in my right shoulder and just a few weeks ago, I ruptured a Bakers Cyst in my right knee. Last August, I dropped a very heavy floor jack on my right foot. I thought it was broken and the pain was terrible. Luckily I had some left over (yet expired) pain meds in my briefcase I carry everywhere, and was able to take one and then off to the doctor.
Long story made short, I probably would lose an arm raslin' contest with a Brownie Scout if a young girl challenged me to one.
I am also an Army volunteer who at age 19 while at my first duty station at Fort Bragg, asked my boss - Command Sergeant Major Roy Marvin Batton if I could get orders to Vietnam. Soon I was on my way and I was an M-60 machine gunner on a back of a jeep that escorted jet fuel, diesel and MOGAS to mainly helicopter bases within a 200 mile radius of Saigon.
When I run across young dudes who have massive egos and pack the largest handgun that their budget can afford, I roll my eyes. Ego and bravado runs deep in this part of Texas and sometimes intellect takes a back seat to that. I don't tell the young dudes I've probably launched more lead out of a barrel of a weapon by the time I was 21, than they probably will in an entire lifetime. I'd like to tell them though a story that our weapons instructors told us in basic training about the M-16. When that weapon was introduced and replaced the M-14 and M1. Soldiers and Marines first complained that "the round was not much more than a .22 bullet" and indeed it was small and the first guys to use them had problems because of no forward assist. no cleaning kits issued and lack of a chrome chamber.
So, to this day there are people who carry a hand gun that throws the largest chunk of lead because they believe "bigger is better." As my weapons instructor said though, "a well placed round on the target is better than a large chunk of lead that lands in the dirt or a tree somewhere."
I carry a KelTec P32 (I'm taking it to a gun smith somewhere today, and came across your article) and I also carry a S&W AirLite PD .38 Special with the titanium 5 round chamber. With MS, PMR, torn tendons, bad knees and bifocal glasses these days, and the lifetime ability I will always carry with me of "situational awareness" (I'm always looking in my rear view mirror and over my shoulder) a KelTec P32 is a great choice over my Colt 45 Series 80 MK IV National Match, that my dad gave me for my 50th birthday.
Now that I'm an old codger with a poor memory, was it Queen Elizabeth or my Drill Sergeant who said "Remain Calm and hit the target dead-on."
I can't hardly pick up a 30 pound bag of dog food these days, but I can whip out the KelTec P32 "muy pronto" and place lead where I need it, in close quarters.
The dark blue ribbon on the far right with the "E" is what you get when you make expert with the Navy issued Colt 45 (which I did in Navy OCS long ago.) But I don't boast about it in front of the young dudes.


February 6, 2017

Thanks for that info, and your service, Sir. I tried to sign up for Vietnam once, but I was only 13 years old at the time, and the recruiter laughed at me. By the time I was sixteen, the war was over.


Just want to tell Jeff Quinn, and the entire staff how much I appreciate all you do to inform gun owners. I particularly like the excellent videos you do every year at the annual SHOT show. They are concise, to the point, and well done. Of course I would be remiss, if I didn't mention the great banjo music from Boge Quinn. Thanks.

Michael R Fallon - Pflugerville, Texas

January 24, 2017

I really appreciate the casual yet professional quality of your reviews. I particularly like the straightforward writing style and lack of "Bro" style language or hype. The videos are fun, pleasant and informative as well.

Keep up the great work.


January 18, 2017

Jeff, Thank you for doing such a good job making informative videos. You have outstanding communication skills. You have helped me in so many ways to climb the learning curve by explaining things in straightforward terms I can understand. I learn more from you in 5 minutes than I can from reading a book. Experts make it look easy, I guess.

May God bless you and keep you, 

John Starkey - Gainesville, Florida

January 15, 2017



December 30, 2016

Thank you for your opinion, Sir. I do not agree with you, but that's okay. How about this idea? You use what you like, and I will use what I like, and neither of us are breaking any laws. See how easy that was?

Your prejudice against people who dress, talk, and groom differently than you is very obvious. You want everyone to shoot the same guns as you, dress like you, shave like you, and talk like you. You are the definition of a bigot.


I watched your channel. But now I see you are political with your forum. Gun rights are not the only concern or right threatened. A clown as President is no answer. Hillary was the 2nd worst person to run for president. At least she is smart and unlikely to get us all killed. I will never look at your site again! 

Joe Walker

December 30, 2016

Okay. I will just have to try and get on with my life somehow, without your approval.


Good article on the Kahr CT380. Just ordered one from a local dealer. The information and your presentation in the article made my decision to purchase the Kahr easier. Thanks. Take care.


December 24, 2016

Jeff, Thanks for the review of the new Ruger .44 special GP100. I like the .44s and this is one I will look into. While there are .357s galore at my disposal I do prefer the .44 special- always have- over the bark and bite of similar sized .357s... To date, a .44 has either been a single-action, OR a larger magnum revolver, so I'm looking forward to checking one of the new Rugers out. Thanks again for this heads up article - as well as the many other interesting articles you have written! 

Dun in Free (southern) Colorado....

December 16, 2016


In 1970 I purchased a Marlin 336C with a 4x Weaver Scope. That started my love affair with Marlin. After 4,000+ rounds through my .30-30, I expected to see some equipment failures. That just did not happen. I was told many years ago by my grandfather that with a .30-30 and a .45-70 you could hunt just about anything. I have always wanted the big-bore Marlin .45-70 for my collection. I did not know how long it would take to realize my dream.

In 2016, for my 65th birthday, my son and daughter took me to a local gun shop and bought me a companion gun for my Marlin 336C. It was the Marlin .45-70 Guide model. After some quick enhancements, we left the shop for a nearby range. 

The Marlin 1895 .45-70 is not only a good solid gun, it feels good in your hands, the balance is excellent and it is made like my 336C was made - right the first time! I still do not know if I will scope my 1895, but I've got to put more rounds down range with open sights first. 

I can honestly say that the Marlin 1895 is the truly the "companion" gun to my Marlin 336C. Together, they are both manufactured to a high standard, easy to operate and beautiful just to look at. The only decision you need to make is the type and weight of your ammo. 

If you want an excellent gun for big game, you will not go wrong with any of the Marlin 1895 models. Marlin is back!


Woodbridge, VA

December 10, 2016

Yep. I love the Guide Gun. When it was first introduced several years ago, I drove 200 miles to buy the first one to hit Tennessee. Excellent rifle.


Re: Steel Cased Ammunition

I too will never run steel cased ammo through my guns. I have never fired any at all. I base my decision on being a gunsmith for over 40 years, and having to clean the lacquer finish from the casings out of the guns the steel cased shells were fired in. Plus, I have had to on numerous occasions remote stuck steel cases from the chambers of AR-15s. That is why I agree with Jeff when he says "I will never fire steel cased ammunition in my guns."


December 10, 2016

Thanks for that professional input. The ONLY reason people buy that stuff is because it is cheap. They will spend 1200 bucks on a good rifle, then buy the cheapest ammo available.


I read your review of the M&P 15/22. Nice rifle. I just bought one and I think it's terrific. One of the pictures showed a "repaired ejector." I'm curious. What went wrong with it and how was it repaired?

The first time I cleaned mine the boresnake hung up on the ejector. It seemed very flimsy. Is this part something I should keep an eye on?

Thanks for your review.


November 8, 2016

The picture caption reads "fixed ejector", meaning that it is in a fixed, or solid position, as opposed to a spring-loaded ejector. There is no problem with the ejector.


Please, Jeff don't use targets like that. I know you don't intend it, but that can be construed to be totally racist and sexist. A lot of people misinterpet so many things already, don't give them more ammo.

Thanks, Mike

October 27, 2016

Those targets are actually dark green, and women say they want to be treated like men!


Hi Jeff, 

Just saw your youtube video regarding the election. It was excellent specifically the implications at stake regarding the 2nd Amendment.

Your clarity of words and down to earth presentation was simply outstanding.

Thank you for all you do.

Bryant Gross

October 25, 2016

Dear Gunblast: I just read your report on the Ruger Mk 4. I have owned a number of earlier marks, going back to a quite early first model. I basically didn't like any of them. I hated the takedown system and gave up on it. I'd take the grip panels off, if removable (not in the older 22/45s) and throw the pistol into a bucket with a couple of inches of mineral spirits. Slosh it around good and blow it out with an air hose. My Ruger cleaning system. But I also have a collection of Woodsmans of all eras, and several High Standards including the to of the line Citation; also a very good S&W M41; and a Browning Medalist. When shooting Bullseye, I used the M41. I had bought a slab side target MkII or III, with an Aimpoint, but I couldn't shoot that gun for beans. So I sold it. I have no Ruger pistols at present, though I have lots of their revolvers, most from the hands of my friend Hamilton Bowen. So on the strength of your report, I will take a gander at the new model. 


Alex Doster

October 6, 2016

Keep me posted, and say "hello" to Hamilton for me.


Jeff, Your website is always my "go to" source when I purchase a new firearm. Your review on the Remington RM 380 was extremely accurate and conformed to my experience. Furthermore, in the past I had a question about a safety issue in relation to a firearm which you responded to immediately via email. I rarely even consult other sites!


Caliente, Nevada

October 6, 2016


Outstanding report on the Ruger Mark IV. It is a long time coming, and sales should go through the roof. As stated, disassembly of the older models is a pita, and unless you did it on a regular basis, is frustrating, curse inducing, and time consuming. 

At my place, I had to announce in advance the time of disassembly. At that time, momma left to go shopping, the dog had to be let out, and the cats hid under the bed. This is no longer the case.

Great article describing the approach Ruger should have taken years ago.

Thanks, Paul

October 5, 2016

hey Jeff. I just want to thank you for all of gun reviews that you have done over the years. when I want to know more about firearms in more depth always end up checking out gunblast first.!


October 1, 2016

Ruger hit a home run with the new Mark IV. I love the easy takedown (who doesn't?). I never thought we'd see the day where Ruger would get rid of the loaded chamber indicator and key lock on their classic Mark series of pistols, but that day has arrived. It looks like a classic Ruger again without those stupid features.


September 28, 2016

Thank you for reviewing the Ruger SR1911 9mm. You also suggested purchasing the Galco Avenger holster. I purchased both of them and couldn't be more happier.


September 12, 2016

Good choices.


I read a couple of your very negative remarks that you NEVER run STEEL cased ammo through your rifles. 

If you never used or tested it, upon what have you based your strong and negative opinion? 

I'm really disappointed that you seem to have made a recommendation against steel cased ammo without having any first hand experience that you could use to justify your position. No shooting. No nothing.

Well, I guess you can say whatever opinion you want without evidence because your website is your soapbox.

I bought a couple hundred rounds of Tula .223 rem to run through my brand new Savage Axis. And do you know what I think about that cheap steel cased ammo? I DON'T HAVE AN OPINION BECAUSE I HAVEN'T SHOT ANY YET! I have read (but not tested myself) that the steel used in these cases is soft steel, and is only slightly harder than brass cases. Will my Axis prove to be so wimpy as to be damaged by Tula or Wolf cheap stuff? My research on I-net and YouTube indicates no rifle damage, but perhaps a little less accuracy out there past 300 yards.

Holy crap! That probably means that my 25 cent bullet is likely to miss that 9" paper plate out there at 500 yards instead of hitting it with a bullet that cost $1.00. But on the other hand, I can shoot 4 times with the cheap stuff for every 1 shot with the premium bullet. I think it'd be more fun to shoot the 4 cheap bullets.

I won't bother to tell you if the Tula shoots far and accurate cause you wouldn't change your opinion anyway. 

Jack, Las Vegas

September 6, 2016

I have fired thousands of rounds of the Russian steel-cased ammo. Not through my guns, but through others, like test guns. I never stated that it would not fire nor that it was inaccurate. You made that up in your head. I do not use it in MY rifles because it leaves a lacquer residue in the chambers. I try to use premium ammo in my rifles. The ONLY reason that people buy the Russian ammo is because it is cheap. If it cost more than quality American-made ammo, you would not have bought the steel-cased stuff. However, last month, I decided to give Tula another chance, so I purchased 100 rounds of Tula 30 Carbine ammo. 40 percent failures to fire, even with multiple strikes by the firing pin. Brass-cased American and Philippine ammo fired 100 percent in the same rifle. Armscor costs more than Tula, but I ordered three cases of Armscor 30 Carbine ammo. The Tula 30 Carbine ammo is sub-standard.


First I wanna tell you alittle bit about myself. My name is Phil Green, I'm 58 years old. I quit school my senior year, "10th grade" as a professional musician, playing guitar in a blues band. All I play is the blues, rock & jazz. After 15 years of that madness I came home opened up a music store, then another, and eventually i settled in just a guitar shop building and repairing guitars. I have a farm on Cheaha Mountain near the State Park in Alabama. I've been here for 26 years. I still repair and build guitars but now as i want to. I shoot alot.. I love riding my Made in The U. S. A. 2016 Victory Vegas, hunting predators, and man I have a lot of them. I got hogs running my creeks. Talladega Creek runs through my place. In this area there's coyotes, wolves, mountain lions and black bear. Man it's som'm else. Most folks wouldn't believe all of that is on Cheaha Mountai, but brother it is.. well enough of that.. Brother you have the best show going. Your personality is so down-to-earth and genuine. I have great respect for someone that doesn't try to be anyone but who they are... I go through alot of guns because I want to know for myself instead of taking someone else's word for it. But in your case, I completely trust your opinion, and I don't trust anyone. You're a good man... You are welcome to come shoot Critters anytime you like, "and pan for gold", (that's just between you and me)... Keep on keep'n it real brother.

Phil Green

August 11, 2016

Thank you, Sir. I just might show up down there someday soon.


Hello: I really enjoy your videos, but I tried to purchase the beef jerky and it is no longer available from Brownells. Keep up the good work...


August 2, 2016

You can also purchase direct from:


Jeff, Ever since l ran across your site l have gone to it just about every day. I am 74 yrs young, l have been enjoying your website to the fullest. I spent (3) yrs US Army , 61-64 /(24) yrs city police and (15) yrs security and l still carry to this day. I agree wholeheartedly with your statement regarding what's coming within our country. Thank you for the information you have put out for us. Respectfully, 


May 10, 2016

Jeff you have a great site, The BEST of the few I look at. You understand what it's all about, Nothing fancy just the FACTs. You are the MAN. I just hope in "OUR" future the Politicians will realize we are just normal human beings that don't mean any harm to regular people, but if we have to, WE as a people have a right to protect ourselves. GOD Bless You SIR. Rick Brubaker. Communist California, Soon to Leave and take my money with me. Take care & again Thank You


April 23, 2016


I just read your article "Thoughts on Muzzleloading" posted on September 26, 2004.

You discussed something I've been wondering about for a while. Just how often did the old timers (19th century and before) clean their guns and how did they do it?

It just didn't make sense to me that they cleaned them every day with boiling water or soap and water. Yet we're told to do that or our guns will turn to unusable hunks of rust.

I read that Wild Bill Hickok would reload his Navy Colt every day. But I've read nothing about how he cleaned it or how often. Not only did he have to deal with the same black powder issues we have, I'm willing to bet his percussion caps were corrosive too.

Paul Matthews talks a great deal about bullet lubes in his books. He says basically the same thing you do. Stay away from petroleum based lubes if you're shooting black powder.

Thanks for a very good and thought provoking article. 


April 11, 2016

Thank you for that feedback, Sir. The rifle in that article that I discuss not cleaning for years, still has not been cleaned a dozen years later. It fires off perfectly every year.


Just watched your report on the Kahr CM40. Just like to tell you I have a Kahr P9 COVERT (no loner made). I think this was the best of the breed. I have THOUSANDS of round thru this will NEVER a malfunction. I purchased it when I retired (Police Officer) in 1999 and carry it daily and qualify with it annually. I am a strong Kahr fan - this P9 Covert is the best defense gun I have ever owned.


March 14, 2016

Hi Jeff,

As many others write and tell you, I would also like to say that I appreciate the way you review and explain the various firearm and ammo brands at your Gunblast site. I recently purchased two Bersa pistols, the Thunder .22 and the .380, after visiting Gunblast and reading and watching your reviews of them. I have to tell you that you are right on about them. They are well made and well shooting little guns, and I couldn't be happier with them both. Please keep up the good work and have a great 2016!

Marine 61

January 23, 2016

Excellent choice! They are great little pistols.


Hi Jeff, I have asked you at least one question and was very pleased to get a prompt answer, with I might add good advice. Result I picked up an old Mk1 Ruger 77 International in 308. Think it is about 1984 made. I put a heavy German 1.5-5 Vx3 on it, good for old eyes. I am sticking with Leupold scopes AS it turned out the old thing shoots well with 150Gn Speer Deep Curls a 30/30 projectile, but is most accurate with Sierra RN 150 gn Pro Hunters(2153), last box cost $57 Au , but worth it. Bill Ruger was a great designer. Whilst much is expected of sporting rifles nowdays, target accuracy expected , I think a little carbine like this one is a fine thing for an old man like me to carry. The only 2 shots fired in the field were at about 140 yards and both laid the animals down on the spot. I believe the rifle and most of the box of Sierra's will be in my last will and testament. I am greatly influenced and appreciative of you web page and advice.

But Jeff that's not what I am writing about.

Very briefly I wish to draw your attention to the Australian 1996 Gun Laws so much touted as the future of the way forward in America. Out of 1996 Federal Gun Laws, we finished up with registration of all firearms even BB guns. WE lost all our semi auto rifles shotguns and pump action shotguns. The Fed Gvt. put a price on them and compulsory purchased them (Buy Back) .. At a cost of $500 Million out of the health care budget. It is estimated some 80000+ were not handed in (how it was calculated I don't Know) When I say lost, the average shooter cant get a c/d class licence for any of the above. We still have heaps of Gun Crime with unlicensed firearms , in the inner west sections of Sydney's west almost daily shootings occur. We have had 2 terrorist events with illegal firearms in about the last 12 months. Total of 4 killed. Two killed outside a west Sydney Police Headquarters , when a 15 Year old Jihadi shot an accountant coming out of the building, in turn he was shot by a police officer. The illegal Pistol was likely given to the 15 year old at the local Mosque,. Pistols have been under strict licence control since 1920. I heard the pistol was a ww 2 variant. The other incident 2 were killed one by the islamist, with a 50 year old Pump action shotgun using 30 year old ammo , so the gun laws on Pump Shotguns did not work. The perpetrator was out on bail over charges relating to the murder of his wife. The second victim was killed by a police bullet, she was a leading Sydney Lawyer.

But want I really want you to know that come March 2016 a national inquiry into lever action shotguns and rifles will be released by fed and state think tank (Police commissioners task force) as to weather they should join the list previously mentioned. Auto's pump's ect. Here is the rub if they are reclassified from A/B classification to C/D classification, they will have to be handed in at no cost to GVT. Americans should know about this move as it puts a new light on the intent of our laws,

So the whole method of confiscation of guns by our Gvt. is along the lines of boiling the frog.

I don't wish to disrespect your President , but if he can get a record of every firearm Transaction in the USA, even between family members he has the basis of registration, in time he can ask for details of firearm on the back ground check , and have a good start on registration. I believe there is a law or constitutional matter that prevents registration in the USA.

Hope this keeps you in some picture of so Called perfect Australian Gun laws.

By The way recently a guy smuggled 200 Glock pistols and thousands of rounds of ammo into Australia via Australia post to an Eastern Sydney Post office. Post and Custom officers I believe from certain groups were corrupt.

I am a fairly conservative hunter. My eyes getting a little dim. Recently I had to retire from my pistol club, as I had to give up my Pistol Licence , all my old K Frame S&W's had to be sold. Mint K frame Masterpiece went for a bit over $200.

You have a great constitution ,I hope it stands for a long time. Best wishes


NSW Australia

January 9, 2016

Jeff, Thanks for your review on the Ruger American pistol. I went to your page first and was surprised you had not put out a review video yet. I now know you were under the weather. Get well soon! We are counting on you to bring us SHOT show 2016. Thanks again for a great review

Greg K 


January 1, 2016

Hi Jeff,

As always, I enjoy reading your articles, and watching your video reviews of different firearms. I was browsing the website, and ran across the article, "Poor Boys' Trigger Job". I have a New Model Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Magnum Bisley Model, so this article really got my attention. I've never been real happy with the stiff, `gritty' feel as I pulled the hammer back. I also had considered a trigger job, as the trigger pull was pretty heavy. I didn't like that `surprise' hammer release when shooting it, especially a .44 Magnum. So, I grabbed the revolver, and did the trigger marrying technique first. I'm amazed! I've had this revolver for a few years, have put about 500 rounds through it, and still had that stiff, gritty hammer pull. After 10 times of the trigger marrying technique, this baby is REALLY smooth! Next, I took the grip panels off, and released one side of hammer spring, as you show in the article and photos. Reassembled it, and... WOW! What a difference! This revolver is like a completely changed animal. I've somewhat avoided this revolver until now, as I just didn't like the feel of the hammer, and the stiff trigger pull, which made that moment of recoil unpredictable, and uncomfortable. Not to mention that this also affected accuracy, and the pleasure of shooting it. These simple, and free tips have made this gun interesting now. Without even shooting it, I have a new love for it. Thank you so much for these tips, and thank you for all the work you put into Gunblast. com. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the site, and how valuable just these two tips have been, as well as the other articles that have been a great help. I now have a `tamed' and enjoyable Super Blackhawk Bisley .44 Magnum. God bless you, my friend, and your family. Take care. I look forward to finding more `treasures' on the site.


November 22, 2015

Well, I don't usually provide feedback for much but I just had to express my appreciation for what I feel is the best presentation on weapons on the internet. Jeff, you and your partners have produced an excellent website on the subject.

I've been on a google amount of sites, trying to gain more insight into the weapons I am interested in and of course end up looking at things I didn't think I was interested in. So, nearly every time I go onto your site, I am either late for dinner or something but I am transfixed by the quality of your presentations. No fluff, straight talk and reliable information that I don't have to learn on my own.

I want to thank you and everyone behind the scenes for providing an excellent product.

All the best!

Capt. Rob Taylor, Missouri

November 16, 2015


I am yet another appreciative fan of your body of work, so thank you very much for the great work. My grandchildren are also fans. I have thought of sharing this little story with you for a while now, and finally decided to get a subscription, and communicate with you guys.

I have shared your appreciation of the No. 1 Ruger since the first ad for them appeared in print. I put off owning one for a long time, as life in general was a priority. About three or so years ago I saw the Gunblast review video of the blued 1A in 35 Whelen, and decided that it was time. Well, lets just say that It has become my go-to rifle. I took a few hogs using the open sights, but these middle-aged eyes argued too much. So a little 1x3 scope went on, and it's been Katy bar the door ever since. Stalking pigs in river bottoms with it is my favorite past time now - and those 200 gr. superformance shells are something else.

My best hunting moment to date was at the very end of a late season, spot-and-stalk nilgai hunt in south Texas. A sitting shot at a tad under 300 yards went through the bull and lodged in the outside of the offside hide. With days of pretty tough stalking and crawling depending on that one shot, I now have more confidence in that little Ruger than anything I have ever used. And I am now a believer in the usefulness of low power scopes.

Being that I am just an average (or below average) hunter, marksman or whatever, the tip about this Lipseys special from you guys has ended up really boosting my confidence and my enjoyment of hunting. And I just wanted to say thanks for your part in that.

Have a great hunting year, fellas. Keep up the good work.

Mark, Nacogdoches TX

October 31, 2015

I just came in from getting up from the shooting bench trying to sight in my Ruger 10/22 takedown NRA model. I had been experiencing a lack of tight groups and I had been experimenting with the adjustments knob to tighten the barrel to the receiver . The last and most successful groups were fired with no tension on the barrel or forearm and with the adjustment knob set as snug and I could get the two halves of the rifle to go together.

When I came in the house I got on the iPad and searched Google for " Ruger 10/22 takedown review " and I found Jeffs web site.

Basically everything I had just done, Jeff had already done! I should have ready his site on the Ruger 10/22 takedown rifle first. It might have saved me a few hundred rounds of .22 long rifle.

Thank you though Jeff. It's nice see reconfirmed once it a while that I'm on the right track.

Nice site by the way. I enjoyed the video also! Keep up the good work!


October 19, 2015

Hard to find info on the little Ruger 77/44. Knew you would come through with a review. Thanks a lot for the wealth of information to be found at gunblast. 

Best Regards, 

Antukavo Thorn 

October 19, 2015


I just read the older article honoring the .30 WCF... very refreshing. I own several rifles, but my Model 1894 from 1917 is, by far, my favorite! Where I used to live in Alabama there were a lot of feral dogs which traveled in packs. I had a small child, and as I'm sure you know, feral dogs are not afraid of humans, and children are simply easy prey. I always kept my trusty '94 handy, so that when I saw them on the edge of the woods, I could dispatch a couple of them quickly. Thin the pack, so to speak. Most of the shots were between 150-200 yards, and it was rare that a dog would require a second shot. That old Winchester went with me (as well as a sidearm) whenever I ventured into those woods.) To me, the .30 WCF is the perfect balance between power and manageability. As you pointed out, there's got to be a reason why it is still one of the most popular rifle rounds in the U. S. It may not be a sniper round, but it is plenty powerful enough for most tasks.

Thanks again,


October 11, 2015

Hi, Jeff.

I wanted to thank you for your review of the Ruger GP100 .357 Wiley Clapp Edition revolver. I had considered purchasing one, but wanted some reviews and opinions of it first. Of course, I came to Your review really helped me make my decision. And, since our local gun ranges (Columbus, OH) don't have the Wiley Clapp Edition available to rent, or try out, seeing you fire it, and describe it, as well as your ballistic reviews and charts, were really helpful. So, after reading your review, and watching your video, I purchased one today, and I couldn't be happier. It just happened to be the last one available in our area. Thanks so much for your research, thorough review, and the video. They were a great help in my decision to purchase a great revolver.

Alan C.

Columbus, OH

October 10, 2015

Was looking for some load data for my Ruger Super Redhawk in 480 Ruger when I ran across your article Reloading for the .480 Ruger. Serendipity! Agree thoroughly with your assessment of the gun and its load. I'm amazed that this platform and accompanying ammo isn't more popular than it is. Anyone who feels they need a bit more umph than a .44 mag yet doesn't want to lug a .460 or .500 Smith around should be clamoring for this revolver. Anyone who wants to sample the waters in the .475 realm without attaching a spigot to the bottom of their retirement account should be sending Ruger annual Christmas cards in appreciation for coming out with the .480 Ruger. The only change I would want (and eventually made) is a shorter barrel for ease of holster carry. After owning one for a couple of years I sent it off to Mag-Na-Port and had them do their .480 Advantage conversion, where they shorten the barrel and port it. What a sweet field gun to accompany me and my rifle in bear country!

Best regards and keep up the good work!


September 28th, 2015

Over the years I have counted and depended on the information written on Jeff's site. With out a doubt the reviews written in detail, I have found to hold true, just wanted to say Thanks and keep the information flowing. Great Job Sir!


September 27th, 2015

Jeff, I truly enjoy reading your reviews and appreciate the fact that you have always answered my questions quickly. It's nice to get the opinions of a gun guy and all the recommendations you have given me have been spot on. 

Thank you and keep up the great work.


September 25th, 2015

Hi Jeff,

Whenever I research guns and gear, Gunblast is first on my list. There are only a few sites that really have their eh,,,, act together. You are certainly one of them. You have become one of the leading authorities for accurate, "cut to the bottom line" information. Thanks for the great site.

Paul from Iowa

September 16th, 2015

I just read your article on the new Lipsey's Ruger Bisley revolvers in the 454 and 480 calibers. Thank you for being the most honest and down to Earth gun Reviewer that I know. Keep up the good job that you always do.

Have a good day to you.


August 27th, 2015

Hello Jeff, This is my first time visiting your web site, and I LIKE IT very much. I am really pleased with the very helpful article on the circuit judge I just bought. I didn't get any literature with it, and I had a lot of questions regarding use, handling, cleaning, chokes, and more. Every thing I needed to know about this unique handgun, shotgun combo was right before my eyes. I was surprised to learn that the choke is LEFT handed threads. I worked for about ten minutes, trying to get the choke out. After going on the internet to try to find more information on my new Play Toy, I got really lucky finding your site, and it is the most concise and helpful article I have ever encountered. You can bet that when I have more questions regarding my firearms collection, I will be sure to check your web site FIRST!! Again, Thank You folks for your wonderful article and a great website. 

Best Regards, 

Bill Jones, Owner, Jones Tree Surgery, Carlock, IL

September 12, 2015


Many thanks for your review of the Ruger Mini 14 Tactical in caliber 300 BLK. Your honest appraisal of the workings of the rifle helped me decide to buy one. I was not disappointed. I topped it with an Aimpoint H-1 micro red dot. It shoots as good as I can. Ergonomics are familiar to me as an old hunter. I couldn't be more pleased.



September 12, 2015

Excellent choice!


Hi Jeff: I just want to write to you and state that your presentation on the SR45 Ruger was the best I have seen ... period. You make the viewer feel relaxed and comfortable.


September 8, 2015

Hi Jeff,

My .02. You do such a through job of putting a handgun in perspective, that I am loathe to note this little issue.

I am not one to worry much about bench testing for mechanical accuracy. I write for another website and constantly finding myself discussing the difference between using a rest versus standing and delivering shots in a manner appropriate to actual usage. 

It would be nice if you could provide some kind of commentary about both though. Depending on the handgun, if it's a snub revolver or microcompact auto, bench results with several types of ammo at 15 instead of 25 yards would be useful.

Also, firing impressions while using the pistol with a PACT timer to include some level of stress and rapid fire at likely defensive ranges would also be equally useful.

I find myself in agreement with Clint Smith's commentary about "not being to carry around a bench rest" daily, but it would be interesting to show both sides of the coin here. How it feels, how it compares to like competitors, difficulty of field-stripping, tiny parts easily lost, and so on.

Thank you for being such an interesting and valuable online resource.

Warm Regards,

David T.

August 27th, 2015

I try to use a rest whenever possible, because the reader/viewer does not want to find out how well Jeff Quinn can shoot. He wants to know what the gun will do. For that reason, whether rifle or handgun, I try hard to take my ability or lack thereof out of the process.


Good article on 9mm LCR Ruger. Just bought one took it to the range and firing some Winchester 9 mm fired flawlessly but when I got to the federal brand 9mm 115 g The fifth round would walk right out of the cartridge this happen repeatedly so I don't know if it's the ammunition or a particular box of bad ammo. Kind of scary when the fifth round would not chamber because the bullet was sticking out of the revolver preventing it from turning This box of ammunition works fine on my Glock 19 There are some issues with this find a gun with the ammunition or the gun or both so the gun is not flawless Just thought I would share my experience if anybody else is had this happen please let me know any suggestions thank you very much I think the Smith and Wesson 38. concealed hammer shoots a lot smoother straighter and handles nicer Thanks everyone have a great night.


August 19th, 2015

That is an ammo problem. It is not faulty ammo, as it was designed for use in an autoloading pistol, but it is just not compatible with this revolver.


Thanks for the article on the 1911-380, I've been curious about it.

I have a CZ 380, which I like, however I'm not a very big guy, and after trying out the Browning at my sporting goods store I use, this pistol fits my hand real comfortably, also I can quick eject the Magazine easier, not to mention the slide is much easier than the CZ to work.

The article was very well put together and informative, Thank You, as you can imagine NOW I NEED one!!


August 19th, 2015

Just picked up a kahr pm9 after watching your vid. Have to say the trigger is one of the smoothest I have ever felt. Shoots where I point. Thank you for your vid wouldn't have ever even consider looking at one if not for you. Thank you. 


August 15, 2015

I'm sorry it took me so long to find your site. It is hard to find all the information (especially all the dimensions) on any particular firearm; yet your site has everything I needed. Using your archives I have been able to find a lot of the information I needed to make firearm comparisons. You would think all manufactures would include every dimension on all their firearms, well like I said you would think.... 

I appreciate your straight forward reviews. 



July 28, 2015

I have found that more often than not, manufacturers are off a bit on their weights and measurements. For example, they often list a pistol's weight without a magazine.


Gunblast YOU are the BEST! Performed the Poor Boy's trigger job on my new Ruger Vaquero and works like a charm! What a HUGE difference and very K. I. S. S. Keep up the excellent work!


July 30, 2015

Excel MP-5.7 Review

All, this is my first post here, and I would like to recount for you my success with a fine Excel Arms product, the MP-5.7. I would like to do this.. I would also like to have hair, but that isn't happening either. Let me jump right into it.

I returned from Afghanistan in early 2014, and decided I wanted to purchase a 5.7 chambered pistol. The Excel looked like a bargain, and the longer bull barrel promised an increased velocity. I shopped gunbroker, and eventually struck a deal in November for just under $600.00, including the FFL transfer and shipping. 

The pistol arrived shortly after, and in December, I went to the range with my new acquisition to take the measure of the pistol. This was somewhat curtailed by the minor fact that the pistol DID NOT FIRE. Not only did this new, out of the box pistol not fire, it did not even show a primer strike in several dozen attempts. I have purchased 110 year old Colts, new pistols from Kel-Tec to Sig and have never, ever, had a turd out of the box, but I surely had one now.

I went on to the Excel website, and contacted them immediately... nothing. I waited a month, and repeated the procedure. nothing. I called, and was trapped in the hell of endless phone message, so I wrote again, and on 21 May 2015, I received the following response:

"Hello - Sorry to hear about your trouble.

Can you check to be sure the screws, specifically the rear screw on the top of the pistol rib is snug down tight with the allen Hex wrench.

The screws can become loose and this will cause malfunctions. They need to be kept snug down tight.

If after you have checked the screws, then you can send the firearm into us to check out for you.

Your Return Authorization number is RA# XXXXX.

Ship it to our address listed below. Do not include any live rounds, but do include your magazines.

Please fill out the warranty card and send it in to activate the warranty.



While not exactly pleased with being told to repair my own firearm before sending it in, I tried it, no joy. I shipped the pistol to Excel Arms, which Fed Ex (on my dime) confirmed arrived on 29 May 2015.

Insert long pause of hearing nothing here, not even an email confirming receipt.

I wrote an email to Kathy on 01 June (no response) and a second on 10 July 2015, which stated the following:

"Second Inquiry (first un-responded) as to the status of my pistol. I am becoming.... concerned."

On 12 July 2015, I received the following reply"


The firearm is here. I will get back to you on Monday or Tuesday to advise.



Since then (it is now the early hours of 18 July 2015) I have not heard a word, through any of the vast communications options available. I have no pistol, no $600.00 and even if I received the item back tomorrow, it would be forever stained in my mind by indifferent and slipshod construction, followed by perversely bad customer service. This is a firearm, a somewhat serious product, and this bunch seems to care about neither their customers nor their reputation.

So I am posting here, and to every related discussion board I can find. Please consider my experience with the Excel Arms MP-5.7 before you purchase this shiny doorstop. The typical negative customer service experience gets related between 11 and 20 times, I am going to try to better this number, and perhaps in doing so can create pressure on Excel Arms to better their customer focus.


WMD (CIB, Purple Heart)

July 18, 2015

Keep me posted. That is horrible customer service. A new pistol should work. That is not too much to ask, but if it does not, the company should put out an honest effort to correct the problem.



After reading your article on the Charles Daily Baby Sharps I found a new gun in the box. It's in 22 Hornet equipped with Lee Shaver mid range Soul tang sight and hooded spirit level front sight. I added a Hadley eyecup. This has been a fun little rifle for small game and coyotes. Thank you for the article and heads-up on this one.



July 17, 2015


I realize it has been a long while since you did the review on the Taurus Poly PT22. Ironically, I picked up that same model shortly before I found your review and was greatly encouraged by your review. Although in some sense I agree with your assessment that there are better calibers than the 22LR, however, I disagree that it is only ideal for those who can't handle recoil, etc. I have found the little PT22 really handy, especially lately. 

I had been somewhat embarrassed to let people know what I carried for EDC until this past year. Jim Taylor has been encouraging me a lot about my choice even after me pestering him a LOT about my 41 Blackhawk. I have also been doing a lot more research on the effectiveness of the 22 in comparison to the bigger calibers. 

More recently, Mr. Taylor introduced me to the site (again after pestering him with questions), and that's how I was introduced to Hal Swiggett. His quote about the .22 really resonated with me, and I just became a proof of his point. Specifically, he stated, "I know for sure number two gun would be .22 LR and I wouldn't feel totally naked if it were to be the ONLY gun. In my opinion,.22 LR offers a far wider range of uses than ANY OTHER CALIBER. You can have fun with it; you can eat with it, you can defend yourself with it and yes, even kill some mighty big game with it-if need be. As to how it is carried makes little difference-so long as it is handy which means with you all the time."

That brings me back to the little PT22. I have found that it has been really easy to carry with me almost everywhere I go. I have gotten so used to it, that I almost forgot to take it out when I picked up my sister in law from the airport when she visited. The only place I really can't take it with me is at work, and that is because of their strict policy. It really is hand and is with me all the time. 

To further prove Mr. Swiggett's point, recently, I had it with me on my second ever hunt. Back in April I went out rabbit hunting (first time ever hunting), and didn't see a thing. A week ago Monday was my second time hunting. I ended up using my PT22 for my first successful attempt at taking game. I attached the picture to prove it. Now, it didn't seem like the 22 HP expanded, but it did do the job at about 15-18 feet. (We won't mention that I missed the first shot at 10, and only concentrate on the good shot).

Anyway, I thought I would relay my story a little bit to say that the PT22 can be more useful than first realized.

I also wanted to take the time and thank you for what you do, especially for those of us who came to firearms later in life and still have a lot to learn. I also appreciate your courage to express your faith without apology. Growing up as a Baptist preacher's kid, it is rare that I see someone widely known from my heritage. Again, I appreciate what you and your family do.

God Bless, and thank you for listening to the rambling of a stranger.


July 15, 2015

Very good choice. I recently ran across a good deal on the PT22, and bought five of them. You can't have too many.


Appreciate the concise clear way your investigative reports are presented ... enjoyed reading about the "Bond firearm" products . ...


July 8, 2015

I've always enjoyed your site, met you a couple times at SHOT Show.

Regarding your testing of the .300 Blackout in the Ruger Mini, I do wonder why you suggest the cartridge is ballistically superior to the 7.62X39? Using Fiocchi 123 gr ammo, my Mini30 runs noticeably faster than anything you show in the table. It runs 2470fps over an Oehler chronograph. An added advantage is that 7.62x39 ammo is vastly more readily available than .300 Black out.

Have not clocked what I would call defensive ammo such as Winchester 123 gr softpoint ammo. Keep up the good work. 


June 16, 2015

Thanks for that feedback, Don. I do not believe that I stated that the Blackout was superior, or at least I did not intend to infer that. To quote from the review: "The 300 Blackout has ballistics that are similar to the 7.62x39mm in its supersonic form, but the 300 is much more efficient, and is also available in a subsonic form, which is preferred by many for use in sound-suppressed weapons." While the 7.62x39 does have higher velocity in its supersonic form, the difference is not enough to be noticeable within the practical range of these cartridges, and the Blackout is also available with much heavier bullets in its subsonic form. However, the 7.62x39 is a dandy cartridge, and has served well for decades.


Hi Jeff,

I wanted to thank you for your great website. It is very informative and often amusing and always gets down to the nitty gritty. Thanks again and take care for now.


May 31, 2015

Hey Jeff,

No question, but just read article on mini blackout. Got to have one. I have the 223 and 6.8, both great rifles.

I am left handed also, and like the mini's for their friendliness to us lefties. Also great rifle to start kids on. From a distance I can see if loaded and cocked and position of safety. I've shorten the lives of many hogs with both calibers, with the 6.8 being as good as any 308, but much easier to lug around.


May 30, 2015

Dear Jeff, I have read your feelings on Henry 1860 Original Rifle. I just took delivery of 3 - Limited Edition consecutive s/n rifles. I made the decision to buy them based on your writings and my personally shooting a Henry Original Rifle. The factory settings brought tight groupings. Thank you for reviewing the Henry.


G. Gardner

May 22, 2015

It is a great rifle, and it is fitting that it is once again made in the USA.


I enjoyed the article on the Century 308, not so much cause I am interested in the gun, but because someone besides me remember that George HW Bush banned the importation of certain "assault weapons" during his time as President! People have a short memory, apparently, as most people I tell this to do not believe me. I remember it very well, as I joined the NRA because of him. Anyway, thanks for bringing it up. 


Tim  - Life Member of the NRA.

March 26, 2015

Yep, and Reagan banned the manufacture of full-auto weapons for civilian sales. 

We must watch ALL politicians, and trust none.


Hi Jeff:

Just finished reading the article on the Browning 1911 .380! Appears to be a decent firearm but I sure would love to see you do a comparison using it, the Sig P 232 and the CZ 83. I would imagine they are similarly sized and in the hunt price wise (in general terms). The CZ has a much higher carrying capacity and I think the Sig probably feels a little better made. It would be interesting to compare the ballistics, accuracy and what have you. A subjective and objective analysis if you will. I know you do not like to diss anyone's products and a comparison would ultimately lead to a favorite or better choice of the 3. I would guess the hard part is having all 3 guns available at one time for testing. I know, I know, apples and oranges, right? Or is it?? Go ahead, stick your neck out and do the comparison for us! Like you don't have anything else to do, right?? Keep up the stellar work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


March 15, 2015

The problem is, that it would be presumptive and arrogant of me to choose a "best", as all three are good pistols, as are the Ruger LC-380 and the Bersa Thunder. I can give details, specs, and note any malfunctions, but I cannot choose a "best' for you, any more than I could pick another man's wife or puppy for him.


I was very impressed with my Glock DPM system. Everyone how has a model 22 knows of the report of the 40. I had a ss guide rod with a 22 lb. ISMI spring and that made a difference in muzzle flip over stock. But I was not satisfied with the target recovery on follow up shots. So I got on the e-web and spent hrs. Researching an alternative. I found this DPM systems RSA. What sold me was a video about the system and a comparison to automotive engine valve springs, I realize not all gun owners are motor heads but I hope you can grasp that if your spinning an engine at eight nine thousand RPM'S the valves have to have a separate spring to close the valve (3) per valve to keep it in time with spinning of the Pistons. I was sold! My glock 22 is 100 percent reliable! And better yet I can double tap and even triple tap much faster now. I was so impressed I bought one for my 17 & 21.


February 9, 2015

Hello Jeff, from up here in Canada.

I am a guy with grey hair, a country fellow with a love for guns, especially shotguns. I have been a duck hunter and grouse hunter all my life since about age 6 or so. Also do the deer thing up here and of course Canada Geese. I sold off most of my shotguns, a pile of old superposed Belgian Brownings from every decade they made them starting in 1931. Browning abandoned their superposed guys when the steel shot came out. I always figured they owed it to the thousands who cherish those old pieces, to come up with a box of wildfowl shot with Browning's name on the box in either bismuth or tungsten matrix. Wouldn't have broke the company to sponsor a load for those terrific old guns. But... I sold em off. My boys won't want to go on an annual treasure hunt looking for shells for the old guns.

I have watched and enjoyed your reviews, but never more than the review that you did for the little model 42 Savage walkabout gun. I just ordered one of these, because I had a few of the old 24's for carrying in the floatplane up north. They could send a bear in another direction, and gave me a nights decent sleep in the tent in areas where bears are guaranteed to visit.

The little 42 attracts a lot of criticism, about the sights, the accuracy etc. People I feel want too much out of a gun which was designed to cover a lot of bases. The 42 like the old 24, is decent to tale a grouse with, bust a rabbit, take a whack at a crow, or to just plink with the .22. The 410 with a slug will stop a larger critter. Great survival gun, and great deepwoods protection for our north. I often carry a Stoeger 20 inch side by side double with double triggers. It is a sorta fail safe bear chaser. It will also shoot our bear banger loads and flares.

When I was trying to decide to buy or not to buy the little 42, I looked at your video again. It is a class act. The gun was very well defined with the right choice of words. I love Dixie too, so your persona is a fit for me and my boys. My youngest actually got a full ride at Wake Forest some years back. he says he likes the way the serve breakfast in the Blue Hills region!

Enjoyed the backcountry music too. Just wanted to say I enjoyed the review, as always, and wished to pass along a sincere compliment for your efforts. The good old USA has been undergoing some troubling times. Your friends to the north feel the pain. We got our gun laws changed recently, and our current government knows that up here in Canada, guns matter. Now we can buy and sell long guns at will, online or person to person without any paperwork. We almost lost that right. American and Canadian country people are a minority. We gotta keep the citiots in check.

Take care of Dixie. Thanks for that great review on the 42. Your films are a class act. Should be on tv.

Steve from Ontario , Canada... and up country...

December 27, 2014


Your gun review web site is the best that I have seen! I recently purchased a S&W Shield (9mm) using your review as a basis for my decision. What a great pistol!

I look forward to future reviews and commend you on your professional work! Thank you!

Best Regards,


December 24, 2014

Thank you, Sir. S&W got The Shield just right.


Jeff - 

I started following you about 6 months ago when I decided to get serious about my shooting. I love your videos - they are to the point and factual; none of the candy-assed ego trips that many "experts" seem to produce. Thank you for your hard work. I am learning a lot about various weapons. I also like your politics - they are the same as mine. just FYI, my favorite handgun is my Colt 1911 .38 Superauto (c. 1927).all original and in excellent shooting order.

Keep up the fine work - and I really enjoy Boge's music.. if you could do a program on red dot sights on handguns, it would be quite interesting.


December 12, 2014

Dear Jeff,

I love your input on all kinds of neat guns. Firing expert with the US Army's M14 rifle in 1968 I seem to be a better rifle shot than most people but every time I started thinking I was good with a certain weapon it seemed like I was around someone that truly was good. Being short with short arms I learned early on that the length of pull on a long gun sure makes a difference in how it shouldered, kicked and handled in general. I was in a NRA Law Enforcement Instructor Work Shop when the 9-11attack happened, doing the Handgun/Shotgun Instructor Class. I have never been a fan of the AR rifle platform that dumped its carbon into the action and I found the sound of the operating spring to be a bother. The articles on the new Robar rifle and the Ruger Scout in .223/5.56 got me to thinking I may need to re-think my positions on rifles in that caliber. I suspect that Ruger may still have a stock that is too long for my preference but it sure looks like a good start and with the Robar coatings my problems with the AR's my have been solved. In the Army from '68 to '81 I never had a AR that I maintained malfunction so I know they can work correctly if the operator does his part. I sure liked your remark about the weight of the Robar rifle and the trend to take a nice quick carbine into something else I won't expound on. Keep up the great work!!!


December 9, 2014

Different than when you was in the service, most ARs (including the new Ruger) have telescoping buttstocks, allowing for quick adjustment of the length of pull.


Hi Jeff. I just wanted so send you and Boge a quick "Thank you" for the excellent work you guys do. GunBlast is a trusted resource for me because you put out a first rate product/service. I never buy a firearm without combing through the GB archives to see if the gun has been reviewed. You put forth the facts about guns in a straight forward way that's easy for even a novice shooter to grasp.

The accuracy of the information you present is also greatly appreciated. I read and watch "reviews " by many others. More often than not these reviewers either do a poor job presenting their findings, don't have much to say because they haven't fired the gun yet, are talking about things they "heard", or present inaccurate/false information.

Such was the case with this fellow who, in his review of the Ruger LCR 9MM, states that the gun has an aluminum frame (it does not) and that it's available with an exposed hammer like the 38 LCRX (it is not).

So thank you, Jeff and Boge, for the quality work you do. BTW, I am the proud owner of a new LCR 9MM as of today. According to my local gun shop I am the first person in these parts to acquire one. I plan on putting some rounds down the short pipe tomorrow. May God bless you, brothers. 


October 31, 2014

Thanks for the kind words. Good choice on the LCR 9mm. I have one in my pocket right now.


I love the site. The article on the Henry 45-70 was very informative. I only have one problem with the gun. After 20 years in the Marine Corps I hate single action pistols and PEEP Sights on a rifle. Glad it is drilled and tapped for a scope.


GYSGT USMC Ret Disabled Vet 

October 30, 2014


Thank you for a top rate article on the 25-35 Winchester. May this great little cartridge go from strength to strength as the new generation discovers its qualities. Years ago a friend of mine acquired a magnificent double rifle made in Dresden in 1922, chambered for the 6.5x52R. Gun dealers here in South Africa were totally perplexed, because they had never heard of the caliber. My friend resized 30-30 brass in a 250 Savage die and developed a load which grouped into less than a minute of angle from cold barrels. That all packed into a 5 and a half pound rifle ! Needless to say he has steadfastly refused to part with it...

Go well and thanks again for a great article.


South Africa

October 30, 2014

Thank you, Sir, and it is good to hear from another shooter on a far-away continent.


Thanks. Myself and a few other officers in my department are carrying Glock 30s off duty. We feel the same way. We appreciate your testing and knowledge. It gives us confidence we have the right off duty weapon in a world with "lone wolfs". Anyway, please everyone be careful with all your firearms. Lock them when not in use and keep them away from children.


October 23, 2014

Hello I have watched many YouTube videos on guns as I am a firm believer in protecting my family and property. As an avid gun enthusiast I have purchased many fine firearms over the years and usually do research based on others opinions from hands on experience. I have always found myself looking for your videos as you are a no nonsense down to earth real person. It is a pleasure to watch your videos as you bring something to these videos that so many lack, and that's class. You come across as a very humble and knowledgeable man which makes it easy to relax and enjoy as well as learn from you. Well before I get to long winded I just wanted to say thank you and god bless.


August 30, 2014

Jeff , I purchased the Ruger LC9S today mainly due to your experience with the gun and a few others. I traded an LC9, which I knew was not for me the first time I fired it , I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it , that trigger was useless. Now this LC9S , that's a different story , the trigger has the feel of an AR-15 it's so light. I am an expert Air Force marksman if that means anything. I bought the LC9 because of my experience with the Ruger SR-22, to this day that is my favorite gun other than my Smith & Wesson 5.56 Tactical rifle, I don't care what ammo you put in it and it shoots it with pin point accuracy. I've learned to trust you on your opinion of a gun. You're straight forward and give all of the statistical data unlike the other sights. I am a licensed ASQ Mechanical Inspector , and your technical data really means a lot to me. Now to get back to dry firing my gun with the supplied Dry Fire magazine . Thanks again , in the LC9 I thought I was stuck with a gun that to me was worthless. Now I've got a gun that I'm sure is going to be very accurate. Thanks Again , 


August 29, 2014

I have found that the key to successfully hitting the broad side of the barn is to fire from INSIDE the barn. This makes it much easier for me!



I just saw your report on the Savage B Mag in .17 WSM. You did a great job and the music was great, how about some Dixie for us Southern Boys. I need to put a scope on my B Mag so I can pop some caps. I want to use it on my farm for coyotes, bobcats, ground hogs and some day prairie. I would like to get some recommendations on scopes from you. In your report, I believe you had a Leopold Mark IV in 8.5 x 24. Please give me some ideals on a scope, and also what type of scope mount did you have on your B Mag.

Thank you,


August 5, 2014

The B-mag has standard Weaver type mounts. For hunting, I would prefer a good 3 to 9 power Leupold or Redfield.

I've been trying to get an acoustic version of Dixie for our videos for a couple of years now. Boge won't listen to me, maybe he will listen to you!


Yo Butch.

Great article on the mdl 19-3. I am a retired LEO, from back when we had to actually write reports with pencil and paper, and the SWAT team was deployed only in the most rare and vicious of situations. I was issued a mdl 15 initially, and it was a fine weapon... but after my first shooting I learned that after the first few seconds, if there is still an opponent alive, he would probably be heading for some serous cover. Thus my immediate interest in the mdl 19. I bought and carried my 6 inch 19-3 as my duty weapon and carried the same in 2 1/2 inch as my back up. I have shot somewhere in the neighborhood of 5000 rounds thru the 6 inch and maybe half of that in the shorty. I have never, ever had any problem with the cracks you researched, so I was always perplexed at people bad mouthing my beloved mdl 19-3's. I was trained to shoot a combat style that was all double action and I have never seen any revolver that is smoother than a mdl 19-3 right out of the blue box. Shooting them only makes them better. The bluing is beautiful and tough. And if you cover the blue with a high quality car wax and buff it off, the finish is almost bulletproof. After years of being carried in a Hoyt break front holster, in all kinds of weather and tough situations the 6 inch is probably 80 percent in the blue. Still shoots like a laser. The 2 1/2 inch has to be experienced to be believed as it is almost as accurate as the 6 inch. Bill Jordan got the mdl 19 right, and S&W produced a classic revolver!

Thanks for making this Old Law Dog smile.

Eric, now of Montana

July 14, 2014

Very good article on the new Marlin rifles, particularly the Cowboy 1895CB .45-70 Gov't. I've been reading Gunblast articles for a few years and I believe that I can trust Jeff's reviews over any published magazine articles. Thanks for the honest opinions. Glad to hear that Marlin really is on the way back!


July 11, 2014

I am responding to an post that I read in your forum about the "Miami Massacre" and would like to set the record straight for you and your readers. I was former police detective in the state of Florida at the time of this incident. Approximately one month after it happened I attended the Advanced Investigator School in Orlando Fl. which was part of the CALES Program ( Center For Advanced Law Enforcement Studies ) here in Florida. this training was provided for experienced police detectives through FDLE. ( Florida Department of Law Enforcement ) One of our instructors was Sgt. Dave Rivers from Miami Metro Dade who was the lead investigator ( even though this was an incident involving the FBI, it happened in their juridiction which made MIami Metro Dade the lead agency in this investigation.) Understandably this was a hot topic during our training and Sgt. Rivers not only showed us the actual crime scene photo's, but discussed openly with us the events as they happened so that we could take this information back to our respective agencies for future training purposes. The information that I am about to share ( most of which was not released to the public ) are some interesting facts related to us by Sgt. Rivers. Of the agents involved in the rolling stakeout that day were three FBI agents that were on the FBI's tactical team. ( Dove, Grogan & Risner ) For that reason those agents were armed with S&W model 59's with loaded with first generation WW Silvertips. ( most of the other agents were armed with S&W 3 inch Model 13's loaded with the now famous 38spl. 158 grain lswhp now referred to as the FBI load ) In the approximately first twenty seconds of the gunfight, Platt was wounded by Dove but continued to fight. The gunfight lasted almost five minutes and according to Sgt. Rivers the coroner stated that if Platt had been in the emergency room at the time he was wounded, he still could not have survived. The bullet entered under his armpit and then proceeded diagonally across his chest. This is one of the many documented failures of first generation Silvertips which was unfortunately the issue ammunition at our agency as well. Platt did all of the damage firing approximately one hundred and fifty three rounds and Matrix reportedly only fired six from his 357 mag revolver. There were also two agents assigned to this rolling stakeout as well and both of these agents were armed with H&K MP5's. Both of those agents missed the gunfight for the following reasons. The agents had dressed casually for this rolling stakeout and when Platt and Matrix pulled out in front of them ( leaving the bank ) in Cohazo's stolen Monte Carlo, one of the unidentified agents with the MP5, broke off from the rest and went into the bank to see if they had just robbed it. The other agents involved continued to follow the Monte Carlo and shortly thereafter engaged the bad guys. Unfortunately the one agent with the MP5 missed the fight because he was in the bank and according to Rivers' could not convince the bank employee's that he was actually an FBI agent because of his casual dress. The other agent armed with an MP5 was and I quote " sitting on the can in a Gulf station and did not have a portable radio so he also missed the fight". None of the agents was wearing a vest ( not that it would have helped much ) and Grogan reportedly was running down the street holding his vest in front of him. Agent Manuzzi was not even wearing his gun at the time the fight started. He had removed his firearm from his briefcase and put it between his legs. When his vehicle collided with their's his passenger door opened and he stated he saw his gun fly out of the passenger door before it again closed shut. Subsequent investigation revealed that his firearm was wedged between the door and the seat which rendered him unarmed and also missing the fight. At the end of the fight Agent Mireles, had been wounded in the forearm with a 223 round fired by Platt. He was sitting on the ground at the rear of the car reloading his shotgun and firing it at Matrix and Platt who were badly wounded and sitting in their vehicle a point blank range. During this exchange Matrix exited the vehicle and walked up to Mireles and fired six rounds from his 357 revolver at a distance of approximately six feet. Obviously Mireles was not hit and the explanation given by Sgt. Rivers was that at this point Matrix was losing consciousness and his vision was blurred. Matrix then stumbled back to the vehicle and againd tried to drive away with the also badly wounded Platt. This is when Agent Mireles walked up to the vehicle and emptied his Model 13 into both suspects finishing the fight. Unfortunately as we all know, two Agents lost their lives in this gunbattle but we all learned some valuable lessons as a result of this tragic incident. I have not shared this information since 1986 but I thought now it was time to let others know the rest of the story. 


A Former Brother in Blue

June 28, 2014

Jeff, I love the Videos and the web site. Born in 1947, my grandfather was an actual Cowboy born in 1886! His carry gun out west was a Colt Officers Model Match. 38 Specials would burn your hand with that revolver. It was made for black powder I assume and would shoot 38 longs. I'm proud to say I fired Expert badge with both the M16 and Colt 1911 in the MP's. Lifetime NRA, I have owned and shot more than 75 firearms of all types. As a former network Reporter-Producer I can tell you your TV production is excellent and you get the EMMY for the best Gun Video music--by far. My favorite revolver--Colt Python and New Frontier. Favorite recent Semi is the PX4 Storm in .40. My M1A .30 Carbine is also a favorite.

Jeff, keep up the good work and your proud flag waving strong!!! 



June 24, 2014


I am a police officer in Metro Atlanta Georgia. I am a firearms instructor for my department. I wanted to let you know how valuable your website/YouTube page is to me. You have helped me on several of my gun purchases. I just wanted to remind your readers that you always must be ready to protect yourself. The police generally arrive AFTER the incident is over. Know your weapons, train with them and be proficient. While we as officers are here to protect and serve, we can't be everywhere. Again, thank you for your well done videos. I have come to rely on your reviews before purchasing firearms.

Timothy H.

June 16, 2014

I really enjoyed your reviews on the Kel-Tec shotgun. I am disabled and have a lot of strong meds in my home, live a lone so I was thinking and wanting (since everyone says a shotgun is the best for home protection) to getting a small, light weight shotgun but all the ones I looked at only held between 4-6 shells. Thus this kinda of answered my needs, we kinda of, lol. It might take a while to acquire one but at least I know now which one I will be getting. By the way, I love your reviews, that's why I joined your website. Man, you crack me up with that humor you have. Something about your brother being a good brother but if something were to happen it would be "ok" cause you have two more. Crack me up. Had to watch it a couple times. Might be since were about the same age or your just damn funny!! I also come from a large family that my 5'6", 95lbs., Irish mother raised all (6) of us by herself. Dad died young.

Thanks for all your hard work at your website & keeping up on things for us that try but don't. I look forward to your next review! Keep em comin.

I hope you and your family had a great Memorial Holiday!

BTW, great stache/beard combo that you got going there!!

Thanks everything you do!

Jeff H.

May 26, 2014

I believe in giving honor where it is due and I want to honor and bless you.

You, Sir, are a scholar and a gentleman!

You bring us a sense of passionate excitement about firearms and our rich heritage each time I see you review a product.

Please don't let political or social pressures change your style of delivery and all important passion.

You remind me of my grandfathers and father so much in your speak patterns and earnest approach to your top. Thank you again!

I was gladdened to read that you are from Tennessee and I love the green trees where you film. My family is mostly in Georgia and Alabama. They refused to walk the Trail of Tears and were smart enough to protect their land from Jackson's army of thugs when they came through. I hope they appreciate their freedom there for us in vile duress here in California.

I may never be able to live free in a lovely part of the country like you due to a medical condition, but the scenery brings me joy every time a watch you film. Your are one hell of a shot and I really liked you article and demo on the Ruger Old Army I watched the other day.

Thank you once again!

James T.

May 18, 2014

I always appreciate your website, but the last two articles on the Rock River and the Ruger Predator were just outstanding. Godspeed to you, brethren!


May 17, 2014

A big hello from England, and congratulations on on an excellent web magazine. I stumbled across your site purely by accident and how glad am I. Interesting in depth gun reviews coupled with great pics and vids. I certainly will be subscribing to your YouTube channel. As a UK resident in a way its a form of torture, due to the most restrictive gun controls in Europe. A good example is that our Olympic 22 rimfire pistol team has to train in Switzerland as all hand guns are banned over here!! Unless of course you are a criminal, who by there nature tend to pay little notice to laws. The only "gun" I can legally own without paying for a licence, extensive background checks, buying a police gun safe and having a legitimate reason for ownership is an air rifle limited to 12 foot pounds of energy. Which still comes with a lot of restrictions. Enough moaning, keep up with the excellent may and keep fighting for your constitutional rights. 

Yours sincerely,

Mark from the UK

May 15, 2014

Man, I understand the video thing; but really I would like the option (like in the past) of just seeing the photos of the new guns at the shot show - and then seeing which ones I'm interested in. Instead of having to watch the whole video.



January 22, 2014

Gary, we had problems uploading from SHOT, so I had to wait until we got back home to start working on the pictures, rather than posting everything from SHOT as I usually do. The pictures are going up, starting this evening.


Hi Guys,

Have been a gun owner for a while but have since moved from hunter to handguns. My preference has usually been Ruger; and it still may be, but your very insightful and "just technical enough" information is extremely valuable in making comparisons, decisions and purchases. Thanks so much for the work you do and the confidence you build in the value of our rights.

Mark S

January 22, 2014

This years shot show coverage leaves a lot to be desired. What happened to photos? Big let down.


January 21, 2014

I am so sorry that I do not meet your standards. Perhaps you can do better. The photos are in the works. There was a problem with the server from SHOT. It was slow, and we could not do both the videos and photos at the same time, as we normally do. The photos will hopefully be up by tomorrow, or you can wait until April and get the info from the paper magazines, like it always was until we started covering SHOT Show 14 years ago. Would you like a refund?


I would like to see side-by-side comparisons of 9mm carbines--particularly with Kel-Tec's 2000. 


January 1, 2014

I do not do comparisons. I prefer to write about each firearm individually. To do a comparison requires me to select one as better than the rest, and to do so would be both arrogant and presumptive of me. I just report the facts on each weapon, report any malfunctions, and discuss the accuracy. This allows the reader to judge which firearm is best for him, based upon his own needs and preferences.


I often search for info on my beloved old model Rugers and I always end up on your page. For that I want to thank you. Not to mention many thanks for the answers I have found. Your page is filled with a lot of information and as I've read through I always find something new. Thanks for taking time to put this together so guys like me have a source for educating ourselves on what has become my favorite handgun..... Ruger Old Model Super Blackhawk with a 310 grn Keith bullet over 21.5 grins H-110 YEEEHAW !

But seriously THANK YOU!


November 2, 2013

I enjoy watching all of your videos. I am so grateful to God that you are healthy enough to get back to doing something that you obtrusively love. I am honored to call you "Friend". I know that you will continue to provide us with your unbiased opinion. All I ask of you is to enjoy your family and the life that you have worked for. I ask God's Blessing upon you and your family... Amen.


October 27, 2013

Thank you, sir.



Just a brief note to let you know how much I appreciate and enjoy your videos. I'm usually not too interested in the tactical stuff, more a traditionalist I suppose, but I really enjoy your delivery, your knowledge and the way you feel about quality, feel, appearance and design.

I think your recent video about the newly-released Ruger Red Label shotgun personifies what I enjoy in your videos.

I have learned a lot from watching and sure appreciate your, what probably seem to you as small, additions via insertion of terms and explanations which continually expand my understanding of firearms. Though I'm probably at least as old as you are and have loved firearms for many decades I'm fairly new to their study and ownership. Sometimes changes in life allow such.

Hopefully, my next purchase will be a Ruger Vaquero in .45. Thinking about it for a minute, please let me ask you a question. Do you personally see a reason to purchase one with 7.5 inch barrel as opposed to 5.5? I see them on GunBroker from time to time. They aren't in Ruger's present catalog, and I don't believe they're older, large frame weapon but I may be mistaken. Is this more an appearance thing, or is there a solid reason to purchase the longer barrel? Understand, I'm going to purchase for the joy of ownership and occasional plinking (when I can find a local place to shoot, that is). No competition or specific hunting intended.

Your thoughts appreciated and please keep the video's coming. I have also learned a great deal from your website.


October 27, 2013

Thank you for the kind words. The Ruger Vaquero is a bit larger and stronger than the New Vaquero. The Vaquero is the same size as the large-frame Blackhawk. However, the New Vaquero handles a bit quicker, and is preferred by many, unless you want to shoot the heaviest of Magnum-class loads in that 45. 

I prefer the handling qualities of the 5.5 inch barrel. I find the 7.5 to be a bit long when seated in an ATV or pickup.


Jeff - I just read your review of the Marlin 1895 GS (45/70) and the "dot" on the bottom of the stock comes with most Marlin rifles, at least, prior to Remington taking over Marlin, and it was or is a kind of their trade mark which represents a target and a bullseye. I have read other reviews with complaints about the Remington Marlin 1894G guns having poor quality issues and one big issue was the front sight being tilted over off center of the barrel. I liked your review and it pretty well fit the 1895GS that I bought new two years ago on sale for $650. The front sight was placed dead center of the barrel but I had feeding problems with factory cartridges getting jammed in the receiver and to the point that I had to take the gun apart, taking the lever out so I could release the jammed cartridge. It especially jammed when loading four cartridges and sometimes with only loading three. What caused that malfunction I could not figure out as there were no obstructions or burrs that I could see. I can only guess they did not machine enough clearance inside the receiver to allow the cartridges to feed properly? The gun dealer sent it back for repair and I got the rifle back in three weeks (no cost to me being under warranty and the gun shop sent it back at their expense) and I took it to the range and it performed perfectly and I used three different types of factory bullet weight loads. I have had no malfunctions of any kind and have shot over 100 rounds in it since it came back from Marlin. I love this gun even though I will probably never use it for actual big game hunting. I use it for Bigfoot and Zombie protection when backpacking alone in the forest.. Well, okay, I haven't had to use it against such creatures to date but the security it offers me is well worth the weight of carrying it and the price I paid for it. I also can put all four (or five when carrying with one in the chamber) in the bullseye at 50 yards, what's not to like? I have read more of your reviews (just discovering them on line) and like them, great job! Have a great year, what is left of it.


October 25, 2013

Hello Jeff,

You and your site are great. Please keep doing what you're doing with your site and related videos. While it's good to strive for perfection, you are pretty close in my opinion! I'm known as a good judge of character--and you my friend are one of the very good guys. Whether it's your articles or videos--you always show concern and sensitivity for the well-being of all responsible, law-abiding shooters and potential shooters. Keep up the excellent work. God Bless You.


September 18, 2013

Dear Jeff,

I just want to say that I REALLY appreciate you gun reviews (I just watched another one tonight). I have watched a lot of other gun reviews on YouTube, etc. and most are TERRIBLE. They go like this: "Hi there YouTube, I just want to show you my brand new XYZ1234. I haven't fired it yet, but I really like it a lot. It comes in this box,(5 minute camera shot of box from every angle) then blah, blah, blah, blah, blah............... Most say a whole lot of nothing and show a whole lot of nothing (what could have been said and shown in 2 or 3 minutes takes 15). Most leave me more unanswered questions than when I started (I was seeking info to begin with). Most of them I cannot even bear to watch to the end. Most video "gun reviews" do not show/describe the gun, and then also show it being fired. Instead of a "gun review" most should be called: "Hey look what I just got, how cool am I ???"

I like your reviews because you cut right to the chase. You answer the questions I want answered. You very seldom repeat yourself, and you are very thorough in your descriptions. You don't just describe the gun, you also show it being fired. Your filming is clear and your sound quality is good. I am just writing to say THANK YOU, and please keep up the good work!



September 8, 2013


I enjoy looking through the "Gunblast" web site. I always seem to find exactly what I am looking for when I search it. I usually go there before I even decide on making any purchase of a particular firearm. I watched your review on the Savage Axis model rifle before purchasing one. I watched your review on the Keltec PF9 before purchasing one. Both were excellent choices for me. So you have a lot of impact on my decision making and I just wanted to thank you for your professionalism and your knowledge of firearms. Your reviews are honest and educational and help me tremendously in my decision making. Hope you have a great week. Take care and please keep up the great work.

Your Friend,


August 27, 2013

Thank you, Sir. I appreciate you reading Gunblast. com, and for taking the time to write.


Jeff, I seem to have a lot of friends who come to me for advice on buying and operating a gun. I'm happy to help and glad they trust me, but I have to say that I always go to to see if you've reviewed a particular gun we are looking at. There are SO many complete idiots posting videos on the Internet, I wouldn't trust a single word they say. But you know what you are talking about. You test a lot of weaponry that I don't get a chance to put my hands on personally, so I have learned to rely on your advice. Most recently, I've been helping a friend looking for an AR who is left handed and has had trouble with the operation and shell ejection on a few long guns, particularly pump shotguns and bolt action rifles. But you're a Southpaw yourself and it doesn't seem to hinder you in the least! Mostly, I just wanted to thank you for the honesty and quality you are putting out there. It is very much appreciated! 


August 21, 2013

Thank you, Sir. I appreciate your confidence in, and your taking the time to write. Modern ARs have a case deflector to prevent there being a problem shooting left-handed.


Jeff, stumbled upon your review of the Taurus Judge. Seems like a lot of people on the web are confused as to what it's purpose is for. I agree with you. I live on a ranch in south Texas and this little gun is great for those pesky rattlesnakes. Having to pull out the 12 gauge, .40 or whatever every time one of these guys are on the porch or in the yard is not practical. unless I want to blow all the windows out (near the porch) or chance a ricochet throughout the living room (near the front door). Not to mention finding one in the workshop while welding all day. I find it is a good choice for close quarters or hard floor areas. Really fills in where other guns fall short. And if someone decides it's a good idea to sneak in the ranch house while we are sleeping, that .45 colt will say "hello" them just fine. Just my 2 cents! I enjoy all your reviews, keep up the good work. 


Shawn in Texas

July 18, 2013

Hey Jeff, I watched your video review of the Ruger SR 45 and was so impressed with it, that I actually went out and bought it. I have to say ,your review was spot on brother. I went straight to the range after purchase and this gun is one of the smoothest shooting guns I have ever shot.

I am very impressed with this site and with the people who give feedback on here and also follow your reviews. People I can relate to, Honest, Patriotic, and in touch with what's going on in the world today.

I look forward to more reviews, and chattin with ya in the future. May God Bless you and yours, and Keep shootin' em Straight.


July 18, 2013

Just a quick note Jeff to thank you and your family for the great website and YouTube videos. I appreciate your honesty and presentation of reviews. Thanks again and blessings to ya'll.


July 16, 2013

HI Jeff, my computer was down for well over a month, but I'm back online. Your site was the first place I got back to after my absence. I was instantly reminded why we enjoy you and your efforts so much. Love is the word to use about how we feel about you. In the near endless slop and garbage on the internet, we find, and are reminded what a true blessing this new information and communication tool can be. Please pass on my thanks to your brother Boge

Thanks again, take care, 


July 16, 2013


I have been reading your reviews for many years now but it hadn't ever occurred to me to thank you for the time you put into updating your content on the site to keep it relevant. I myself write for a technology website so I know and appreciate the amount of work you and your team have to put into the site on a daily basis. Your reviews have influenced a handful of my recent purchases and have not once led me in the wrong direction. I, like many, enjoy reading your reviews so keep them coming!

Thank you,


July 15, 2013

Dear Sir:

I really enjoy your website. It is highly informative and you appear to be pretty fair and show little bias in your opinions. Your video on price inflation of ammunition was timely and well thought out. Will you be doing a video addressing the exorbitant prices that Lucky Gunner, one of your sponsors is charging for ammo? They recently listed 325 rounds of Federal 22lr for over sixty dollars plus shipping.

It is very rare that an entertainer (which you are) will bite the advertising hand that feeds him. I am curious if you will hold to your principles or follow practical business sense.

Thanks for your time, and as always keep up the fine work on explanations and evaluations.


May 26, 2013

I have a contract with Luckygunner for them to advertise on our website, and I appreciate them being an advertiser. However, it appears that they are jacking prices as high as the market will bear, just as are Cheaper Than Dirt and a few others. When the Luckygunner contract is up for renewal, we will have a discussion about this. If there is a good reason, I want to hear it. 


I have been watching your videos but will no longer. Do you not understand how America was built? There is NO such thing as "price gouging" but "self gouging" does. Think about it for a minute... only one person pays for an item and that is the buyer. I have been in retail all my life and I have NEVER signed any one check, stole money out of THEIR pocket or stole THEIR credit card to make a sale nor have I ever had it done to me by a retailer. I pay what I am willing to I have never had a gun to my head or put in a choke hold if I didn't buy something. Have I paid a ton to get what I was shopping for; heck yes. Let's be real do you think you should pay more for Orange Juice after a Florida freeze, grain based products after a draught or just let them go broke? Why does gold go up and down but people always buy it? I'll tell you why.... When our government gets involved and lets the economy go down the tubes we resort to tangible worldwide accepted monies. Never complain again until you personally walk in the fading economy we are in. I will tell you right now that all those shops that have raised their prices and all those who did not will see the same wrath of falling sales and it is happening now. Too many guns being produced, too many new panic buyers, too much ammo being stock piled. Now take that supply and demand that I hope you will understand some day and look at the future. ALL gun and Ammo sale are going to slump and slump big time and I will 100% guarantee this, yes 100%. This ain't my first rodeo. My suggestion to you is to call all those manufactures that back you and pay you to do appearances and demo their products and ask them to cut production down drastically NOW and see how that works for you. Better yet buy some S&W or Sturm Ruger stock and call me in 2 years. If you don't LOSE any money I will personally give you a $100 bill out of this price gouging retailers pocket so don't lose this email and buy Ruger or S&W at market price Tuesday and the promise is good.

Take care, 


May 26, 2013

I wish I could buy stock in S&W and Ruger, as I would have done it long ago, but there are two problems. The first is that I get early information on new products and developments, and I could become charged with insider trading. The second, and most important, is that it would be a conflict for me to review a product in which I had a financial interest. Even if the readers and viewers never knew, I would know.

On the price gouging, I have stated repeatedly that any dealer is free to charge whatever he can get, but that as consumers, we are free to remember those who held fair prices through this situation, and those who did not. That is the free market at work.


Jeff, I have slowly come to the irrefutable, logical conclusion that our current President and you actually have a single shared attribute: both of you are extremely skilled marketers who strive on a 24/7 basis to encourage law abiding Americans to celebrate bona fide, true diversity by purchasing, owning and shooting multiple handguns, rifles and shotguns.

Each time I hear our current President speak, I feel compelled to purchase another gun. Each time I watch and listen to one of your curiosity-compelling video gun reviews, I feel compelled to purchase another gun.

"Team O J" (not to be confused with the incarcerated former football star) has to cease and desist operations without delay. Seriously, my bank account cannot continue to get Quinned on a routine basis.

On a more serious note, I am a 100% Disabled American Veteran (U. S. Army Captain) who, during my younger years, proudly carried both a Colt M-16A1 rifle and a Colt 1911A1 pistol in defense of the Constitution of the USA and of the Bill of Rights.

The cherished Colt 1911A1 pistol that resides in my gun safe today symbolizes my late father's landing on Omaha Beach in 1944 and his courageous fighting during the Battle of the Bulge and during the final push to take Berlin and to thereby bring World War II to a victorious end.

It symbolizes the ultimate sacrifice of one of my uncles and one of my cousins who were killed in action in Tunisia, North Africa and in Luzon, Philippines, respectively, during the same war.

It symbolizes my late grandfather's valiant World War I service as a combat engineer in the muddy trenches of France in 1918.

It also symbolizes my survival to live a wondrous life full of challenges, family, friendship, honor, integrity, patriotism and unconditional, unwavering love of Country, my fellow Americans and innocent people worldwide who are imperiled by evil doers.

While recently watching one of your priceless video reviews and listening intently to your carefully chosen words delivered with accuracy, charm, courtesy, grace and respect, it occurred to me that you are the reason I volunteered to don an Army officer's military uniform over three decades ago.

Yes, Jeff, you are "America" in who you are and in what you do. I trust that every other Second Amendment advocate who watches and listens to your one of a kind "spot on" reviews of a wide range of firearms shares my sentiments. I wish your family, your friends, your neighbors and you blessings now and for all time.

In closing, here's a 180 degree turn: I bought a new Savage Hog Hunter Bolt Action 223 Remington Carbine last week. Next week, I intend to buy a new Ruger (Model 5419) 38 Special LCR equipped with a factory-installed high visibility fiber optic front sight.

Your partner, the other famous member of "Team O J", has enough political scandals perking right now to keep him extremely busy. Accordingly, Jeff, I am blaming these two gun purchases on you and on you alone. Give my beloved wife of 30 years a few weeks at most. She will figure out where you live and she will study your daily routine. Trust me, Jeff, watch your 6. She is one heck of a markswoman. How and why she ever allowed skilled actor Mark Wahlberg to beat her out for the lead role in the dynamic film "Shooter", I will never know.

(Keep the riveting video reviews coming.)



 Captain, MI, U. S. Army DAV (Ret)

May 23, 2013

I appreciate your kind words, and am glad to help you spend your money! Buying guns is better than money in the bank, as money becomes worth less and less every day, as the Federal Reserve is printing an additional 85 billion dollars every month, with no end in sight.

However, the real America is represented by folks like you and the others in your family who have fought hard to preserve our way of life. It is men like you that allow men like me to sleep peacably at night, and I appreciate your service.


I have to say that you all do absolutely excellent reviews. More than once I've wanted to know the "true" accuracy and breakdown of a certain firearm, especially .22s, and this site is unmatched. I have got to the point that when I type in a model firearm and then search for reviews I immediately search to see if this website has completed one. You guys are flat out unparalleled. Awesome job and keep them coming!


May 23, 2013

Hey Jeff,

Thanks for the review on the Eagle Grips. I'd been looking for a new set to replace a cracked set of original faux-ivory Ruger grips that came on my Old Bisley .44 mag. I went with the checkered wood as I wanted a better grip-surface. I use the Bisley as my back-country gun for bear and cougar protection. I have been charged and stalked by both in that order and don't leave home without it!

Thanks again. I appreciate your work.


May 20, 2013

Just wanted to thank you for your service to the American gun enthusiast. Instead of looking at several sources of reviews and tests, I now find that I just go to Gunblast. Jeff is down to earth and honest in the reviews and in a language you can understand. You keep up with the fast pace of new firearms. Thanks again, 


May 17, 2013

Hi Jeff,

I've sent you a couple of comments from the UK - it's hard to give feed back when we aren't allowed to own most of what you review.

My comment on this occasion concerns the recent attempts by the Obama administration to restrict and register firearms ownership in the USA. Which contrasts with recent suggestion that the same Government proposes to arm the Syrian "rebels" against the Syrian government. This would seem to recognise the second amendment is needed abroad!

I am mistrustful of politicians the world over and the contrast noted above has a whiff of hypocrisy about it.


Thom (Great Britain)

May 13, 2013

That is correct. Gun control is not about guns, it is about control.


I enjoy watching your YouTube videos and I recently was able to view your video on "Price Gouging on Firearms and Ammunition During a Constitutional Crisis". As a consumer of ammunition I've seen the same phenomenon you describe. My local Gander Mountain still sells ammo at the pre-crisis price, but it is rarely available. Another local gun store has doubled the price and has ammo available more frequently. Though you've described this behavior as gouging, I think it is both perfectly understandable and beneficial. The laws of supply and demand in a free market lead us to expect prices to go up as demand outstrips supply. The rise in price can actually be a good thing. Prices are more than what we pay as consumers; they are also signals to manufacturers and others. In a free market 3 possible things should happen. Current ammo manufacturers should expand capacity to meet the higher demand. Alternatively, foreign manufacturers could enter the market with new products to meet demand. Finally, individuals may choose to start a business to meet the unfilled need. These 3 options all lead to a greater supply ammo in the marketplace and ultimately even lower prices in the long run.

I think we are seeing US ammo manufacturers working to ramp up production. What I believe should trouble us is the fact that we do not see the other two options happening. As people who believe in a free market we must ask what is standing in the way of these other options? Shouldn't we be seeing more ammunition moving into the marketplace and prices coming down? The length of time of the crisis is part of the equation, but the real answer is usually found in government interference and laws designed to hinder competition. I read recently that Obama plans to use executive orders to ban the import of ammunition. That cuts off one source of supply.

Industries often lobby for laws that create barriers to entry for competitors. I suspect it is just such a set of laws that keep others from starting new ammunition manufacturing businesses. The approach is often to use laws to make initial costs so high that it is impossible to enter the business without large financial resources.

My question to you and your viewers is what can you do to identify and remove the barriers to the last 2 options? I believe that in removing existing barriers, we will see a flood of ammunition to the market much sooner. And with that increase in supply, we should also see prices drop.



April 27, 2013

I believe that any gun dealer has the right to charge any price he wants, but as consumers, we have the right to remember who held fair prices, and who did not, when this is over. I will buy my guns and ammunition from those who held the line on prices, and will not buy anything from someone who tried to get 80 bucks for a brick of 22 ammo. We do not need any laws concerning this. The consumer will decide where to spend his money.


Hi Jeff, I have a Ruger LCR 38spl and have thought of getting a LCR 22lr for the same reasons you mentioned in your review. Now that the LCR 22wmr is out I'm thinking this would be nice as I really like the 22mag. I also have an Alaskan 454 that I fire 45colt through and only have to clean the cylinder well to remove any powder/lead deposits before switching to the 454 . My question is do you think the 22lr could be fired in the LCR 22wmr, or is there a difference in diameter or some technical reason not to do this? 

By the way thanks again for your well thought out reviews and your common sense thoughts about the assault on our rights to self defense as humans in general and as citizens under the protection of the Constitution of this country in particular. As a combat veteran I am offended by the the ill-informed citizens and especially the fear mongering politicians that are paid by the American public to uphold the Bill of Rights that so many have risked their lives and given their blood to defend. Can they not connect the dots, or is there method to their madness, or do they really think the government will be by the side of they and their family 24/7 ? Oh , I forgot - they are politicians; they do have personal protection 24/7.



April 27, 2013

The 22 LR will fire in a 22 Magnum, but sometimes the cases split, so it is not recommended.

The problem with the politicians is that the 2nd Amendment was put into our Constitution to protect us from the politicians. They cannot seem to handle that.


Read your article on the 30-30 and was smiling the whole time, when I was young I loved going deer hunting with my father of course it was mostly just sitting in the blind with him, him whispering old stories to me of times past and him teaching me how to field dress a deer, he taught me to shoot his old 30-30 and eventually as with all young Texas boys I was allowed to go hunting with him one year and have my own blind and my own chance to deer hunt. I got my first deer at the age of 13yrs old, 350yrds with his old Marlin lever action 30-30 while the deer was on the run, my fault for turning too quick I guess. I field dressed it myself and never went hunting to shoot anymore. Didn't seem to me much of a sport if a 13yr old could do that with a rifle most say isn't that accurate. But I did and do enjoy cooking for everyone and listening to their deer hunting trials and tribulations after that and to this day. I still keep in practice with a 30-30, its a tried and true weapon that will always stand the test of time. Like you I tend to let everyone talk about how the 30-30 just isn't that powerful, but the deer that my son hunts for every year just don't seem to understand that either, they keep adding up. Like his father and my father before me, he knows a good thing when he's got it. He uses my old Winchester 30 WCF long gun handed down to me by my father, and hasn't missed a deer yet.

C. Cummings

February 15, 2013

It is certainly a fine cartridge. One of our best. I could make do easily with just a 22 and a 30-30.


Hi Jeff, Over the years, I have enjoyed your website reviews and insights as well as videos on YouTube. I respect your expert opinion, your credibility for telling it like it is and i feel a particular relevance of your reviews for me as a fellow left hander.

Unfortunately, in the aftermath of the Newtown, CT tragedy and with political aspirations in play, NY just passed legislation restricting all guns to only 7 round capacity but if you had 10 rounders , you could keep them and only load 7 rounds in them!! (unfortunately, this is no joke!) As you can quickly figure out, the 7 round mag limitation effectively and cleverly eliminates most semi auto handguns available to purchase in NY!!

In fact, the only Glock that can still be legally purchased in NY is the single stack G36 in .45acp or the G39 in .45gap! neither of these predominantly small carry guns really makes sense to me for a gun whose primary role will be recreational range use and secondary HD.

Other than pocket 9mms, if one wants a compact or full size semi auto handgun, one has to move up to .45acp and might as well given the elimination of the higher capacity advantage in same platform size with a 9mm.

The obvious first choice for most is the 1911 with 7 round mags. While i appreciate the historical importance of this great design, i have concerns as to how much must be spent in money and maintenance time to approach the Glock or Sig or Beretta level of reliability, not to mention their weight as well as the SA only cocked and locked carry learning curve for a beginner and part time gun enthusiast with lots of other interests.

I appreciated your recent review on of the Sig P220, which was confirmatory of my prior research on the P220 and especially your comfort with operating the Decocker lever with your left index finger instead of right thumb.

Jeff, my question for you is: as I am a newbie who has appreciated the easy learning of the DAO constant trigger pull of the Glock and as a Lefty, should I get a P220 with the DAK trigger or the original DA/SA set up?? ( i didnt even consider the sig SAO version with ambi safeties and no 1911 style grip safety)? Obviously, the DAK would be more Glock DAO like and no decocker to work with my left index finger or right thumb in a two handed grip but am i giving up too much to do that in not getting to enjoy the sweet SA trigger that the Sig is known for??

i know the best answer is to try both versions as well as other guns etc, but NY gun laws are so crazy that you must first get a handgun permit for a specific gun and buy that gun before you can touch any handgun in NY so for a first time handgun purchaser, there is no try before you buy.

The Sig P239 in .40 or .357 sig (DAK or DA/SA) would also pass NY's 7 round mag limit but from what i have read, would not be as sweet a shooter as the P220 and doesn't have a rail like the recent p220s do. For possible eventual carry down the road, an XD-S in .45 or 9mm would be the answer over the P239. Your thoughts on the matter and other choices are appreciated.


February 12, 2013

I cannot advise you to break the law, but if it was me, I would ignore that seven-round mag limit. My best advice to you, and I am serious, would be to spend about 200 bucks on a U-Haul, and leave those idiots in Albany and the fools who elect them to do what they want. Another good option would be to organize with other gun owners and fight those goober-smoochers. 

If none of that works for you, then my personal choice would be a S&W E Series bobtail 1911. However, the Sig 220 is a fine weapon, and will serve you well, until they decide to go with a five-round limit, and then a three, and then an outright ban. If you folks do not draw the line somewhere, they will not stop. At some point, you have to take a stand. It isn't rape if you just lay there and take it.


Hi Jeff,

I just want to tell you that you do a great job of presenting a gun .. no long winded BS that many others do .. you are methodical and clearly spoken easy to understand, just like a Good Ol' Southern Boy aught to be. The close up pictures are spot on and really reveal the details .. along with the charted information and ammo performance .. really give your viewers a feel for the gun.

I liked your review of the EAA Witness 45acp, the Ruger 1911, and the Colt 1911 Gold Cup Match

Great job .. keep it up. 


Glenn - owner of an HK USP 45 ACP {looking for an EAA Witness 45/and 9mm}

February 8, 2013

Hi Jeff,

I read your review of the Del-Ton DT Sport and found it to be thorough, informative, well written, and helpful. Much appreciated.


February 8, 2013

Hey Jeff:

In this trying time for law-abiding gun owners of all stripes, it is gratifying to hear your calm and reasoned voice in support of our 2nd Amendment rights. Thanks for all you do to protect our right to bear arms, promote firearm safety, and generally help all gun owners keep the faith. Everything you do on matters. It is deeply appreciated, and I thank you personally.

We'll work and pray for the best. In the meantime, keep up the exceptional work.

With warmest regards,

Wm - Boston, MA

February 6, 2013

PS -- we'll soon see what happens here in Massachusetts... draconian gun control restrictions brewing (like we don't have enough already.) Molon labe.

Jeff, could you please let people know (without using my name) what Gun Control is. "Mental Illness" could be very loosely defined. Is any person on Anti Anxiety Medications "mentally ill"? I am a health professional and completely knowledgeable about firearms. I would never commit a crime or misuse a firearm. What about any person who ever suffered a stroke, visually impaired, medically impaired etc. Gun Control opens a Pandora's box. In totalitarian countries the people do not have firearms. Totalitarian governments experience crimes committed by the government but the crime by the subjects is small.

(Name Withheld)

February 4, 2013

That is exactly what they want. If someone suffered a death in the family, and his/her doctor gave them a subscription for a sedative, they have been treated for a mental illness. All of these soldiers and Marines who are coming home are being encouraged to get treated for PTSD, and they too will be labeled as "treated for a mental disorder". It is all about disarming the citizenry.


We need conversation in this vein to come up with a solution to put armed guards in our schools. A lot of the NRA members have had at one time military service. Maybe a quick background check and a psych check would be enough to have a group of volunteers.


January 19, 2013

Yep. However, I think that any teacher who can qualify should be able, if he or she chooses, to carry a concealed handgun. After all, a teacher should not have to give up his/her Constitutional rights, just to be a teacher. We can have an armed teacher in every classroom, with zero additional cost.


I am guilty of saying "I told you so!" and I have attacked our liberal gun owning friends on online forums, gun stores, and in other venues. I am frustrated with those gun owners who voted for Obama. For now that Obama has no reelection to campaign for, he is on a crusade to destroy the Second Amendment protection of our right to keep and bare arms. While I am guilty of attacking our liberal gun owning friends, I have changed my attitude and I ask that you all do the same.

While we may disagree on issues such as abortion, gay marriage, how our schools ought to be run, drug policy, foreign policy, tax policy, entitlement programs, and so on, whether you are liberal, moderate, or conservative, we share a common appreciation and love for our God given right to keep and bare arms. If you do not believe in God, you ought to know that the right to keep and bare arms predates the United States of America and the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin where both agnostic and shared a common belief in the importance of an armed citizenry and wrote about that belief during the formation of our country. Our founding fathers were Christian, Deist, agnostic, liberal, conservative, federalist, anti-federalist, slave owner, anti-slavery, and so on. They were as divided then as we are today. However, they shared much common ground and the oppression of the British Empire and the danger of a standing Army where only the state had access to "weapons of war" were fresh in their minds.

To ensure tyranny, the Second Amendment will be the first to go, and the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and the rest of the amendments of the Bill of Rights will follow soon after. Whether you are liberal, moderate, or conservative, we all must all agree that the Constitution is under assault. The true "assault weapon" is the United States Congress and both the Democrats and Republicans in that Congress are infringing on the Bill of Rights everyday Congress is in session. While Republicans control the House, they may soon join the Senate and turn on us gun owners. Regardless of which party is the majority, neither the House nor the Senate can be trusted.

Let us then start at what we agree on: the importance of the Second Amendment and the defense of our Constitution.

Obama and those he surrounds himself with have a slogan: Divide et impera. Like the Roman ruler Caesar and the French emperor Napoleon, Obama's strategy to "reach out to gun owners" is to divide and conquer. This administration and the sycophants and accomplices in the mainstream media and Congress will use the political issues of the day to create division and fracture our ranks. They seek to make the NRA and other gun rights organizations irrelevant by breaking us up into partisan camps where we will bicker and fight amongst each other about the other political issues of the day.

We must answer their slogan with one of our own: Molon Labe. Molon Labe is a classical expression of defiance, meaning "Come and take it!," and reportedly spoken by King Leonidas I in response to the Persian army's demand that the Spartans surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae. While the Spartans were ultimately annihilated, they held Thermopylae for three days and inflicted serious damage upon the Persian army. Though a clear defeat, Thermopylae served as a moral victory and inspired Greek troops in later battles. "Come and take it!" was later used in 1778 at Fort Morris in my home state of Georgia during the American Revolution. Though clearly outnumbered by the British, Colonel John McIntosh's defiant response to the British demand to surrender included the line: "As to surrendering the fort, receive this laconic reply: COME AND TAKE IT!" This slogan has been repeated by many leaders and people to express the determination to never surrender.

We must unite as gun owners, put aside our partisan differences, and express our defiance: Molon Labe. We must join gun rights organizations such as the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, Second Amendment Foundation, and state gun rights organizations. The sycophants and accomplices in the mainstream media often say that the NRA is an arm of the Republican party, or that the NRA has a "stranglehold" on the Republican party. If the NRA was made up of four million Democrats and four million Republicans, what message would that send to the sycophants and accomplices in the mainstream media and Congress?

Our fight now is a peaceful one where gun owners are united for a common cause regardless of race, sex, religion, political affiliation, or who you voted for in the previous election. We must look forward. Our liberal gun owning friends made a mistake voting for Obama, but their eyes have been opened, or will soon be opened by this administration's public assault on the Second Amendment. For those whose eyes have been opened, we welcome you to our ranks.

The founding fathers put aside their differences and understood that the only option was to hang together. As Ben Franklin said, "We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." Franklin's words ring true today as they did in the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. We must heed Franklin's words, or else the strategy to divide and conquer will succeed. 

Joseph Ragsdale

January 10, 2013

About Joseph Ragsdale:

Joseph is a 27 year old retired U. S. Air Force Veteran who was wounded in Afghanistan in 2010 with a traumatic brain injury. He was medically retired as a Staff Sergeant and served five years and eight months active duty. He is currently a Chemistry major studying at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia. He has been a gun owner since he turned 18 years old.

Hi Jeff,

Your comments on the Republican and Democrat parties' stands on gun ownership and control are dead on. So too is your position on the Connecticut shooting. We go and advertise our schools as "gun free zones" and wonder why lunatics attack there rather than at police stations. I'm not sure that Wayne LaPierre's suggestion of armed guards is the way to go, but I do think that ensuring that teachers are trained in the proper use of firearms and that principals in particular have ready access to defensive weaponry is a good idea. The moonbats that think an "assault" weapon ban will keep firearms out of the hands of lunatics are almost as crazy as they are.

Great site, keep up the good work!


December 27, 2012


In Florida and in many other locations there already are policemen in every public school as "resource officers". This should be required in every school in the country. They should be trained and equipped to answer the threat and also be aware of students that may pose a problem.


December 26, 2012

That is good, but we need armed teachers as well, if they wish to be armed. One officer might not be in the right spot to handle a situation, but if we had an armed teacher in almost every classroom, that would help a lot. It would also be a great deterrent to those who want to shoot up a "gun free zone", knowing that it is far from being gun free. A teacher should not have to give up his or her God-given and Constitutionally-protected rights, just to be a teacher.



I enjoyed Mark Pixler's article, "Call out the Militia," and as an active duty military member, I would gladly volunteer leave days to serve at a school.

I believe it is also a good idea to allow school employees (who volunteer to do so) to be trained and to carry concealed weapons. As the father of a 2-year old, this is not something I take lightly, and I do not want her attending a "gun free zone" school. I want the cowards who would harm our children to be fearful.... to be deterred.... and that does not happen when they know their victims are helpless.

GLENN E. HILLIS, Colonel, USAF Stationed in Washington, D. C.

December 26. 2012

Jeff, I can tell by some of the posted responses that you have readers from all over the world which is good and all... but I don't believe it's their place to try and dictate to us how to live and what to do. They are not Americans thus they don't understand our rights and our lifestyles.

We do need some sort of armed presence and it should be a paid position. Typically volunteer positions get sketchy because you get what you paid for. You will find that some people will walk off early or not even show up for one reason or another. I do believe that teachers with CCW permits be allowed to carry on campus. A teacher is a person, same as any police officer or military member. If they are qualified and want to assume the responsibility then why not? 

For those that say to have armed guards and to just rely on a police response, I say to them that they are delusional. The police don't have Star Trek transporters and as such will have at least a 3-5 minute response time. A LOT can happen during that time and to those that STILL accept a delay in help also accept a certain number of dead... but I bet if it were their family members in that grim situation they wouldn't accept ANY delay in response.

Who are the police anyway? They are nothing more than our neighbors or even family members who filled out a job application and received some training... and I mean only "some" training. Department budgets are so low that officers are forced to purchase their own practice ammo and that becomes a problem when most officers barely earn enough to support their families. Qualifications are annually and the shooting test is just above basic at best. The police are mere mortals like the rest of us, not the super heroes many make them out to be.

The arguement of "needing a semi-automatic rifle/high capacity magazines" is moot. Need has never been an American requirement for anything. Very few "needs" 2 vehicles, very few "need" a 4WD truck that never leaves the pavement, nobody "needs" 2 televisions. Well, none of those things kills anybody so there must be a difference... actually there is no difference. Back in the first half of the last century alcohol was the public health scourge, so much that lawmakers changed the Constitution to make booze illegal. Did that stop any crime or even improve public health? Of course not and the opposite effect happened. Crime rates rose and corruption was rampant... and the very same public that wanted alcohol banned was breaking the law by either making or consuming alcohol. We don't "need" many things but that doesn't matter because we have freedom of choice.

Lastly, the arguement of no one knows a single hunter that hunts with an AR-15 is completely false. The AR has been the new hunting rifle of the century complete with dozens of different chamberings. Tens of thousands of hunters use some AR variant to hunt with. Also, since when do only hunters decide the gun laws/restrictions for everyone? More people shoot for fun and sport than people who only hunt.

With the hundreds of millions of firearms in circulation and close to a billion magazines it would be IMPOSSIBLE to find and confiscate even HALF of them... even if it took 100 years there would still be tens of millions of firearms in the populace. Once the criminals hear of a confiscation they will be the ones hanging on to their guns because they are law breakers by definition.

Matt in NC

December 24, 2012

What we do NEED is for governments, foreign and domestic, to leave us alone. A teacher should not have to give up his or her civil rights to be a teacher. Armed teachers are the best defense, and costs nothing. Also, it is very rude and arrogant for the government, at any level, to ask a teacher to go unarmed, as it is his or her life that is on the line, as well as the lives of those children for whom they are responsible.


Sweet little pistola, the Rock Island Armory 22 TCM. Agree with you it's great for putting out a lot of lead, smokin' fast, very high velocity and accurately due to low recoil. Perfect for mass murder, don't know what other practical value it would have except for just having fun shooting. Here's some testimony. Nidal Malik Hasan, using the similar FN 5-7 was able to kill 13 and wound 29 people in less than a minute or so at a US Army facility in Kileen, Texas.

Don't get me wrong. I like guns, like to shoot them, read about them and I own a few. I'm an old fahrt. My father was an Arkansas squirrel hunter, I grew up in the woods and have still got the Mossberg semi-auto 22 he gave me when I turned 5. I lived with my M-16 for a year in VN and sleep with a 45. In other words, I'm not scared of guns, unless there's some idiot messing with one in my presence.

But.... things can always be taken too far. Who needs a Barrett 50 cal. Come on. I could have a lot of fun with a RPG-7, blowing up junk cars and stuff, but it wouldn't be too cool when someone blows up a kindergarten class. You don't need a 30 round magazine to hunt deer. And if anyone is under the impression that the movie "Red Dawn" was a documentary..... it wasn't.

Thanks for allowing me to spout off. 


December 23, 2012

I appreciate your opinion, and thanks for offering it. I do disagree, however. The 2nd Amendment to our Constitution has nothing to do with deer hunting. A gun, any gun, is neither good nor bad. The 22 TCM can be used to defend against 20 attackers just as well as it can be used against 20 unarmed soldiers. When we start deciding among ourselves what other shooters need, then they can also decide that you don't need to sleep with a 45. It is about freedom; the same freedom for which you fought in Vietnam. I don't need an RPG, but i have no problem with you having one. 


Mr. Pixler,

"Call Out the Militia" is a resourced and thoughtful article. And yes, timeliness is critical as these incidences are becoming much too frequent. Your approach of a "short-term solution to counter the threat" is viable and needed.

How do you get this proposal to be considered? Where do you send it? I would not think many government leaders would access to read it.

I don't see any movement at all re. VP Biden's "assignment" to establish an across-the-board commission, which is to present solutions to the president. But your proposal would be good if it were on that table for consideration. Do you have plans to move your proposal, in some manner, "up the ladder?"

Respectfully, Bob -- rmbinkc

December 23, 2012

Bob, It does not fit their agenda to do anything that makes sense. This administration is bent upon limiting freedoms and pissing on our Constitution.


Why do so many of the apparently antigun crowd try to tell us that teachers and principals cannot/should not be expected to learn how to handle a gun for school security purposes? I guess they will say anything to promote their agenda. I bet if that wonderful brave female principal who tried to stand up to that shooter in CT had had a gun available, the outcome could have been different. If I was (were?) a school official or employee I would be highly offended if any member of my community acted like I could not be trusted to adequately deploy a firearm in defense of my students and myself. The public mentality of this country is really screwed up. Here in W. PA, the School Board of Butler acted very quickly to deploy armed guards. In my hometown of Indiana, PA [full of yuppies and yippers due to having a State University here], the Board is talking around and out of the issue. 


December 22, 2012

No citizen should have to give up his or her God-given and Constitutionally-guaranteed right to self defense to be a teacher.


Jeff, I find it sad and heart breaking to the core that someone would hurt an innocent child or children, but I find it revolting and sick that the liberal news would use this tragedy like a tool to push their agenda for anti-gun legislation. If any person or news organization were truly against the crime instead of the tool then they would report on the crime and that only... but truly as I listen to the coverage of the event it is clear to the American people that this is no more than another attempt for the liberal news media to push their Anti-Second Amendment and Anti-American way of life. 


December 22, 2012

Jason, It is even much worse than you think. The anti-gunners are rejoicing at this latest murder. They are glad that it happened. Keep in mind that these are the same people who rabidly promote abortion, and sacrificing a few young children, if it furthers their agenda, does not bother them at all.


Hello Jeff.

I am a UK citizen and shooter. Firstly shooter or not the latest school shooting is a tragedy. Unfortunately a similar shooting in a school occurred in Dunblane in Scotland in 1996. The Dunblane shooting saw the near prohibition of handguns in the UK. Mass or spree shootings are rare in the UK but since Dunblane Derrick Bird went on a shooting spree on the 2 June 2010 using a double barrel shotgun he killed 12 people and injured 11.

The UK already has amongst the strictest gun laws in the world and the government decided not to introduce a further control on firearms. 

I am aware of someone who recently served time in prison for firearms offences involving a fully automatic Klashnikov, semi-automatic centerfire rifles were prohibitted in 1988, the rifle in this case was a battlefield pickup.

My point is that any deadly instrument can be used in a spree killing and that a double barrel shotgun which is a firearm which is usually subject to lesser controls than other firearms in many countries proved effective against an unarmed population. It is devastating at close range, quick handling and quick to reload. This was demonstrated by Derrick Bird. Secondly even an island cannot prevent the illegal importation of firearms. Note that gun crime involving pistols went up by 400% following the 1996 ban on pistols in the UK.

The most heavily armed nation in the world is Switzerland which issue an assault rifle to every sane and law abiding male citizen of age 18 - 55. The gun and ammunition are kept at home and when the citizen retires from the military reserve the gun has a "P" stamped alongside the serial number and becomes their prpoperty. The Swiss have the lowest murder rate in the world (although guns contribute a higher percentage of that low murder rate than in the UK). The GCN ignored Swiss statistics in the past saying that the assault rifle were more deadly than the pistols they were campaigning against and therefore it was not a useful statistic.

The shootings could probably have been committed with a double barrel shotgun the focus is at present on pistols and semiauto rifles.

Once again I am sorry for your nations and the parents and relatives loss.



December 18, 2012


Why does any private citizen need to own a semi-automatic? Such as the type used in Newtown, Connecticut.

It is desperately sad to read of innocent loss of life, at the hands of a deranged individual with such lethal force.

Ian in New Zealand

December 16, 2012

A private citizen needs to own such weapons to defend against lunatics such as the one in Connecticut. I wish that the school Principal had one handy at the time.

Hi Jeff

Thank you very much for your reply. We can't expect school principals to be as capable with a rifle as a potential attacker. I think we can assume that, in the vast majority of cases, a perpetrator with nothing to lose wearing body armour and wielding numerous high-powered firearms, versus a school principal, is only going to have one outcome. What we all want, is that the perpetrator didn't have access to that firearm in the first place.

Surely, the only right and just thing to do is to ban the sale of these firearms and related gear. We can't act against the guns already in society, but we can instigate change to limit their availability for the coming generations, and slowly phase this out.

It's a compromise law-abiding citizens must make to protect ourselves and future generations. And there are precedents - it is no different from adhering to road speed limits, wearing seatbelts, or any number of other laws which limit the freedom of the many to protect against the few.



I strongly disagree. That principal deserves to have the best weapon available at his or her disposal to fight off an attacker. Why limit the capability of the defender, when the attacker, by definition, does not obey the law?


Hi Jeff. I hope you and yours have had a good weekend. As a Christian, husband, soon to be father (8 more weeks) ,and gun owner the events of this last week have troubled me greatly. I've got 2 nieces the same age as those kids who were murdered in Connecticut. The thought of anyone harming them in any way makes me nauseous and extremely angry. But on top of that, I have to believe our president and others will use this tragedy as a platform to push their agenda of disarming us and making us depend on THEM to do what they cannot do: protect us. Between the Connecticut mass murder, at least 3 other instances this week of crime where a gun was used, and the ban of concealed carry Illinois being struck down the government push to disarm us is coming to a head. I am 38 years old, and I believe I will not be an old man before I see us lose every ounce of freedom as individuals, our country lose its last moral fiber, our enemies on our soil, and the anti-Christ in power. For what it's worth my wife and I are and will continue to stockpile food, water, supplies, and ammo so that we will not have to hop in the "cheese line" nor take anything the fed. gov. has to offer or wants to force upon us. We will continue to look to Jesus as our source of salvation and provider. As sad as I am over the state of our world, I have hope and peace knowing SOON you and I will be with our Creator and none of this will matter any more. I was curious for your thoughts on recent events and how they will impact our future, not just as gun owners but as people. Both of us enjoy your work and are encouraged by you being a voice in defense of our freedoms. May God bless you and your family. 

Matt and Sara

December 16, 2012

It is tragic that such evil exists in this world. I can't imagine why anyone would do that, except he must have had the soul of Satan. What really bothers me is, that the same people who are now screaming to ban the weapon that was used by the evil murderer, would have had no problem at all with killing those same children before they were born.

May God forgive us what we do to each other as humans.



A 64 year old guy, described as a "security engineer" for the State Dept, shot 2 teens in his home on Thanksgiving. He had been robbed several times, and this pair broke into his home, came downstairs into his basement where he was sitting and he shot and killed both.

This happened in Minnesota, which has a Castle Law. He is sitting in jail with $2M bond and charged with second degree murder. Seems they claim he used excess force and didn't need to kill them both.

Coverage in the Minneapolis Tribune since the shootings, which happened in Little Falls, MN, say the two teens had a car full of stolen property and drugs from previous robberies.

Something must be wrong with the Castle Law in MN if this is going on. I'd love to hear your thoughts or see them in "Feedback"

. chuck

December 10, 2012

I think it sucks. When they broke into his home, the punks assumed the risk, and i am glad that they won't be stealing from anyone else. When he is acquitted of this crime, I hope he sues the state for his incarceration.


Jeff, I've got to say that I'm growing into a major fan of yours with every day. I found your videos only a few months ago on YouTube and just recently started popping in on your website. Let me say that I love your no-nonsense and simple approach on the topics in your videos and your website is straight forward and easy to navigate. You and everyone else involved should be very proud of what you do there, you have helped me in so many ways that I now look to y'all before I do any buying (I bought the Ruger 10/22 Takedown and Mini-30 only after researching them and following up with y'all.


December 6, 2012

Hey Jeff,

I have been a viewer of y'all's website for a few years now and really like it. The "new" series of vids that you are doing---1st one about food storage---is spot on! I live in the NW part of the beautiful Shenandoah valley in Virginia and am pretty rural. I have been a prepper/survivor/redneck for many years and have come to the conclusion that most people look at me like I have lost my mind when I start telling them to store up some food, water, tools, etc. Like my friend says... prepare now, survive later. I really enjoyed the video on food storage and have done an email blast to all the people I think might heed it and that certainly need it. Thanks to you and yours for all you do. Y'all's website is the bible on guns and all things guns as far as I am concerned. Keep on keepin' on....................... sincerely, 

Jim P.

December 5, 2012

Hey Jeff: I "dogged it" telling you the outcome of my search for a firearm for my wife. Finally settled on a Smith & Wesson 38 spl. 5 shot revolver. She loves it and is a pretty decent shot. If I wasn't so lazy, we would shoot more and she would really be a good shot. Oh well. Glad to tell you I am overjoyed at finding this site is filled with my brothers in Christ. Hallelujah! We are going to need each other more as the next four years unfolds. The info you provide us is invaluable. Keep up the good work.


November 26, 2012

I saw a Ruger Single Ten in a gun shop in Texas in April and thought about it but then read your review and went back to the shop the next day and bought it.

It is the most accurate rimfire handgun I've ever shot and more importantly it's the easiest handgun to hit with that I've ever owned. I haven't hunted with it but snakes here are in pestilential numbers and thus far it has accounted for 24 Copperheads with 26 CCI Stingers (all of them actually got shot twice but only one required it and only one miss out of the lot of them). Also it's the smoothest out of the box .22 I have ever touched.

Only downside seems to be it is a little awkward getting used to loading and unloading ten chambers instead of six but I think I can manage to adjust.

I think I want a Single Nine to go with it.


November 26, 2012

Excellent revolver. Good choice. That is one that can stay in your family for generations.


Hi Jeff, 

It's pretty clear why these supporters of Obama don't want you pointing out his stand on our gun rights (on your popular web site), as it does nothing but hurt him, if his stand was the other way around, I'm sure they would have no problem with it.

I'm 100% with you, tell it like it is, as there is no point in reviewing guns if we can't have them, so our politicians actions regarding them is very much part of gun ownership, (and always has been) not simply the use of them as the Obama gang would much rather you stuck to.

It's a much valued service to tell fellow gun owners to get off their hands, to write, talk, and vote regarding their freedoms.

Evil would like nothing better then for you to stay still about its doings.

But good men know that to do nothing in the face of it, is to become it.

Your in freedom,


November 19, 2012

Thank you for your review of the Ruger SR1911. I am in the market for a new hand gun for the first time in about twenty years. I have decided that I want a 1911 based on a variety of different factors and was delighted to find out that Ruger has entered that market. I have owned a Ruger Security Six, a Mark series 22, and 44 carbine for decades. I have never had them fail on me and find that Ruger designs and manufactures great firearms.

As for your review, I like the straight no-nonsense approach to the article. Some authors like to stress what experts they are on any given subject. I prefer an author that conveys all the information I need on the subject so I can come to that conclusion on my own. I am new to your web site but can assure you that I will be coming back on a regular basis. Thanks again.


November 17, 2012

Thank you, Sir. I just try to lay out the facts, specifications, functionality, and accuracy, and let the reader make his own decision. I claim no expertise in any field, and for me to try to select the perfect gun for someone else would be like trying to pick out his wife or puppy for him.


Hey Jeff. I'm editing this email I sent you to add some more thoughts:

I noticed your comments about the outcome of the election. I'm disappointed by the outcome as well. However, I don't agree with your assessment you made about the American people. I'm sure you were merely joking in the beginning of the NASGW coverage, but Americans aren't "stupid."

The fact is, Republicans screwed this one up. The Republicans ran a campaign that appealed primarily to conservative white men. The MAJORITY of women, blacks, hispanics, nonreligious, Catholics, moderately religious, and moderates all voted for Obama.

The demographics tell the true story. Republicans lost the election because they could not appeal to moderates, women, and minorities.

Republicans MUST become more inclusive. It is imperative. There are not enough white conservative men to win elections. We need women and minorities-especially hispanics.

My recommendation is Senator Macro Rubio. He was born in Florida, his parents immigrated from Cuba, he's pro gun ownership, he's pro fiscal responsibility, and he can communicate conservative values to minorities and bring them over to our side and away from the Democrats.

Republicans need to change the platform with respect to immigration. Senator Macro Rubio supports the DREAM act and has the leadership to reform the immigration system. It's not good enough to just trot out a brown face. Republicans MUST change the platform with respect to immigration and have a strong leader who can reform the immigration system.

We are a diverse nation and we need someone like Senator Macro Rubio to lead the Republican party in a manner that's inclusive to ALL AMERICANS and not just conservative white men.

I enjoy you videos and please keep up the good work,


November 8, 2012

I really like Rubio. He is a good man, and his ethnic background does not factor into my opinion of him. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are also good men. In this nation, we now have more people who want to ride in the wagon than we have people who are willing to pull the wagon. As long as individuals vote their self-interests over what is best for our nation, we will never return to being freedom-loving people. Freedom is a perfect fit for everyone, regardless of his color. If Republicans must give up our values to win votes, then we will just be political whores, like the Democrats. I stand by my referencing of Obama supporters as being stupid, but perhaps self-centered and ignorant would be better terms.


All this information about the Browning 1911 - 22 and you leave out the most important thing, "the price" what a waste of my time reading. 


November 3, 2012

Prices change, and they vary from dealer to dealer. Therefore, it is impossible to list an accurate price. If you are too lazy to look up the price, you are probably too lazy to shoot.


Hi Jeff. Glad to see that you are back. I just wanted to share my recent experience with Ruger customer service. As you know, concern for the individual customer is a dying practice. So when I e-mailed Ruger CEO Mike Fifer to articulately and nicely express my frustration with the lack of availability of many of their guns, the last thing I expected was a response. Not only did I get an e-mail from Mike, but a couple of weeks later a nice lady named Linda from Ruger sales e-mailed me to tell me that the specific gun I had asked about (a SRH Alaskan 454) was ready to ship to an FFL of my choice. Not only that, but they were asking about 200 bucks less than what most shops have been asking for said firearm. Not only that, they were going to bill me, not ask for payment up front. Dude, I was blown away! I also want to thank you for doing a great job. Because of your reviews, I just bought a full size SW MP 9mm. Your review was spot on. It is the best feeling/handling gun I have ever shot or held. I also love that the CT Lasergrip fits seamlessly on the MP without adding anything to the size/shape of the grip. Keep up the good work, I look forward to your next review. 


October 30, 2012


Mike Fifer is a first-class CEO, and a great guy. He really cares about the customer. That is why he did what he did. He does stuff like that everyday. If a gun store somewhere is having a grand opening, or a customer appreciation day, Mike will go and work the counter in the gun store, not as "Mike Fifer, CEO", but just as "Mike from Ruger". He does this, as do other Ruger executives, several times every year. At the NRA Show each year, Mike is working the Ruger booth almost all day, every day. He does not even show that he is CEO. He just has a name tag, like everyone else. Mike and other folks at Ruger is why Sturm, Ruger & Co. is producing and selling about 1.2 million firearms this year. 


Hi Jeff - First I want to say that there is definitely a place for individual ownership of fire arms in our country. Second, I am one of those that totally believe that the Second Amendment is about State Militias, not individual gun ownership, and that the constitutional question of individual ownership has yet to be addressed. Third, I believe that the Supreme Court has run amok with power that is NOT specified in the Constitution - Marbury vs. Madison was a disaster that may yet destroy our country! So, essentially I am completely on your side on individual gun ownership, but for completely different reasons. I love the Swiss model, that EVERYONE (women included!) needs to be able to use and maintain small arms and keep them in the home in case of need: personal, community, or national.

Having said all that, I wish you would lay off Obama and write more on guns. You have had that Colt CRP-18 up for many days now. Are the manufacturers not sending you guns? Whazzup?

I bought a NAA Mini-Master for my first gun and absolutely LOVE it. You guys have not yet reviewed one. And what about the Chiappa Rhino?

I love your reviews, your commentary, even your politics even though I find many items to pick with you. Thank you so much for all the work you do, you provide a real and valuable service to our country.

I don't know why Obama is not pursuing gun control more than he is. The quotes you post seem threatening to the prospect of individual ownership, yet he does nothing. I know, you are worried about his second term, but with the Supreme Court as far right as it is I don't think he can do a thing even if he wins a Democratic majority in the House and a super-majority in the Senate. Chill. Play more with guns and write about them.

Do you really want Romney?!!? Really?!? He is such an elitist ass! And he seriously does not give a damn about anyone who makes less than a million a year! Huntsman would have been my first choice for GOP by far. On some issues I even like him more than Obama.

Is there such a thing as a semi-automatic assault rifle? Does any branch of our armed forces employ such an arm, anywhere? I thought they were all select-fire. I doubt if there is such a thing, but you guys are in a better position to answer the question than I am.

Keep up the good work, 

Timothy in Seattle

October 29, 2012

I am not writing anything about Obama. We are simply posting his own words, as they relate to gun ownership. On Constitutional powers, Obama has circumvented Congress hundreds of times, writing executive orders to impose laws that he knows would never pass Congress. He should be hanged for treason.

Romney is far from perfect, but I think that you are wrong about him not caring for other people. All his life, privately, he has helped many people, and he gives 15 percent to charity. Obama does not do that. I think that Romney is a good man, not just a good candidate. Romney was not my first choice, but I think that he is the right choice for our country. We can no longer afford to borrow money from China to give to Obama's friends. Obama promised to half the deficit, but instead he doubled it. Not even one Democrat in Congress voted to pass Obama's budget. He has also been proven to be a liar.

As for writing more on guns, I am the most prolific writer in the gun industry, usually writing about 65 articles each year, plus videos, and the revolver section of Gun Digest. I have several guns here now for review, but I have been traveling a lot, shooting new guns that are going to be introduced soon. In the past month, I have been to Texas, South Carolina, Florida, and Arizona shooting new guns, and am going back to Florida next week. To review a gun, I have to thoroughly test it. I never write a review from a press release. I put a lot of time into the shooting of each gun, plus taking weights and measurements, disassembling, taking pictures, and shooting video, all before I sit down to write the review. I have reviewed NAA guns before (see our articles on the Ranger Break-Top and the Earl). I have fired the Rhino on three occasions, but have not had one here to do a full review. I will not do a review based upon shooting just a few rounds through a gun. However, I do like the Rhino, and hope to review one soon.

On the Supreme Court, whomever is elected this November will likely get to make two appointments, which will effect our nation for many years.

On the Second Amendment, the entire Bill of Rights deals with individual freedoms, not State's Rights, including the Second. The Second Amendment does not grant the right to own and carry weapons, it merely states that the right will not be infringed by the federal government. It was understood that this right, like the others, comes from God, and not government.

A semi-auto is not an assault rifle. Opponents of gun ownership have stolen that name to promote their agenda. The term "assault rifle" (sturmgewehr) was coined by Adolph Hitler, referring to the select-fire StG-44.


Your Obama quotes are BULL S**T. You listen to Fox, Rush and the NRA to much. Obama 2012 and Hillary 2016. Deal with it.


September 27, 2012

I am quoting Obama. Those are his statements. If you don't like them, take it up with Obama. Deal with it.


You are right about one thing, sir: these quotes are Obama's own words, so they are indeed BS. 

We do not make these quotes up, and we do not inject any editorial comment. We let his own words speak for him.

Boge Quinn


I think a problem we have is that we are afraid to express what the 2nd Amendment really is and that the media has demonized anyone who expresses that as an anarchist or renegade out to destroy our republic. I believe the 2nd Amendment is sort of insurance policy to serve as a balance on Article 2 to the US Constitution, unprecedented powers given to other citizens for the purpose of guaranteeing the proper function of government by, of and for the people. Anyone that reads the history of the human race knows fully the potential for malfeasance by those given unprecedented power. If those individuals decide to misuse their power to deprive the people of their rights and liberties, they must deal with the people in a substantial way. The only way to ensure that substantial is to be of any meaning, the people must have unprecedented powers as well. This does not mean that the people will deal with every issue by armed conflict, they must allow our system to work before resorting to that. 1933 Germany is about the best example of how a civilized society with laws can be easily duped into depriving its citizens of their rights and liberties. Germany was the center of the world in just about every field of endeavour, in science, medicine, the arts, philosophy etc. Many living in Germany were under the assumption that a totalitarian regime cold never come to power or prevail. Even when Hitler came to power, some believed his power would be short lived. Some thought he would be assassinated. The rest were on board with him and relinquished unprecedented power to him in hopes of a more prosperous and powerful Germany. Within a decade, many of them had awakened not from a dream come true but a nightmare that ravaged much of Europe and left a stain that will last forever of the pages of history. One of the primary acts performed by Adolf Hitler was the implementation of a unique application of existing gun laws and that was to deprive so called `non-citizens' of the right to keep and bear arms. Then with the new anti-Semitic laws that deprived Jews of their citizenship, the right of them to be armed and to protect themselves was totally relinquished. Hitler now could deprive anyone of their right rights to maintain firearms and with that, any of their rights including their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness we so much cherish. I was a at a gunshow recently in Houston and was approached by a young man with a microphone and another with a camera. They tried to pretend to be progun advocates and asked if I had a moment. I feel so confident in my position on the matter I decided to say a few words. I suspect they were looking for so called `gun nuts' to make fools of themselves and rant about shooting federal law enforcement officers. In fact several questions dealt with just that, how will we lose our gun rights, along with what the people should do to prevent gun confiscation, if federal agents `kick in my door', how we should `deal' with Obama, etc. I explained that everything of this important matter will end up in the supreme court and that whoever sits on that bench will determine if we live in a free republic by, of and for the people or another Nazi Germany. When asked about the agents kicking in the door and I said that depends, mainly if they serve their warrant properly and identify themselves, that just yelling `federal agents' and kicking in a door doesn't prove to me who they are. In fact, any agent that does not properly administer a warrant is risking his own life and ultimately his family will pays for the loss of his life. Any politician or supervisor that arrogantly directs a professional agent in the line of duty to administer a warrant in such a haphazard method is using him-her as a political pawn and in my opinion has no concern for him or his family, much less their own country. Then when asked about armed conflict, I said we are not at that point and that there are plenty of intelligent good people that will work hard before we go to something that drastic. The people do reserve the right of armed struggle according to the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution and the 2nd Amendment is one part of that. In my opinion, the 2ndAmendment is about the `security of the free state' and that a militia and right to keep and bear arms by the people is not only a right but an obligation if we intend to remain free. If we decide as a whole to have an Adolf Hitler take power, then the 2nd Amendment is an unnecessary part of the Constitution. Therefore, I also believe that without the 2nd Amendment, the remaining Amendments can be eliminated by our new leadership as well. I believe at that point we cease to be human beings in spirit but only in physical form. Another argument is that we don't need a `well regulated militia', that we have a standing army. A standing army is a powerful tool at the disposal of the government and additional unprecedented power that requires a significant power balance to ensure the security of a free state. That power balance is the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Registration gives the government ability to disarm the populace since they know where the guns are, in case of so called `national emergency', maybe something akin to the `burning of the Reichstag' by Hitler's cronies. Therefore, private ownership must be unrestricted as well as acquisition of any type of firearm and restrictions only under the most extreme cases such as violent felons, the insane or those who are a genuine threat to our republic and its citizens. We can't let the media and politicians determine the argument, that having guns is just about hunting or protecting our valuables or even our lives. It is much more than that. It is about the right to be free just as the 2nd Amendment states......

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."


September 22, 2012

Mr. Quinn, I always enjoy your reviews as you get right to the point and you cover what a shooter wants to know... I am writing you concerning a scope that allows me 300 yd shots with any .22 long rifle gun. 

I used to use a cz452 rifle but had to get rid of it and get a gun with more firepower for self defense. I use a Nikon Pro Staff bullet compensating scope with the rimfire reticle. I have it mounted on the 10/22 Ruger takedown model. After getting my groups tightened up by adjusting the knurled knob three clicks instead of 2 like they suggest. Anyhow, my point is this I shoot easily 8 inch groups at 250 yds and can hit man sized targets with ease at 300 yds. using that scope. The Nikon Spot on ballistic figures are right on the money. It is 3-9 power and its a two phase scope meaning the point of impact varies with the power setting. 90% of the time I leave it on 3 power where I can get max. distance. I use 3x all the way to 315 yds. using the Blazer ammo with this gun. A lot of people as you know underestimate the power of a 22 at longer ranges but I wouldn't want to try and catch one with a baseball glove at 300 yds. I find the Remington Thunderbolt has the best penetration going through 5 gallon jugs of water. and the bullet has almost no expansion. So instead of a 22 being a 50-75 yd gun, ANY gun will be effective at 250-300 yds with that scope on it. At about 150.00 to me its a dream come true. I am 72 yrs old and that's a perfect distance, weight, cost of ammunition, and accuracy combination for this old man when the crap hits the fan. A fan of yours, Hae you had any experience with the Nikon BDC scope I am referring to and I would be interested in your opinion of same. Thank you sir... 


September 19, 2012

I have no experience with that scope, but thanks for the information.


Mr. Quinn:

I read your page with some regularity and I find your reviews very insightful. Please keep up the good work as it pertains to guns, shooting, etc.

However I was a bit dismayed when I read your recent article on the various official party platforms. I will start by commending you for a progressive and open stance on gay marriage; you are absolutely right, it is none of our business to say who gets married and who doesn't.

But this brings me to a larger point, which is that in general, and I think we agree here, we are talking about personal liberty, which is to say the government has very few legitimate reasons to interfere with how we run our personal lives.

If one is to be a personal libertarian, then certain principles must be consistently applied. For one, the government is only obligated or entitled to interfere in personal matters when there is a strong societal benefit to do so.

You speak of your opposition to abortion. But yet this is government involvement in a personal decision. Remember that the grounds that Roe v. Wade was decided on had to do with *privacy*, not the moral implications of the unborn child.

Thus you support the government being involved in some cases of personal liberty. Therefore, I ask, is it not reasonable that the government also be involved regarding what types of firearms you may own? Is it not reasonable that the government conduct background checks on potential firearms owners? Is it not reasonable that the government make it even more difficult to obtain a fully-automatic weapon?

You seem to be a bit confused as to how our Founding Father's framed our rights. First off, the word 'God' does not appear in the Constitution. It appears in the Declaration of Independence in reference to three specific rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thus one cannot argue the right to bear arms is considered 'God-given'.

Secondly, the second amendment has been subject to much interpretation. Let us look at the literal text:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

First off the bat, we start in the context of bearing arms in a militia, not for target shooting or hunting or for stopping tyranny. At least it is not explicitly defined as defending against tyranny, although some of the Founding Father's may have had this rationale, particularly the anti-Federalists.

Consider the SCOTUS cases US v. Cruikshank and Presser v. Illinois; both cases found that individuals did not have the right to form their own independent militias. Consider that Robertson v. Baldwin found that laws banning concealed weapons were constitutional. Consider US v. Miller in which it was found that a sawed-off shotgun was not suitable for *common defense* in the context of a militia, and thus could be regulated or made illegal.

It wasn't until just recently, 2008, in DC v. Heller that the SCOTUS affirmed the right of a citizen to possess a firearm outside the context of a militia. No other SCOTUS ruling previously made such a claim.

You make various claims against Obama, but I ask, what laws or executive actions has Obama proposed or enacted that have infringed upon your right to keep and bear arms?

My overall point I'm trying to make here is that not all gun owners need to be Republicans. In fact, studies show that gun ownership is actually pretty evenly split between those who consider themselves Republican versus those who self-identify as Democrats. Independents are even more likely to own a gun.

The problem I have is that the NRA thinks we are all mindless sheep who will vote Republican. I am an NRA member, but yet I will not vote for Romney and may not vote for Obama either; perhaps I will vote for a third-party candidate such as Gary Johnson of the Libertarian party.

My final point, if it hasn't been clear, is that gun owners come from all walks of life and have all sorts of political views. I would gently suggest that you write being mindful of these facts, as opposed to writing like you are working for the NRA.

I wish you all the best and please keep up the good work.

J in Texas.

September 11, 2012

On abortion, why should a parent have the right to kill her child, and if she does have that right, why does it end when the child exits her body? Why can she not kill that child after it is born? Same child, only the timing is different. I could make a stronger case in support of killing a teenager than I could for killing a baby. Killing a child is murder, on either side of the vagina.

Obama has promised to go after guns after the election, but so far, all he has done is to stop the importation of over one million Garand and M1 Carbine rifles into the US.

The Constitution does not grant any rights. It only protects them. They come from God and nature.

I am not a Republican, but in this Presidential election, either the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate will win, and of those two, I distrust the Republican the least.



Your article on DEM's vs. REPs was very well written, to the point, and echoed my own beliefs. As freedom loving and Constitutional Rights Americans, we better be aware of what is coming if the upcoming election goes Owe-bama's way. The complete disarmament of us will be his primary goal. This has already been tested in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, when the Police Chief of New Orleans ordered disarmament of the citizens of that entire area including peaceful citizens minding their own business. Using active military, national guard, and local police, doors were breached and you were ordered to surrender your arms or be arrested or killed if you resisted. This is all documented and video proven. The info is there for those who care. This liberal president and and his socialist views wants entire control of us from birth to death and the first step in that goal is to kill any resistance. (disarm citizens) . One only needs to look back at WWII Nazi Germany and the Gestapo to see what happens to defenseless people.

Sorry to ramble Jeff, keep the message alive and I love the site!

Going down with my guns in Arizona!


September 10, 2012

Jeff, As a active law enforcement officer I just wanted to say that your thoughts on the Colorado Movie theater were spot on! Although I have not been involved in a shooting over my 20 years I have been on numerous investigations involving officer and civilian shootings, and as you articulated the ability to make a precision shot under stress in low light condition (Or daylight for that matter) is extremely difficult. What many people fail to realize is that under the best conditions when stressed, you heart rate climbs, you get tunnel vision, you can experience auditory exclusion and numerous other physical changes that will effect accuracy. Then introduce , low to no light , moving adversary, armed with a assault rifle AND body armor and things are going south real fast. As you said you need to practice and train as much as possible, and I could not agree more. unfortunately dealing with an active shooter is extremely difficult and few police departments train an adequate amount in regards to this type of scenarios, and I am sure a civilian does even less. I could not agree with you more when you said that you will take all the advantages you can get in a gun fight, night sights, lasers etc all come into play when faced with a rapidly developing and dynamic situation. Your video on this issue was well done!

Cpl Christopher Ice - Buncombe County Sheriffs Office

September 10, 2012

Just finished viewing your video on the Dem & Rep party's stance on our gun rights. Your common sense approach to the issue and explanation hit right to the heart of the matter. I recommend your site to everyone as one of the best sites pertaining to what's new in the gun world. Keep up the good work, you are indeed a patriot and we need more people to tell it like it is without the BS. God Bless.

Juan J. Robles 

Dept of Def Police - SFC US Army (RET) 

September 8, 2012

P. S. that load you sent me for the 44 special worked great!

Thank you for all your valuable information and views. I am an avid reader of your site. Just finished reading you report on the Democratic & Republican platforms, very informative. From Texas "THANKS & GOD BLESS US and SAVE US!"

Wendell Hickerson

September 7, 2012

Mr. Quinn, 

Google led me to for reviews on a few pistols I was considering for purchase. Your brief reviews gave me an idea of whether or not more research was warranted and ultimately led to a purchase or two.

What keeps me coming back to your site is your demeanor; you appear to be a thoughtful, fair, and reasonable person.

While we do not share all political viewpoints, I believe we can all make our own choices and I think we would get along well.

I wish you continued success with your endeavors.


Chris - Niskayuna, New York

September 7, 2012

Hi ! Russ from VA Bch , VA here. I am not going to ask, but would like to tell that I, just ,brotherly love You guys at GunBlast! Totally agree with You on co-relation between Dem. ( commie ) party & The 2nd Amendment of The US Constitution. 20 years ago I've got out of commie Russia (it's, really, still is ) & now the same "smell " is coming from the convention in Charlotte... Thanks again for all You do ! Real Hope for upcoming Election Day !


September 6, 2012

Thank you, Sir. Glad you mode it over here!


Love your videos Jeff! I have held the very same beliefs in guns and their proper uses and the abilities of the average shooter as you hold since I was a teenager (Class of '72). Back in the day I would take two classmates out for their first experience at shooting, one boy and one girl, and the results were the same. At the end of the day the girl outshot the boy `cause she had no preconceived notions about how to shoot a gun and would listen to my instructions. Robt has a drumbeat thought pattern put there by public schools that guns are different today and the Founding Fathers could not conceive the difference. Wrongo Robt! The Founding Fathers understood people and Governments and those two things will never change. "Governments are like fire. It is an unruly servant and a fearful master." The Hessian mercenaries that enforced the King's rule here in the Colonies carried unrifled muskets with an effective aimed range of about 70yds. The American Revolutionaries carried rifles with patched round balls invented by the German immigrant gunsmiths of Pennsylvania that were as quick to load but far deadlier at far greater ranges than the King's Mercenaries. We live by the Constitution conceived and written by men who believed that every man ("all the Yeomanry") should be armed no less than and possibly better than any standing army raised by a government so as to assure that government "should not pose a threat to the liberties of its citizens". History is no more taught but rather purposely distorted in public education. That is why we gun owners have such an uphill battle to restore our God given right to self-defense. When the time comes, Robt, `aint nobody else gonna be there to defend you but you. Always carry the best you can.


August 31, 2012

Very well stated, Sir.


Like your videos, Jeff, but if you think your rights to purchase, own and use a gun are being impeded, try living in any other country on the planet. The arguments for unrestricted and unimpeded purchase, possession and use of firearms pose a true disservice to the well-being of both the people and nation. I don't really appreciate the NRA-generated paranoia, anger and hatred, in part because this group is intrinsically linked to Corporate World, but also because the thinly-veiled hatred of NRA opinions and editorials appeals to those of us who won't question what is being stated. Weapons are plentiful in the USA, and purchasing one takes 20 minutes if a person doesn't have a conceal-carry license and even less time if a person does. Having no restrictions on something as serious as buying, possessing and using firearms would be like having no restrictions on drugs of any sort, driving vehicles at any age and in any way or letting Corporate World assure us that smoking cigarettes is both safe and good for one's health. Please don't point to the 2nd Amendment as a source for much of anything . the meaning and intent of context precipitated and limited understanding; they could never have imagined today's weapons nor today's USA . nor today's world.

It's not productive nor healthy to convince ourselves that our rights as US citizens are being trampled, unless you wish to consider that the US Supreme Court has given citizenship rights to Corporate World, or perhaps consider that "rights" are more firmly secure when one has huge wealth. Weapons? We import well over a million handguns each year and the US gun industry itself is in fine shape, as are the ammo manufacturers. Frankly, I'd be very nervous and upset if the Fed were to ignore handgun violence as if it weren't a problem.

Most people would be hard-pressed to point to anything concrete vis-a-vis a loss of gun ownership rights 

Back to today . keep up the youtube videos . well-done, informative and enjoyable.

Currently own a 9mm, 10mm, 357 magnum, 40 cal and 410/45 Public Defender.

Robt - Arkansas USA

August 29, 2012

Robt, First of all, thanks for offering your opinion on this. Your opinion is just as important as mine or anyone else's, and I appreciate you reading Gunblast. 

Neither I nor the NRA promote unrestricted ability to purchase firearms. What we do oppose is the government keeping lists of gun purchases, and limits upon the types and quantity of arms purchased. Some places in the US now limit gun purchases to one per month. That is an infringement upon the Constitutional rights of those who would like to purchase two guns per month. I prefer to limit the rights of criminals. By using the term "gun violence", you are falling into the trap. How about the government do something about violence, of all types? The gun is a machine. How is it anyone's business if I own two, or twelve, or hundreds? President Obama has pledged to ban semi-automatic firearms. He has called for a prohibitive tax on ammunition of 500 percent, not because it would raise revenue, but because it would make ammunition unaffordable. He has stated, and this is a direct quote: "I don't believe that people should be able to own guns". 

The NRA is not perfect, but for now, they are the best and most powerful lobby that the gun owners in this country have. I don't know what your problem is with the "Corporate World". Millions of people in the US are employed by corporations. The products that we buy are all made by corporations. I am typing this out on a keyboard that was made by a corporation. All of my vehicles were built by corporations. Corporations drive our economy, and our wealth. The consumers have the power to regulate corporations, when we choose to buy or not to buy their products. If you do not like corporations, put your power as a consumer to work. Cut off the electricity to your computer and your home. Get rid of your automobile. Never go to the bank. Never step foot into Walmart. Don't buy any food except from your local farmers. Get rid of your guns, your clothes, your appliances. Everything that was built, imported, or transported by a corporation. I like corporations. There is nothing inherently evil about corporations. Corporations are people. Gunblast. com is incorporated. 

On the cigarette issue, it is written on every pack sold here for the past few decades that they are unhealthy. Everyone who lights on up knows that they are unhealthy. It is a personal choice. The fact that cigarettes are made by corporations is irrelevant. Many things are unhealthy. When I walk into Johnny's Big Burger in Clarksville, Tennessee, I have many choices. I can get a small salad with a glass of water, or I can get the double hamburger with fries and sweet tea. For 35 years now, I have gone for the burger, and it shows. Maybe next time I will get the salad, but I doubt it. However, that is my personal choice. 

One more thing on the cigarettes; the government's hands aren't clean on this. The reason that cigarettes have not been banned is that they are a huge source of revenue for the government. Government makes more money on a pack of cigarettes than does R J Reynolds. Government also makes more on a gallon of gasoline than does Conoco-Phillips.

Back to the guns. Criminals are going to get guns. Laws only apply to those who obey them. A criminal, by definition, does not obey the law. If somehow we could magically get rid of all guns that were ever built, do you think that would be a better world? There was plenty of violence in the world prior to the invention of the firearm. Of the first two kids born on Earth, one of them killed the other with a rock. Still, we can buy all the rocks we want, by the ton, at the local quarry, without restriction. When there were no firearms, the big trampled upon the small, the young trampled upon the old, and a man would pretty much do to a woman whatever he wanted, just by being more powerful. Today, in the United States, we have guns, and plenty of them. Occasionally, someone will use one to kill another person, but every day, guns are also used to prevent crime. Just as many people are killed by doctors, but doctors are still good to have around. With guns available, the old are not left defenseless against the young, and a petite woman with a gun is not helpless against a three hundred pound man. More importantly, and the reason that our Constitution protects our God-given rights, is so that the people are not helpless against the government. Allowing the Federal government to control the guns is like letting the fox control the henhouse. 

Guns are neither good nor bad; they are tools. There is no such thing as gun violence. The gun does nothing. There is human violence, and that will always be with us. To protect ourselves from such, we have guns.

Jeff Quinn - President, INC.

It's virtually impossible not to notice the Obama bashing on your website. Although my own belief is that personal opinion and that of a business should be mutually exclusive (not unlike the separation of "church and state" as acknowledged in the constitution) it is your site and you may do with it as you choose. I happen to value your opinion when it comes to things related to the firearms industry. I actually kind of like you as well in a distant, "he seems decent" sort of way. I believe you are well intentioned and honest too. What I think reflects poorly on you and your website is that throughout all your editorializing regarding Obama, which shows him in a negative light, you (and all the other pundits in their respective pursuits) fail to offer any real alternatives of value or, for that matter, at all. I believe this is a terrible weakness on your (and everyone else's) part. I haven't read, for example, who it is that you think is better in any way and who has any real chance of succeeding at reaching the presidency of the USA. Given that, what's the point of the criticism??? That tells me your view is limited in scope, in spite of your good intentions, and subsequently of little value, all things considered (as all things haven't been). It's vaguely like simply telling a person who has a flat tire he won't reach his/her destination because of it but neglecting to mention that the car he's or she is taking the trip in also doesn't have a motor or suggesting how the goal can be accomplished. I think that person isn't going to be helped much by what you've said. Good intentions (by you) for sure, but there's a lot more involved in helping that person reach their goal(s). 

I, personally, believe that until people change, and the political climate (and/or world) changes as a result, we're destined to keep repeating our history over and over again (yes, that's redundant)! Essentially, we're just going to put another idiot in Washington who'll deal with an ineffective Congress (who's personal interests are represented by wealthy lobbyists) which refuses to act responsibly in regards to the needs of the general population. It's somewhat depressing, I know. I believe it to be far more true than less true. 

I want to be better, I want you to be better, and I want the whole world to be better too! This is not a criticism, but perhaps, a critique. Please think about this "at least a little" and see if there's something here that deserves further thought by you. I hope so, for sure. Please help your readers and sponsors by telling them how they can improve the current situation with respect to the upcoming election for president and our gun rights. If you cannot, tell them where to go to do that (and I don't mean that they "go to hell"). I want to know, I'm sure they do too. Unfortunately, I'm fresh out of ideas that would stand any chance of succeeding other than joining the NRA. Take some of the money you get from membership to your site and donate it to the NRA (and let everyone know what you are doing and why). Have a raffle to provide memberships to the NRA for those who don't belong already. Do it annually, semi-annually or whenever. Have your sponsors do the same thing. Have readers submit ideas on how to make gun owner's rights even more protected. It's a win/win for all of us involved I truly believe. See, I'm trying to make available some alternatives and perhaps you and the readers can provide more viable alternatives. I'm not just bashing things with no options in sight. Let everyone in our community know Gunblast is proactive and at the forefront of positive changes, even if they are only baby steps in the initial stages. 

Kindest Regards,

Bill Z

August 10, 2012

Thanks for that feedback. I have many opinions about Mr. Obama, but on our website, I only post his own words, quoted with the source, as it pertains to gun ownership. Since we are a gun website, we are not posting his support of infanticide, nor his socialist views on government. However, when Mr. Obama states that he does not believe that people should own firearms, that is very relevant to what we do, and our readers should have that information. I am not telling folks how to vote, but instead just reporting Mr. Obama's own words on the matter.


Thank you for that illuminating writeup of the Beowulf .50 cal. Overwatch rifle. You covered all the important points and spent some time with the question of longer range accuracy, which seems to be one of the most often asked. Your final comment answered any further questions anyone would have, you just said "buy it"! Excellent advice from someone who's been there, done that, carries a lot of weight.

Thanks much, 


August 9, 2012

I have been reading your website for about the last 18 months or so and it's great. Keep it up.

Phillip D. Rehn 

ARGHANDAB District, Afghanistan

July 30, 2012

Outstanding web site !!!!! As to the commander-in- chief's statements, does not matter when they were made - he is anti-gun, anti 2nd Amendment and will lie to get the first ten Amendments done away with. The first ten Amendments are God-given, no man or government can take them away or change them!!!

Ray Spencer, U. S Army Ret. ( CA freedom fighter)

July 15, 2012


A gun culture guy, I am a Vietnam veteran and a retired military officer - who greatly respects the opinions of experts like you. In 1962, I qualified with a Model 1911 and M1 Garand at the naval academy. Since 1964, I've been reloading a number of rifle and pistol rounds. To stay proficient, I have to shoot at least 100 rounds per week, mostly .45 ACP and 9 MM.

Last November, I read your review of the Bersa Thunder 380 ACP and decided to buy one. I had misgivings about the lethality of the cartridge and the short barrel both of which were dispelled after a few trips to the range. 

My weapon system evaluation technique is to separate the performance of the firearm, the cartridge and the operator. Shooting from a bench rest, I clock muzzle velocities with a chronograph. After several boxes of Winchester white box showed a standard deviation over 25 fps, I loaded a 100 pieces of Winchester brass with CCI primers and 90 grain Hornady XTP bullets. The best muzzle velocity was 988 fps ± 13.4 fps. That self defense round costs less than 20¢. At 15 yards, groups were under 2" and the hollow points fully expanded in the second water jug. Free recoil was very manageable at 2.68 ft-lbs. [Winchester is one of the best ammo makers, but I load by hand using a single stage press and measure power charges to under a tenth of a grain.

For practice, I load a Lee lead round nose 101 grain cast bullet charged to 905 ± 14.5 fps. Group sizes increase to 3.5", but cost per trigger squeeze is under 5¢. Bullet lube cuts lead fouling, but I always save 5 FMJ rounds for the last target.

For those who open the box, not to worry. The disassembly is difficult until the recoil spring has been compressed a few hundred times. Spare Bersa mags are expensive, but they work flawlessly. I bought two ProMags spares, but the springs were so tight that fully loaded they would not feed. To break them in, shoot with 5 or 6 rounds and store them fully loaded. After a week or so, they will be fine. If you plan to carry this little gun in your pocket, buy a holster, e. g., Uncle Mike's.

Jeff's assessment of the Bersa 380 is, as the Brits say, Spot on!



July 8 2012

Thank you, Sir. It is a very good pistol, and priced way below anything in its class.


Hi Jeff. I just made my daily visit to Gunblast. com and was greeted by a quote from BHO that made me want to vomit. As an Illinois resident, I hunger for the gun privileges and rights that my neighboring states (pretty much the whole U. S.) are blessed with. But because I reside in "the president's state", I am looked at with suspicion and skepticism when I go to purchase ammo, even in my own state. Even after I have produced my foid card the people behind the counter tend to look at you with a "what's he up to" look on their faces. Whenever I visit an Indiana gun shop and I happen to mention where I'm from, I hear such things as "I'm sorry" or the ever popular " Yeah, it's pretty bad over there." I've read comments from other readers who profess to be gun enthusiasts but at the same time want to bash Gunblast for sharing the truth about our president. Anyone who supports this president and his anti-gun agenda is NOT a supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights, a gun enthusiast, or a true patriot. That's not my imagination talking, it's merely truth supported by the presidents own words. Jeff, Boge, and Greg: keep up the good work and keep sharing the facts. And for those who don't agree with me, don't worry. If re-elected, Obama is coming for ALL our guns and gun rights. Not just Illinois's. BTW, my wife and I looked at a house across the river today. I truly hope this one works out. God Bless. 


July 7, 2012

Some people do not want to know the truth about our President. He is not a friend of freedom-loving Americans. 


Hello Jeff,

I want to congratulate you and everyone at Gunblast. com, for providing an excellent, well-produced, honest, real life, truly factual, no-holds barred, on-line gun mag.

I hadn't come across your website until today when I was on-line comparing/researching the Remington Versa Max Tactical versus other "tactical" (I agree with you that "fighting" is a much better term) shotgun. After watching your review on the hunting version of the VM, I then watched your review of the VMT. Both reviews were excellent and combined with what I had previously researched, told me everything that I needed to know about the VMT, so I'll be buying one later today. Incidentally, the visuals comparing actual shooter-experienced recoil and the various shot/slug load patterns, were really informative - a well-shot video being worth ten thousand words. Your recommendation about Trulock Chokes, was also appreciated.

It's really refreshing to have access to gun and gun-related product reviews where I don't feel that I'm just viewing/reading some hack reviewer's re-hash of the manufacturer's advertising copy. I very seldom buy gun mags anymore because most articles (especially the product reviews) appear to have been written in a white-wash manner in order to insure that the gun writer/mag remains in the good graces of the manufacturer versus an honest appraisal of the product. I just wish the gun mags would approach their craft the way that you guys at Gunblast. com, do.

Keep up the good work and protect the Second Amendment.


July 7, 2012

Thank you, Sir, for the kind words. The drivel written by some of the paper magazines is the reason that we started Gunblast. com twelve years ago. I am glad you found us!



Could you tell me more about the fixed blade knife you have on your belt in this video review? It looked like a custom-made knife, and I thought it looked interesting from what I could see of it. 



July 6, 2012

It is made by Arno Bernard in South Africa. Superb blade, and available with many exotic handles. The one that I usually carry is this: but most recently, I have been carrying this:


I have been turning to Gunblast. com as one of my trusted sources for gun reviews for a while now. Interestingly enough, after watching Kirk Cameron's "Monumental" movie tonight about the Christian heritage of our nation and the strategy of faith-based liberty in its founding, I was browsing the web, and decided to look at Jeff's review on a new gun. I just happened to notice your Greg's Corner section, and got curious. Ran through a couple of your articles, and was happy and blessed to see such faith connected to a site that I have been drawn to for a while. Thanks for being an encourager and serving Jesus. I will be reading more of your articles. 

Ron Chandler

July 1, 2012

Hi Mr. Quinn! I just wanted to praise you for doing something very few gun writers do anymore. I read your excellent review of the Charter Arms Off-Duty. The review was typically good, as done by you, but the fact that you tried it out at 25 yds speaks volumes for you, IMHO!!!!! I don't know what has happened to today's gun scribes, but I get the feeling that many of them have extremely dumbed-down skills as shooters. Years ago, it was not uncommon to read reviews by some of the old timers which commonly wrung out a handgun gun at 50 yards or even more, giving us an idea of what the gun was capable of. Today, you almost never see a review of a handgun which was shot beyond ten or fifteen yards. I want to hurl when I read a review in a gun magazine about a duty-sized sidearm, and the writer only fired it out to about seven yards, sometimes less. The department I retired from still requires its officers to qualify out to 25 yds with their duty weapons, as they should, and the same for any off-duty weapons an officer may wish to be qualified with, per department policy. Now in retirement, I qualify with a G-29 and my old 4" "issue" S&W Model 65 for HR-218/LEOSA carry, every year. We have to qualify with a revolver to carry any revolver and a semi-auto to carry any semi-auto. Because the course is centered around a six shot revolver, I use the Model-65 as it is a better fit for the course.

When I bought my Charter Off-Duty back in 07, before I retired, I bought it with the idea of carrying it as a backup (clandestinely, since the department did not sanction BUG's at that time), or for off-duty. With the exception of one of the ever-keyholing NAA revolvers, I don't carry anything that I cannot keep all shots on the torso of a silhouette at 25 yds with. I have a Ruger LCP and a Kel-Tec .32 which will both keep all shots on the torso at that range. My little Off-Duty keeps all five shots in the silhouette at 25 yds with ease.

To give you a quick tale of how good Charter's customer service is, let me share this incident with you. My elderly mother and step-dad both have their CWP's. The three of us took the class almost ten years ago. Mom had gotten slack about carrying her old Model 36 Chief's and I offered her the Charter. She can shoot it well and and liked the clean, hammerless, snag-free, lines of the gun. Whenever her or my step-dad shot one of their guns, I would trade them one of my 642's while I took that gun home and cleaned it for them, trading back when the gun was cleaned. I had brought the Off-Duty home to clean and was in a hurry to get it cleaned. As I was tired, I carelessly and stupidly forced the cleaning rod through the cylinder (removed from the gun for cleaning) and damaged the ejector spring and crane assembly of the Off-Duty. I called Charter and they advised they would cover it under warranty even though it was my stupidity which damaged it. The dealer I purchased it from was very UN-helpful with my efforts to send it back to Charter, trying instead to scrape me off on some gunsmith buddy of his. Wanting my gun repaired right and to factory standards, I just set it on the shelf for a couple of years and fumed when I thought about the shabby treatment from that dealer, who will never see business from me, again. Recently, it was brought to my attention that I could legally ship the gun back to Charter on my own, via UPS or Fed Ex. I did so and expected it to be a month or two before the gun was back. Heck, I had done without it a year or two, so it was no big deal. One week to the day of shipping the gun off, it was back in my hands and repaired. Charter didn't even charge me for return shipping, as I had expected!!!! This, in my opinion, speaks volumes for Charter 2000 and their customer service.

Please keep up the good work and keep shooting these guns out to 25 yds!!!!! Reading that it can hit a silhouette at ten feet does not impress me. 

Ray Price, III 

Lexington, SC

July 1, 2012

This is typical service from Charter. Nick Ecker and his crew do an excellent job of keeping the customer happy and their guns running well.


Hi Jeff, Sorry I tried to post this on your feedback site but my computer wouldn't recognize the email url. Anyway I was wanting to give you and your readers a little warning from a country that has had gun ownership ripped from us. 

In Australia several years ago we had a massacre by a simpleton who was able to kill two elderly legitimate gun owners then steal their rifles (guns that were locked in a gun safe) and attached a tourist centre killing thirty people 'the Port Arthur Massacre'. This was enough for the anti gun lobby to take on gun owners in this country. They won political sway with lies and exaggerations, we lost the right to own semi automatic rifles, every gun had to be individually licensed and be in the possession of the licensee only, we then had to prove to the government we have legitimate reason for owning a gun. Usually written permission from a farmer to shoot on his land or a gun club membership (which means six competition shoots a year) personal or family protection is not a reason and in fact frowned upon. 

As far as hand guns it is all but impossible to get a license. If you are lucky to get one you have to be a member of a registered pistol club and submit 12 competition match cards a year to keep the license, you are not allowed to carry a pistol under any circumstances except to and from the range. If a policeman finds even one bullet loose (that is not locked in a safe or a travel case) you can be jailed. 

Apart from the legal limitation is the social stigma gun owners have to endure we are constantly portrayed in the media as trigger happy rednecks not to be trusted. When we are stopped by the traffic police we are identified as a gun owner when our license is checked so are often asked if we have the rifles in the car, even if we say no they search our cars to make sure; of course, if they find any ammunition in the car we are arrested. The crazy thing is since the new gun restrictions we have seen a steady increase in gun crime on our streets usually using smuggled guns by organized criminals. As I write this we have a full blown Bikie war going on in Sydney with nightly drive by shootings into peoples houses, some homes with children. These houses are often in respectable up market suburbs and many victims are not involved with the bikies they maybe relatives or friends of a biker, and some times the shooter just takes a guess at which house the bikie maybe live in. Meanwhile the police say they are doing the best they can yet they are being shot by these criminals with illegal weapons. 

Gun owners are not permitted to protect their homes or loved ones with their legal firearms, if we are attacked and return fire, we the licensed gun owner, are arrested for discharge a firearm in a public place; it seems gun owners are not allowed to protect themselves with anything more than harsh language. We just have to let the thug attack us and hope the Police care enough to follow it up if we survive. 

Jeff, please let your readers know not to let the antigun idiots get toe hold legislation that will deny you access to your guns because once they start they will not stop until shooting is a thing of the past, they will take your guns just as they have taken ours. It seems that when you take gun off the lawful the outlaws are the only ones who have guns. 

Thanks for listening and I hope you can put this little view from the land down under in your magazine. 


Marco Zaniol

June 30, 2012

Thank you for that first-hand information. I remember seeing the pictures of piles of fine guns waiting to be destroyed in Australia a few years ago. 


Mr. Quinn.

My name is Austin Thompson. I am 19 years old and I needed to gather the time to send you this message. A few years ago I found myself in a place of demons and temptation. I gave into bad things and I caused physical harm to myself. I grew up around guns but never really gave them a second thought. But I remember there was an evening where I was on YouTube with a friend and he showed me some of your videos. I instantly got hooked. After that, whenever a demon arose and I felt the need to cause self harm, I worked on a gun, or went shooting. If not, I watched your videos. I haven't hurt myself since then and am quite active in my church. I am going to be engaging gunsmithing school and am becoming a youth minister within my church. One day I want to start a youth shooting program to show kids the right way to use a firearm, and that it can be a way to ease stress, and at the same time show them God. I just wanted to thank you, Mr. Quinn for doing what you do. You had high attribution to me finding my path to God. I just got up to date with your videos and knew I had to give you my testimony. God bless you, sir. God has worked through you. Thank you for the inspiration.


Austin Thompson of Hagerstown MD

June 29, 2012

Thank you, Austin, for those encouraging words. God can get you through anything, and for the really tough stuff, he gave us guns.


Hi Jeff, 

I wish i had the ability to stay cool as you do when responding to some of the Obama lovers. Maybe in addition to the Obama quotes you could also have quotes from Thomas Jefferson on the second amendment.

I truly believe that if Obama gets re-elected this country will become a dictatorship.

I'm 79 yrs young and maybe shouldn't get so riled up about the future of this country, but i will till my last breath.

Thanks for a super site! 


June 26, 2012

As I am sure you have observed, we are becoming a nation of takers, with many in our society expecting and receiving a free ride, paid for by others. The liar Obama promises all things to everyone. He promises to take from those who work and to give to those who do not. To many people, that is what they want to hear. 


Mr. Quinn, Best wishes from Nova Scotia, Canada. Nice site excellent reviews and videos. Keep up the good work. The only part of your site I find confusing are your, and many Americans objection to universal healthcare? It has worked here in Canada, also the UK, France and many other countries. For a wealthy and progressive country like USA it seems like a no brainer. Could be I just don't follow US politics, let alone Canadian politics.



June 26, 2012

I am sure that it works, but it is socialism by definition. Anytime the government is involved, it costs more and is of lower quality. I see nothing at all wrong for me paying for my own food, shelter, clothing, and health care. After all, somebody has to pay for it. Might as well be the person who is receiving the service. If anyone wants to spread the risk, they can always buy insurance, as we do for our automobiles and homes. I see no reason why my neighbor should pay for my health care, and me pay for his.


Jeff, as you know I get to see a lot of new guns come through the leather shop. I am pretty set in my way with 1911s & S&W revolvers doing most everything I need for a self defense carry. BUT, this new little S&W Shield is one heck of a little gun. Light & flat, I can forget it's there in a good pancake holster. The trigger and accuracy are what really sold me on the well though out little gun. S&W has achieved the rare mark of a compact gun that points like a service sized gun. 

Rob Leahy - Simply Rugged Holsters

June 26, 2012

Yep. S&W got it right with the new Shield.


HI, Jeff. Just a quick & pleasant e-mail. I am the general Manager of Outdoor Emporium in Seattle, WA. We are a LARGE independent (and very successful) retailer of sporting goods including over 650 firearms on display every day.

I read your website's prior article on the Lipsey's Ruger Blackhawk Flattop in .45 ACP/.45 Colt (may favorite cartridge of all time since I have handloaded for nearly 25 years) with a lot of interest. Shortly thereafter, we got a stainless one with 5 ½" bbl. in (only ONE) from Lipsey's and I coveted it in front of staff. I put it down and told the staff I need to buy my daughter a new car since she just turned 16, so I could not possibly justify the added expense for some time.

One week later, the gun guys called me to the gun room under some ruse. I arrived at the counter and in front of me was a card and a box. In the box was THE gun, a gift to me purchased by my gun crew and fellow staff (we have 45 people on board). Apparently, they like me (ha-ha), so I was absolutely dumbstruck and speechless! The nicest gift I've EVER received, it was because of YOUR website's article that this transpired and I have been shooting it like crazy in the past two months!! I am casting .452 255gr. SWC Keith-style bullets for it and it is BY FAR the most accurate and just plain "fun" pistol I have ever owned!

I owe you guys a HUGE debt of gratitude and I just wanted to take the time and let you know your work is MUCH appreciated and it has improved the quality of my life leaps and bounds.

Thanks a million and have a terrific weekend!!

Paul Marander
General Manager 
Outdoor Emporium

June 7, 2012

Paul, It sounds like you have a great bunch of people working for you there! I think a ten percent raise across the board is in order!


I just wanted to take the time to say I just found your web-site and LOVE it. I am a communications professional and small businessman that has spent the last 20 years in sales and radio. During all that time I have had the chance to meet a lot of different people. In recent years I have begun to think that the rest of the world has lost their minds or hearts or guts. I will sleep better tonight knowing that there are still God fearing, gun loving AMERICAN MEN like me that still have a passion for life, their families and God. I look forward to learning more about this band of brothers that make up your group. I hope to shake your hand someday. God's speed to you and the gang. 

Best Regards, 


May 30, 2012


I received a Springfield XD 45 for Christmas, my first automatic pistol in 40 years. Due to an accident way back then, I have been fearful and have shunned semi auto pistols since, My feelings were they were just a little too complicated for the infrequent shooter. With the loaded chamber indicator, the striker status indicator and the grip safety the XD has brought me back to the world of semi auto pistols somewhat. I will always be a wheel gun guy, but I have to admit the firepower of a high cap semi auto is appealing. Stories from our vets from the "big one" of that big hunk of 45 lead taking down an enemy no matter where the hit, is also very comforting. The 357 magnum was never on my list of any type weapon because again of an experience many years ago. The loudness of this caliber to an unprepared bystander is almost enough to burst an eardrum. Since the 45 for xmas I have been looking at ballistics for different calibers and loads and to my surprise the 357 magnum seems to, at least on paper, outperform the 45 auto on muzzle velocity and muzzle energy on about all the loads according to the tables from Federal Ammunition Co. I know you do mostly weapons evaluation and an excellent job at that, and a good job evaluating ammunition sometimes. I am considering a purchase of a semi auto 357 pistol from Springfield at sometime in the future and was wondering if you had done any kind of "testing" in your good old country boy way, of a 357 mag against a 45 auto. I would love to see the damage side by side of a few rounds of each into some 2x4's, or similar. Excellent site you have and the "common sense" way you evaluate, is perfect. I for one want to know all those little things about a weapon you point out, good or bad, and I want to see that thing shoot and hear what you got to say about it. Keep up the good work Jeff and Boge, the 99% out here in America support you, your website, and your politics, keep it coming.

Grateful to live in this country,

Gary Pulliam 

From the hills of Arkansas

May 27, 2012

Both are very good cartridges, and the debate goes on between which is better; heavy and slow or light and fast. You can't quantify with numbers the effects of a 45 compared to a 357 Sig. Either will do the job. On paper, the 357 looks better, but a man killed with a 357 is no deader than the man killed with the 45.


enjoyed your information on heavy .357 loads from buffalo bore. 40 years ago I started loading the Lyman Keith 168 grain bullet over 13 grains of 2400 (Hercules) used in a S&W Model 28 with 6" barrel & an early Hawes S. A. ( a tool room prototype ) floating firing pin recessed chamber heads with a 5&1/2" barrel both extremely accurate out to almost unbelievable range.... I cast the bullets hard. always enjoy your sight, very informative and knowledgeable, a class act Gentlemen, thank you. 


May 22, 2012

Sounds like a good 357 load. Most shooters want to go to lighter bullets for more velocity, and there is a place for that, but I like the heavier bullets. That Keith 168 is a fine choice.


"Remington Versamax Auto Fighting Shotgun": The absolute BEST review in the last 10 years. Really!



May 19th, 2012

Jeff, I am 56 years old, new to the world of shooting- my wife and I just purchased his and her Glocks (17 and 19) for our "home security system" and to learn about and enjoy shooting handguns at our local indoor range. I enjoy your website and often read the emails by some of your readers. The responses you give to the emails assure me that your website (and you) are well informed and are an asset to those of us "out there" looking for more information. That said, I must defend your "political" points of view and want you to know that there is support out there for your defense of gun rights as viewed politically. As it is, we all know it's conservatives who support the views of gun owners, not liberals. My point is this, keeping Obama in office will be a detriment to gun owners, plain and simple. It's a proven fact, seen all over the news and websites, that it's liberals who want more gun control-so it's difficult for me to understand why liberal gun owners (who read your webpage) are offended by your posting of statements made by Obama. Keep up the good work, and please don't stop publishing factual quotes from our best gun salesman - Barack Obama.


May 13, 2012

Mr. Quinn your expertise with regards to firearms is unquestionably right on. Unfortunately you refuse to stop there. Not that you don't have the right to your political opinion, you do, but a gun review magazine is not the proper forum for your right-wing babble. Besides, there alot of Liberal, (yes I'm Liberal and proud!) gun owners and hunters that you are offending. Stay on subject.


P. S. I voted for Obama in '08 and will again in '12

May 10th, 2012

I only make political comment if it affects gun ownership. If there is a politician who wants to stomp upon our Constitutional rights to gun ownership, that is relevant to what we do.


Re Obama's 1996 statement ("I don't believe that people should be able to own guns."), that must be why he signed the bill allowing citizens to carry guns in National Parks.


May 2nd, 2012

He signed that bill because the Congress had enough votes to over-ride his veto. Had he vetoed the bill, it would have been a political embarrassment for him. You can draw your own conclusions, and your vote is every bit as important as mine. I am just here to inform. We are also watching Romney closely. His record is not perfect on gun rights either.


Thanks for showing, pointing out statements from the President. Surveys show that boys raised without a full time and decent father don't turn out as well. We also know some boys turn out fine and some don't. His father was not raised in the U. S. and had opinions not like ours. Thanks, you gave me something to think about.


April 23, 2012

Hi Jeff,

Since discovering your site, I have appreciated your informative and succinct reviews of guns and gun products. However, I was displeased to find that politics have now begun to appear on GunBlast's home page. I am referring to the recent placement there of selected quotes of Obama's. I believe your intent was informational, but I feel that posting them on your home page has put a political dimension there that previously had been confined to a page designated for political stuff.

Opinions on the subject of guns and gun ownership are not necessarily homogenous among all gun enthusiasts. I share the enthusiasm for guns that your site promotes, but I would prefer that the politics be kept separate. Visitors to your site who wish to delve into politics can find a venue for such discussion under Politics and Opinion. Others, who visit the site mainly for the gun reviews, should still be free to bypass the opinion if they so choose. 

It's your site; I respect your opinion and your right to express your political views. All I request is that you consider resuming your practice of compartmentalizing the political expression from the gun reviews, out of consideration for your visitors who come just for the gun stuff. 


April 26, 2012

I appreciate your feedback on this. However, the quotes are not an opinion, just quotes from Obama. i will give it some thought, but gun owners need to be aware of Obama's views towards gun ownership.

Thanks again.



Thank you for your continued work in all aspects of firearm research and reporting. Without doubt, no peer exists in either electronic or published format. As well, I am pleased to see your continuing portrayal of the true nature of the occupant of our highest office. The keen contrast of his actions against cherished American ideals is at once informative and frightening. 

Jim (Wyo)

April 17, 2012


I think you ought to be ashamed of yourself for printing a statement from Obama that is 16 years old and expect us to believe, as a result, it's relevant (especially the intelligent people in your audience). I'm not defending Obama at all, by the way. At least if I were to quote someone, I'd hope I could find something more current, reflecting what I believed to be that person's beliefs currently (assuming they are still alive, of course). It's entirely possible they are the same thing and that they reflect all the changes (or potential changes) that person may have made over the last 16 years. I hope you don't believe the world (especially the USA) is the same place it was just 16 years ago! Things change so rapidly nowadays it's almost a certainty opinions are modified just as quickly. If I'm wrong and we are (as a society) standing still, you should have no trouble finding current statements from Obama (or anyone else for that matter) which reflect the same opinion they expressed 16 years ago. I think that, in principle, it would show you can construct an argument or express an opinion, or make a point more comprehensively than to go into the past and cherry pick those things selectively which support your (unspoken) beliefs (in this case I think you're trying to make a point that Obama = bad). I do not believe it's any different really, than quoting an excerpt (or excerpts) from a gun review (s) of a e. g. S & W .45 acp made ten or more years ago and including those in the review of a current "E" series .45 acp attempting to have us believe they are the same guns (without any analysis of the current "E" series pistol except quotes from older reviews of their lineup). I believe if I did that, and sent it to you for your analysis, you'd have a fit (at least I hope you would). If you didn't react that way I'd say you didn't have any analytical skills at all. So why then, are we given a quote from 16 years ago, proudly pasted in a prominent place on your website home page doing exactly what I've described as suspect? I hope it's not a case of "it's my basketball and we'll play by my rules or we won't play at all" (meaning, it's my website and I can do as I please). I believe people who read your reviews expect objective analysis of current products. The only point I'm trying to make is that if you're going to give an opinion, at least construct a comprehensive analysis which shows you considered all relevant data, not something taken from many years ago tacitly supporting your opinion. Truth is (for me at least), I think your opinion of politics is far less relevant to me than your opinion on firearms, unless you construct your opinion of firearms in the same fashion as you, apparently, do of politicians in which case, both are (to me) of little value. There you have it! I've given you my opinion (which you really didn't ask for) and that is often worth about as much as you paid for it! 


April 11, 2011

I appreciate that Feedback. The problem with Obama is that he is now a politician, and carefully chooses his statements to the public. In the 2008 campaign, I personally heard him state that he would support a ban on semi-automatic firearms. He has also stated to the Brady Foundation that gun control is on his agenda in his second term, but that for now, he wants to keep things, as he stated "under the radar". Usually, a man's core beliefs do not change. It is in Obama's character to want more control over citizen's lives, as is evidenced by everything that he does and says. If Obama has changed his mind, he should positively say so. However, I would not believe him, as he has a track record of not telling the truth. It looks as if he will be running against Romney, and as governor, Romney's record was also not pro-gun. I intend to watch both men closely on this. 

Quoting someone on statements made in the past is relevant. My wife often brings up stuff that I said twenty years ago, and I hear people quote Jesus Christ on statements that he made twenty centuries ago. Our past defines who we are, and is an indicator of where we are going.


ED. NOTE: As Webmaster, I am responsible for putting that quote from Obama on our main page. It represents no opinion of any of us here at Gunblast; it merely repeat a statement that he himself made, uncolored by our opinion or yours. I intend to rotate Obama's statements relating to our firearms freedom as I find them, so our readers can see for themselves what the man has to say; the latest statement I posted was from his 2006 book, "The Audacity of Hope".

Well, I was all excited about Jeff's article on the Judge, and went out that same day to buy one. It is exactly what I wanted for home invasion defense and for traveling alone on long trips. I was happy. Then.... I checked out the Feedback site and came across the comment RE: Rush L. from Jeff. You surprised me, Jeff. I sure do appreciate your pithy acerbic perspectives, but this response was just pointless and danged mean. I hope you don't have any daughters, as my guess is that they will probably have self-esteem issues being raised by an apparent misogynist dad who sounds like he might have issues with women.. especially strong ones. There are far too many men out there who think it's OK to demean and tear down women. It seems that as .long as any woman backs what a man says, it's OK.... but if she doesn't endorse what he says or believes, he has the right to demean her in the most vile and disrespectful ways possible. Whether it be liberal (Bill Mahler) or conservative (Rush Limbaugh), no woman, not a wife, daughter, mother, or sister is well served by this treatment. Psychologists say that men who hate women use criticism to demean and control..... it's an anger issue misplaced. We women love you guys! Enough with the trash talk.


March 26, 2012

I absolutely love women. They are without a doubt my favorite of the two sexes. My point was not to degrade her as a woman, but to point out that we each should bear the cost for our own behavior. I would have stated the same if it was a man wanting someone else to pay for his immoral behavior. I don't mind the fact that she is promiscuous. That is her business, as I stated in my answer. My point was that she should pay for her own birth control. Why should you and I and everyone else have to pay for it? The comment about the nickel was to make the point that birth control can be very inexpensive. If she needed cancer drugs or financial help with some other health issue, I would gladly send her some money, but she is wanting the rest of us to pay for her lifestyle habits. Personally, I think that she should not be involved sexually until she is married, but again, that is her business. It becomes my business when she EXPECTS the rest of us to pay for it.


Just performed the "poor man's trigger job" on my Ruger Single Six. Wow! Totally K. I. S. S. simple and what a difference. My Ruger Bisley Hunter should be in this week. Guess what the first thing is I'm gonna do to it... Thanks guys love the website. 


March 12, 2012

Love your reviews Mr. Quinn. Your site is one of my first stops whenever I'm in looking for a new gun or just want to know more about a particular model. Picture heavy with plenty of great info. Thank you.

Chris - Hixson TN

March 12, 2012

Love your site. Wondering your opinion on the Rush Limbaugh beat down. I support Rush 100 percent.


March 6, 2012

In today's world, he should not have made those true statements about that woman's immoral behavior.

If she wants to do everyone on campus, that is her business, but why should someone else have to pay for her birth control? Should we also have to buy her beer, rolling papers, and pay for all of her immoral behavior?

I have a five-cent solution for her. She should hold a nickel between her legs until she graduates.


I have recently purchased the Ruger SR 40, I was not disappointed with my decision to purchase this weapon. The SR 40 is the first 40 cal. pistol I own, or shot for that matter. I put 30 rounds down range the day after purchase, and I honestly expected more recoil. I was pleasantly surprised on how smooth this gun fired. I will also point out that cost was definitely a factor that led me to this purchase. An American made weapon that is affordable, that doesn't compromise on quality honestly what is not to like about it. It will count as Ruger number 3 that I own. I would recommend the SR 40 to anyone who is looking for an affordable, American made pistol in this caliber. The safety features, and ease of cleaning are also worthy of praise. If there was to be a down side I could only point out the box it comes with is not something I would keep this weapon stored in. That being said If it's not in the holster, It should be in a safe. After all Ruger still has to make production decisions that they can make money at. Looking forward to shooting this weapon more and carrying with me as a quality side-arm while hunting. 

J. Baldwin 


March 4, 2012

Dear Jeff,

Something that all handloaders must keep in mind is that, in most chamberings, whenever they use loads that generate significantly more pressure than factory ammunition, they are ENTIRELY negating the value of the proof load. Therefore, if the gun has, for any reason, a structural weakness or if it is a combination of action design and chambering that places significant stress on the system even if all stressed parts are made of quality steel that is properly heat treated, then the use of such loads stresses the system beyond what the proof load proved the gun could handle for an indefinite number of shots (millions). What this means is that, inevitably, if enough folks follow such a practice that will lead to the catastrophic failure some guns. If that failing gun happens to be one you happen to be shooting this lesson will be an unpleasant one. This is not an opinion. Ask Bob Bell, he can tell you all about it. Specifically, a faulty gun that passes a proof test will last millions of shots with normal ammunition but might last only 10,000 shots or 1000 shots, or 10 shots with loads that generate proof pressure and guess what, many handloaders routinely shoot loads that generate pressure in excess of that generated by proof loads! I know one thing for sure, I would never want to be involved in explaining to someone why I recommended that anyone exceed data published in a modern manual -- which is not to say that I never do so, but a moral difference does exist. The folks at Speer learned this lesson the hard way and it cost the shooting sports $5,000,000 and a family their loved one. That is why modern data published by the industry always abides by SAAMI specifications -- data in Speer #8 did not and a man died for exactly the reason I opened this with.

Take care,


March 2, 2012

I love your folks take on the shot shows. Fast and to the point and a greater variety than others. Keep up the good work!


January 23, 2012


I'm a big fan of your website. I came across it a few years ago while looking for a target pistol. After reading your review of the Ruger MKIII hunter I ended up with a target model. Later on, based in part on your review of the SR9C, I bought one for my daily carry. I'm very happy with both of them. Your articles have a way of answering questions about a firearm that I didn't know I had and you've got a great way of describing how a weapon really feels to use. Gunblast is usually the first site I search for a write up of a gun because I like how you do things. Keep up the good work, I'll keep on reading. Thanks,


January 22, 2012

Dear; Joe, I do not see the need for handguns of need type. I live in NYC and feel like they should be band I feel perfectly safe with out them. And never felt the need to have one. My Dad had hunting guns. Witch are OK with me. I don't feel a hunting rifle is a big deal to posses. If you want to shoot a deer It's Ok with me. I have no problem with it. But hand guns are not to go hunting with. There for killing people. and that all there good for. In my option. Take them away and we would not deal with death like we do.


Hallie Ann

Long Island NY

January 21, 2012

Hallie, I respect your opinion, but you are misinformed. Handguns can be used, and are daily, to stop violence. It is all dependent upon the user. Handguns are also used for hunting, but back to the more important use, they are used to save lives. If someone kicks in your door late one night, what would you do? Call 911? The police would arrive in maybe five minutes, if you are lucky. Do yourself a favor. Imagine that your door has been kicked in by three thugs with knives and intentions to make you their play-toy, before slitting your pretty throat. Now, sit down and watch the clock for a full five minutes. After a few seconds, you will realize that the police will not arrive in time to help you. If the police do show up before your death, they will be carrying handguns. Those handguns will be used to save the lives of you and them. The police have no more right to a handgun than do you. They are paid to do a job which you are not willing to do for yourself. The handgun is a tool. It is neither bad nor good, but can be used for bad or good, depending upon the evil or good within the user. If we could take away all handguns, and there existed none anywhere, do you believe that violence would stop, and that criminals would all join hands and sing songs? Many tools can be used to perpetrate violence. The handgun is, again, merely a tool, but it is a very handy tool with which to bring a violent act to a sudden stop. 


I recently purchased a Remington Versa Max 12 ga. I read your article about it before purchasing the shotgun and it helped convince me to purchase this gun; I am not totally sold on a item just because the manufacturer makes wonderful claims. I must admit you were right on, the Versa Max is awesome! Round after round has been fired through it perfectly! The recoil of this shotgun is non-existent! It's nothing to go through 200 rounds of shells in one day, flawlessly. It's easy to clean and maintain. Thanks for your evaluation on this shotgun. Keep up the great work and looking forward to your other articles.

Thank You much, 

Dave F.

January 1, 2012

Hi Jeff,

Your 11-6-2010 article which concluded there was no defect in the Remington Model 700 trigger might have benefited from a careful reading of Jack Belk's 
10-11-2010 article titled "Remington-Walker Explanation" that was published online at

You might also consider reading Randy Wakeman's take on the Remington Model 700 trigger.

While much of what Randy has to say is a recap of Jack Belk's article and the MSNBC report, I think his overall perspective provides a sharp counterpoint to your opinion.

I personally have not done enough research yet to have reached a conclusion on the model 700 trigger other than I will not purchase a model 700 made prior to November of 2006 as that was when the trigger was redesigned to correct what some experts feel was a fundamental design flaw.

I don't know if the info I've provided will prompt you to rethink your article and perhaps improve it. But, at the very least, I would encourage you to add the two links I provided to the bottom of your article as there are two sides to every story and yours, as it currently stands, does not give your readers all the information they need to make decisions about their personal safety regarding the model 700 trigger.

Best Regards, 


December 29, 2011

I am familiar with other opinions on the matter. My article simply states mine. I can find a design flaw in just about any machine ever built, if that is my goal. No design is foolproof, and there is no shortage of fools in this world. One should never, ever allow the muzzle to point at anything that should not be shot. Firearms are dangerous. That is why we buy them instead of non-firing replicas. I do not think that changing my opinion so that I agree with others would be an improvement to my article. However, we will post this in our FEEDBACK section, to allow others to access that information, in order to form their own opinions. Thanks for the links.


Dear Mr. Quinn, 

I don't usually write a letter to a website, magazine, etc but here goes. I wanted to express my appreciation for your fine website When I started my journey into the world of firearms 6 months ago, I didn't know a thing. While I am no expert, thanks to your well written articles it has made the experience much easier. Keep up the good work, God bless and thank you so much for having a no-nonsense, common sense website that has been an invaluable resource to not only myself, but undoubtedly countless others.



December 26, 2011

Jeff gives excellent evaluations on the weapons he tests. they are easy to understand and you truly get a feel for the weapon after reading his review. Anytime I am interested in a weapon I'm not familiar with I look to see if GunBlast has reviewed it. This time it was the FN SLP Mark I Semi-Auto 12 Gauge Shotgun. My compliments to everyone at GB for great work.



December 26, 2011

Having carried the S&W Bodyguard 380 in my pocket for a few months now (I have a concealed carry license from the commonwealth of Puerto Rico to do so legally) I agree on everything you stated on your article. In addition, I really appreciated all the valuable info. and statistics on the bullets to use in this weapon. I am using Hornady Critical Defense hollowpoint in mine. I really like your writing style, is packed with so much useful information, very interesting and enjoyable writing style, too. Keep up the good work, Jeff !!! 

Just to let you know, I have read many, but I mean a lot of your articles before this one. I really appreciate your practical, real world, wise point of view on both your weapons reviews and use, bullet selection and carry suggestions.

Thank you again sir,


December 26, 2011

Hello friends,

Merry Christmas to you and your families. I unfortunately live behind enemy lines in the communist republic of NY. I found your site and LOVE IT. I love your video reviews. My brother in law recently bought a Ruger SR-556 (NY version) and I will be buying the Stag Arms Model 8 in the new year. I used your videos as reference. Keep up the good work and keep making the great videos and comments, we here in the Communist state of NY appreciate it. 

Your buddy,


December 21, 2011

Boy-O-Boy Jeff. right on! Ruger #1A, #1-S, #1-H are likely the finest US made rifles, ever! And by the old standard of "you get what you pay for". I think they are a BARGAIN!


December 15, 2011

I agree.


Thanks for the review on the Taurus PT1911, I spent many weeks looking for a Knew 1911 and talked with countless people who own them , I found everyone had an opinion about a different gun from Kimbers to Colt to Springfield, Smith@ Wesson etc!!!, I own a Remington Rand military pistol my father passed down from WWII and have fired thousands of rounds through it myself. But it was time to retire it, when I mentioned the Taurus all I would hear is it was OK for the price you pay, but it's not a so and so, its cheaply made, buy it and you will wish you had bought something else so on and so on, but I kept reading and decided to give it a try and wow this thing is one nice gun PERIOD it shoots circles around my old WWII gun, took it out to the range with a bunch of guys and everyone asked why I wasted my money . but at the end of the day it was more accurate more robust and didn't have 1 miss fire in 250 rounds , More that I can say for some of the others .so everyone was chomping at the bit to tear it down and show me the shortcomings of this Gun, so I agreed as long as we pulled there's down first so they could point out the reasons why they spent upwards of 1250.00 all the way to 2500.00 difference in price .they pulled down there Kimbers colts S@Ws and 1 Glock. Pointed out the speed triggers forged internals ported ramps ect on and on when we pulled this gun down all I heard was silence not one comment not one . I asked these guys to point out the shortcomings. Still not one comment . in fact I thought the Taurus workings looked higher quality but that was just from the surface it had every option the $2500.00 gun had and was just as accurate, that gun has fired 5000 rds of every kind of ammunition imaginable , not one issue yet . bought my son one the other day $600.00 and still shooting great , say what you will the proof is in the pudding my dad always said and the pudding is high quality bar None Oh and the cross breed super tuck deluxe is one nice carry holster , Most comfortable holster I have ever Used to carry with 



December 6, 2011

I have had four of the Taurus 1911 pistols in here, and have disassembled every one of them for a careful inspection. All were very well-made, and functioned perfectly. I especially like the full size lightweight version. dandy pistols!


Thank you for articles. I research the firearms that I am interested in and rely heavily on the information you provide. I Recently read the review on the Ruger SR40, and have to agree that it is what you stated and now I and my wife are happily shooting with good success, very pleased with the accuracy and reliability, and it easy for my wife to rack.

With kind regards, 

Neil and Roxanne

November 26, 2011

Mr.: Jeff, just read your article on the Kel-Tec Sub2000 9mm, I was interested on this type of weapon for some time now because of the compatibility of the ammo to my other weapons, and was looking for some writings on it, by the way I find your articles honest and full of information, not movies type junk, I like to thank you for helping me make this choice and will continue to read and watch your articles.


November 14, 2011

Me again!! Just read your 2008 Weatherby Vanguard article, since I am looking at them for my first centerfire rifle purchase. Your comment about not putting the MSRPs in article except for this one because price is the big factor of this article. I just wrote another reviewer who didn't add prices either. I think MSRPs should be added for historical reasons, plus it is very handy when you are making purchase comparisons that then would require more searching at a dif location for the price.

Thanks for listening (again),


October 27, 2011

I have had, many times, when the price has been listed, folks emailing me two years later complaining that I should go in and change the prices when they increase. With around 950 reviews posted, I cannot keep up with every price change on that many weapons. I always give a link to the manufacturer's website, and folks can click on that link for pricing information. If people are too lazy to do that, they are probably not going to buy the weapon anyway.



I've been reading GUNBLAST. COM for quite some time now, and no other website concerning firearms even comes close to the practical info offered at Gunblast. com. I looked at Guns and Ammo to check them out. Hard to find what you really want to read; and in their blog, some misguided soul was telling about how he likes to wear women's clothes!! I'm interested in learning about my favorite FIREARMS, not another pervert's foolishness on the web. Thanks, Jeff for your part in producing a website that is informative, relevant, and makes a real contribution to educating folks like me that use and enjoy our firearms.

Please pray for America; I believe that we are going to need it in this next election.

--- michael

October 22, 2011


I've been a long time reader of your website, and I really enjoy it. Just a quick email saying I like your reviews and tests. Great content and you give every gun a fair shake. I appreciate your personal opinions about the different guns you handle too.



October 15, 2011


I just read your article about stopping production on the Winchester Model 94 ( Just found your site while searching on stuff for the Model 94). I have a lovely 12 year old daughter who is all girl and all cowgirl. She loves her horse and her cowboy hat. I introduced her to shooting and she fell in love with my Model 94 .22 that my parents bought me 30 years ago when I graduated from high school. She loves the simplicity of the lever action. She's shot semis and bolt actions and even my dad's full-auto Uzi, but she keeps coming back to Model 94. If we go shooting something else and I don't take it, she's always a little disappointed. By the way, she is a naturally good shot with anything that I hand her. Nerves of steel or something. Any way, I loved that Model 94, and I love her, too, so I gave it to her a couple of months ago. She immediately began to refer to it as "my gun". "Dad, when can we take my gun out shooting?", "Can you tell me about my gun?". I will always have a soft spot in my heart for that Model 94 and I can see that she will, too. I also explained our family's rule on guns. We only buy them - never sell them. They never leave the family. We've been blessed with a little extra cash now and then, and we've introduced young men without fathers to hunting and, once we see that they are committed, have bought guns for them. My dad, father-in-law and I went in together to buy a Model 94 30-30 for a young man whose dad died of cancer when he was eleven. He's hunted with us ever since and loves that Model 94. My grandfather, father, brother and I all shot our first deer with the same Model 94. I told my daughter that someday, Lord willing, she will have a son or daughter of her own and she can give the Model 94 to them, just as her grandfather gave it to me.

From a fellow enthusiast who thinks the same way that you do, keep up the good work.


September 28, 2011

You, sir, are a good man.


I just wanted to comment on reducing hammer spring tension. I've done it the author's way, but after doing much research on spring travel, I found out that the spring does not have the same tensioning through the complete action of the spring when compressed. I found out that it is better to cut out the center section of about 1&1/2 inches. This allows the spring to retain its tension throughout the spring travel. I also ordered a spring set for my Uberti from Wilson springs and the mainspring for the hammer was cut out from the center rather than on each side. I've since done action jobs on Civil War re-enactor's black powder pistols as well. I cut the center out of the spring leaving about 1/4" on each side. This greatly reduced the force needed to draw the hammer back and did not affect the ability to pop a cap. 


September 21, 2011

You are correct.


My husband bought me a Walther P22 without really knowing anything about them besides hearing they were good for women. We both fell in love with it. A few weeks later he was buying a gun with a little more wallop but not intimidating to shoot like his 44. I couldn't believe how little kick it had (which is what I was afraid of). Having 3 small children I also couldn't believe how safe it is. My husband loves it too because how light it is, having a bad hip it is perfect for him. It is a fun and accurate gun to shoot. I feel safe seeing the hammer and knowing what position it is in. I have very little handgun experience and the first time I shot the PK380 I was closer to the target than the first time I shot my P22. It is very similar to shooting the P22. I highly recommend this gun for women and men alike. The price is good and I can't find a thing wrong to say about it. I really enjoy reading your articles you hit the PK380 spot on. 

Alaska Sarah

September 21, 2011

Hey Greg, Just read your excellent article on Shooter's Choice products. I always learn something new and valuable from y'all. Excellent research and much appreciated. Keep it up and thank you sir. 


September 16, 2011

Boge - what a great article on the antiqued Uberti! I've got one homebrewed actually by Cimarron on this side of the pond as they didn't have any "original finish" .44 Sp in the shipping pipeline at the time and volunteered to "do" a new regular P they happened to have on the inspection bench. Then I had my smith--Bob James of famed SAA/fast draw--locally here in Phoenix give it an action tune and replaced the factory wood grips with a set of oversize 3rd Gen Colt "hard rubbers" (Colt had sent him as seconds 'cause oversize for Colt)--and antique (smooth--but not to melted look--them to match). Like you, one of my favorite guns. Also had him "antique" a NOS Rodeo .44 Sp I lucked into from Trail CreekTrade Co. It came out great, but a touch too "clean" (in my posted pics it looks more clean yet, not showing the flutes which we did leave a touch bluing in like yours ). Back to your project, if you scanned some of my various posts on various forums, I too have been touting the notion of the base matte Uberti like yours (as you say, currently Chisolm) as the perfect platform for budget DIY antiquing job... and how I viewed that role being the value of that particular gun (as I cant stand the matte). Unfortunately, Uberti does not--at least to us civilians--sell a .44 Spin that finish (or any Uberti labeled gun I can tell... have to go to Cimarron or Taylors for that, and they either don't have a matte version or of so also not in .44 Sp)... or I'd like another one done off that base matte finish. I've got several various Ruger Vaqueros, New Vaqueros, the USFA and a non catalogued .44 Sp "4th" gen Colt SAA, all great guns... but the "aged" Uberti (Cimarron), like you, I have a hard time putting down! I'd like to see what a good homebrew on a Ruger would look like. I understand the only downside is the bare metal underneath is brighter than the Colt or clones. I do wish Ruger'd put more of a bevel on their cylinders per the 1st Gen Colts (and all Ubertis and USFA's. I've seen). The New Vaqueros have a mild bevel or chamfer, but don't hit the corners. What say you to another project?! 

Btw, a friend and each I got a Gunslinger from Gary @ USFA/Frontier a few years ago. I had to sell mine (to my friend) when I was a bit cash poor... My only beefs are a) they've now (past 2+years) gone way up to a street price approaching a Pre War--or at least their standard SA with an option or two and b) they're a bit dark and "sooty" looking--at least our examples, compared to IMO your (and my) more realistic looking ones. I like that on yours and mine you can actually "see" them and the aging features better.


August 23, 2011

Hi Jeff,

I am only too pleased to add my comments to a superb web page and the evaluation of the Savage Long Guns (in this eg). I just happen to own such a Savage Sniper Rifle (MODEL 10 BAT/S-K 7.62 X 51 N.) can sincerely add to the credentials of the full floating fluted 24" barrel and the great ACU-Trigger and adjustable stock. I have been consistently shooting at 200 yards with groupings in the ½ - inch range using of course match grade 168 gr. HPBT Sierras and 44 gr. Varget powder and CCI primers. Thanks Jeff for the continued evaluations as your results confirm what I have been finding myself. Many of the male shooters at our range are quite surprised at my ability in the first year and only shooting once a week; I plan to use the Savage in competition maybe at the end of this year (2011) along with two others that I have namely the Remington 700 M24 Milspec 5R and a RRA A4 5.56 x 45 both with match grade ammunition and both sniper rifles with double stage triggers and floating bull barrels. Savage is everything that you mentioned Jeff and I am very pleased to add my comments to the readership. Do keep up the work, much appreciated.

Sincerely with my support,

Ms. Roberta C. Anaya

July 30, 2011

Thank you,

I wrote to you before reading many of your Q&A. I realize now your not much on comparing and more on info of a certain firearm. I appreciate the input. I also wanted to tell you that I read an archived post in which the question was why do we need guns, would you shoot someone and what would Jesus do. I read your response at least 3 times, you couldn't have explained it any better. I showed the post to my dad this morning and he agreed completely. Until 2 years ago my dad hadn't touched a gun since 1969 after coming back from Vietnam, on a trip out west to see the grand canyon a van tried to run my mom and dad off the road to apparently hijack them, his quick reaction got them out of the situation unscathed. When he got back he asked me to point him in the right direction with a firearm for himself and mom. I chose the FNH five-seven. They both took a gun safety class and dad went on to get his CCL. I tell you this story because growing up guns were never allowed in my parents house and when I moved out I found quite a passion and interest in them. My family as a whole always thought I was crazy for going out and spending money on another gun when i already had a gun "as they would say". We all now carry or have a firearm in our home and most of us enjoy a Saturday of shooting and practice. As you said "just cause you have a cooking pan doesn't make you chef". Ha, love it 

Take Care and God Bless,

Chuck P.

July 29, 2011

Dear Jeff,

Your site is an advertiser's dream!! I just caught myself browsing the ads on the margins of your home page. I NEVER do that, I HATE ads!! 30 years later I still boycott Charmin due to Mr. Quigley's scoldings of "Don't squeeze the Charmin!"

So why do I actively seek the ads on your site?

1. They do not intrude, pop-up, or distract.

2. Visually, they are on the margin, they are in neat rows, all the same size. Thus they encourage the viewer to scan the ads because the Quinn content of the site is so obviously not going anywhere, it is central.

3. The Quinn content does not wrap around the ads, as in magazines or on other sites. That wrap around implies that the ad is more important than the site content. No, I am here because the Quinn content is central to my reading/viewing. The ads are secondary.

4. The ads are relevant. Gunblast is all about guns, and so are the ads. Even the political banners are all about guns. If a Coke ad showed up it would dilute the focus of the site.

5. The ads are useful. I often link to a manufacturer's website through their ad on Gunblast because I recall it is there.

Good job, guys!

Timothy in Seattle

July 27, 2011

Thank you, Sir. Our advertisers enable us to do what we do, and we try to only take advertisers whom we know treat customers fairly. Greg sells most of the ads, and Boge developed the layout of our entire website. I just pull triggers and have fun, in addition to enduring the time at this keyboard.


Jeff - Since January I've been following Gunblast. com very closely ... even read every archived article that could be of any interest.

Your reviews of weapons are very interesting to me, and the videos that accompany the articles are first rate. On July 22 I bought a Ruger LC9 with Crimson Trace LaserGuard after I did due diligence, including Gunblast. com. Your being a brother in Christ lends credibility to you and your site and an affinity. I appreciate your boldness for the Lord on your website. I've often sent a link to, or watched a demonstration with, my pastor.

Anyway, the LC9 is a fine piece and a good one to carry.

Thanks for everything.

Mike in Iowa

July 25, 2011


Just read your 2007 review on the .410/45 Taurus "Judge". Entertaining read, think I might look for one. By the way, I am a short-haired, Volvo-driving cappuccino-drinking guy that lives in a house on the beach in California, and I met Nancy Pelosi once and liked her. But no offense taken. Just saying you never know.


July 20, 2011

It takes many kinds of folks to make up this world. It would be pretty boring if we all thinked alike. I welcome diverse opinions.


I just came across Your place and got to reading Greg's Corner. I love it !!! I'm a gun-totin', Harley-ridin', white-bearded, Bible-thumpin' preacher and I agree 100% with everything I've read so far. Thanks. May The LORD make His face to shine upon You and Yours. Till later...


July 18, 2011

Hi Pastor Jesse,

Good to hear from you, and thank you for your kind words regarding and the Greg's Corner section of our website. Greg's Corner was created to provide an outreach and simple solutions to many of life's problems to the many loyal readers from around the world, now totaling more than one million readers per month. is considered the "Consumer Reports" of the firearms community, and we are proud of our 11 year track record of telling the truth in gun tests, and of being the number one gun website out there. We are happy you found our site and Greg's Corner. 

You sound like our kind of people! My brother Jeff is a gun-totin', Harley-ridin', white-bearded Deacon. My brother Boge is a big, gun-totin' gospel music singer and picker. And I'm the gun-totin', Bible-thumpin' preacher.

Stay in touch.


Hello Jeff, how are you? After careful consideration, I've come to the conclusion that Handguns and Sniper Rifles HELP the ATTACKERS (the bad guys) more than they do the defenders (the good guys). 

Attackers can ambush defenders with a handgun that is concealed and shoot a defender in the back of the head without the defender being able to return fire because the defender never noticed the concealed handgun. 

Attackers can ambush defenders with a sniper rifle that has a scope by shooting a defender from hundreds of yards away, and the defender can not return fire because the defender didn't notice that the attacker was taking aim at the defender from hundreds of yards away. 

Shotguns have limited range and can't defeat bullet-resistant vests or helmets therefore they are not ideal defensive weapons. That leaves the ASSAULT RIFLE as the ultimate weapon for the DEFENDER because it can't be concealed by the attacker like a handgun, and it doesn't have the long range of a sniper rifle. 

In conclusion, I believe that if America only has Assault Rifles (and DOES NOT have handguns, shotguns, and sniper rifles) then maybe America would be a better place for the DEFENDERS (the good guys) and not such a good place for the ATTACKERS (the bad guys).

What do you think?

Jen Y

June 30, 2011


I see your point, but disagree. When we start putting firearms into categories of what is "good" and what is "bad", we will lose all of them. Any rifle can be an assault rifle. Any rifle can be a sniper rifle. Any rifle can be a hunting rifle. Any rifle can be a target rifle. 


Read your article "Can you Reach your weapon?" and I have to say that this is an article every person should read, gun enthusiast or not. A man's (or woman's) responsibility for the safety of themselves and for their family is a personal responsibility that no enforcement agency can fill. If only we all understood that I believe fewer innocent people would be killed, and there would be fewer violent repeat-offenders.


J. Weston

June 15, 2011

I added a 5.5" Tactical Solutions red/fluted barrel threaded for the tac/Sol muzzle brake to my brand new Browning Buck Mark, WOW what a change!! Much lighter than the original Buck Mark and the muzzle brake actually takes almost all muzzle rise out of the gun. It shoots like one of the old 22 short Pardini GSO or Walther OSP rapid fire guns.... I built this gun up for my wife to compete in bullseye competition with a Burris lightweight red dot (Dr clone). This thing is a tack driver. I`m shooting 97+/- rapid fire targets, and it still needs a good trigger job! I may set a side my Walther ssp and build up another for myself. We shoot in a bullseye league so the muzzle brake, and red dot are all legal mods. If I could get a pair of Rink grips custom made for it, I might make master. This is as much gun for the $ as you you can get for the price . Under a thousand total investment and it shoots as good as my $2500.00 Walther. I am amazed this combo hasn`t caught fire yet.... YET!!!!!


May 20, 2011

That TacSol barrel makes a world of difference.


Hi Jeff-

I'm a 32 yr peace officer, and I have spoken to Lt Col Grossman on several occasions, read his books and I was simply glancing over your "old" articles-and I wanted to put in my two cents. Dave is a helluva guy from Toadsuck, Ark-(really, I've been there), and an excellent speaker and researcher. His opinion of Sheep/Sheepdogs/Wolves is spot on, and I couldn't agree more. It never ceases to amaze me, especially P. O. that do not "pack" when off duty. Supervising and training cops for over thirty years, I have stressed the need for these folks to be armed in their off time, but those that do not, usually explain" I'm with the family" or "I'm not being paid" or "when I'm off, I'm off", etc. In today's' culture of homicidal/suicidal random shooters and hijackers, these unarmed off duty folks have indeed put themselves into the sheep category. I further agree that no one is 24/7, and one needs to recognize within themselves when down time is necessary. I have observed on duty P. O. fall into complacency and apathy regarding their own safety- "it's not gonna happen to me". Years ago, shooting matches between departments were common place, and popular. And , pretty much we all carried revolvers, too. Nowadays, with polymer pistolas that have the capacity of a platoon of Marines; getting people to the range is problematic. Budgets are slashed, other "community policing" training eats up time and money, etc. I have observed a heightened awareness, and more proactive off-duty officers going armed when a local officer has been injured or killed on the job. Dave Grossman has brought to light this sheep philosophy, and I hope more officers read his book. Thanks for listening. 

Lt. Mark

May 16, 2011

Leading up to purchasing my 1st gun, a G19, last year, I spent countless hours on forums reading, researching & learning from those much wiser than myself. On the glocktalk forum I came across a sponsor's raffle thread & figured what the heck & bought 5 tix at $10 each. I'm no gambler but I figured that with the extremely high quality of prizes I could afford to throw down some dough. I ended up winning the Suenami Grayman knife & was very impressed! Now mind you, I'm a knife guy and have a dozen swords as well as several knives, mostly cheap so that if they get lost I won't get too pissed off. Upon learning of my prize I looked up the site, checked out what I had won & was highly anticipating the prize. Upon seeing the pictures on the site as well as their other products I realized that I was getting a tool appreciated by the military community in general. To show my appreciation (I don't believe in luck, just timing, chance & God's will) I wrote Grayman a thank you email telling them how the knife far exceeded my expectations for quality and durability. took a picture holding the knife and attached it to the email. They replied back & I was as impressed with their attitude as I was with their product. Over a year later, out of the blue, I got an email from them again saying that a customer wanted to make a donation to a veteran or deploying soldier & they thought of me! After exchanging emails a few times, they were offering to let me pick out any knife on the site, fully customized & they would only charge him the base price (an 8" for the price of a 5"). Having the 5" Suenami already & with a deployment to the stan coming up later this year, I wanted something bigger but not huge to keep on me on missions outside the wire & keep the Suenami back at the FOB for everyday stuff. I ended up getting the Sub-Saharan 7 & couldn't be happier! Any chance I get I tell people about Grayman knives' quality & matching attitude, something rarely seen nowadays in my opinion. As a veteran of OIF, I get questions a lot from guys about SOG, Benchmade & other high price knives. The answer is easy, Grayman. 

Thanks for your articles, 

SPC Gerow, US Army NG, 21B

April 26, 2011


Hello Jeff, I purchased my Model 12 BVSS in .22-250 (August 22, 2010 for my birthday) prior to reading your article (dated April 25 , 2006) and it always a relief to read a comprehensive report from someone as your self who has the skill level to determine the good and the not so good with any particular rifle. As it is with many people like myself it is hard to turn loose your hard earned money only to find out later that it was a bad financial choice to purchase something that folks just do not like for whatever reason. After reading your article a few items came to light. First you are a much better marksman than I every will be, but I know that the rifle has the potential to shoot tight groups as long as I put in the practice required, and maintain the rifle properly. Secondly it had a number of features I was unaware of until you pointed them out. I use a jewel triggers in all three of my 40X .22 caliber rifles (Two are CMP rifles and one I purchased from the Remington custom shop in the green stock) and I have no intention of replacing it. Once you shoot those shoot those triggers it becomes the standard from which you judge everything else, but in the case of my Model 12 BVSS it breaks clean and I have no issues, but I have no idea at what weight as I do not own a gage in which to measure it. regardless it operates smoothly and I have no complaints in its operation. I also was unaware that it had HS Stock, as mine is not marked as such. So I take it something changed during the production run between the time of your evaluation and my purchase, as my stock is not marked like yours is. Other wise the stocks appear identical. 

I live in Augusta Georgia so it is very common to be at my local range and have someone with a Jarrett made rifle on the line shooting next to you. His bean field rifle goes for more than a couple months salary for me so it is with great joy that those that shoot them enviably will ask what I am shooting followed by the question asking what did I pay for it ($727.00 plus tax). the look in their eyes (to steal a line we are all familiar with is priceless) I ordered it from Dicks sporting goods and had it in two weeks. It arrived and had everyone at the counter saying very nice things about the look of the rifle. Which made me feel good as I was writing them their check. I was proud of it before I ever shot it. I put my old trusty Leupold fixed power 45X (week 51 year old eyes) but I can see it hit the bull when I do everything correctly. It is the rifle that started me to shoot in local competitions though I never really do as well as I would like too but even with artificial knuckles in my right hand I can still hold my own. I wanted to tell you that your articles are fun for me to read as it is as though you are speaking directly to me and that adds to the enjoyment because you never talk down to your readers, you inform us and that my friend is what a good writer should always do. Report his or her observations on what they experienced and nothing more. Thank you for a good evening of reading and keep on being yourself. If are ever down my way stop on by and lets bust a few caps and talk the sport over a cold one (not at the same time of course) 

Your biggest fan in Augusta, Georgia. Where golf ain't he only thing we shoot. 


April 25, 2011

Hey Jeff

Just wanted to take a second and commend you and all the Gunblast contributors on the site. Specifically I would like to thank you for the very informative review done on the Kangaroo Carry holster, after reading the review I immediately ordered one, knowing you would not endorse some garbage re-branding of a glorified belly band.... all I can see is Wow! Wow! Wow! Probably never would have ordered this product without your review. The holster has been perfect for my needs, and is the most comfortable holster I have ever used. Keep up the good work. 


April 21, 2011


As with many of my friends, my arthritis is having an impact [no pun intended] on my shooting. It's getting hard to work the action on my 3" Kimber .45 or my CZ in .40. I have a 9mm [also CZ], but prefer one of the "40s".

If I'm looking for a .45 or .40 that my tired old hands can crank, what would you suggest?


April 19, 2011

The Glock 22 and 23 are pretty easy to cycle, as is the Ruger SR40. Do not try to pull back the slide with your thumb and forefinger. Instead, grasp the top of the slide with your hand, and push it to the rear. You will be pushing towards each other with your two hands. Much easier that way.


Hi Jeff,

I really enjoy your articles and YouTube videos. I try to catch them all. I've been a gun enthusiast, hunter and target shooter for more than 40 years. I recently purchased the Ruger LC9 and love it. Your review of the LC9 is the best and most thorough I've read... your video is great to... right to the point!

Thanks for all the education. Sometimes it's tough being a gun enthusiast out here in California, so we are glad the LC9 got our state's approval. We are keeping the faith!

Best to you,


April 17, 2011

When Ruger built the LC9, they had California in mind, and designed the weapon from the start to comply with California law.


I really appreciate the way you define abbreviations and terms in your articles. I am somewhat of a newcomer to shooting although I did serve in Cu Chi, Vietnam in 68. I have real world experience but little actual knowledge of the thousands of firearms and jargon.

I just wanted to let you know that you weren't wasting time and space when you explain to us beginners.


April 13, 2011

I always try to keep in mind that everyone has to start somewhere, and that I was also a beginner many years ago. Thanks for reading Gunblast. com.


Good day sir i am from Montreal in Quebec and i am a rifle and shotgun addict, for the last few year i discover your site and it is now mandatory for me to look at the review you make of a particular weapon... This is a kind of approval of for a good buy, just order a Ruger 77 44 after reading your review. Thank you, you are of great help. 

Jean Pierre

April 10, 2011

Thank you, Sir. Glad to help you spend your money!



I recently acquired a nice 6" inch blue Model 19-4 Smith and Wesson .357 revolver (yet another one) "this one I will NOT sell"...:) I just read the article by Butch Kent regarding the nomenclature of the weapon and info related to the cracking of the barrel at the 6 O'clock position from using 125 gr, magnum loads.

The information that Mr. Kent shared with this write-up was VERY informative and clearly explains why this occurs, and how to avoid it.

I should also mention that I have read many articles and reviews on your fine site, and have been equally impressed and thankful.

Just wanted to say thank you for a great resource for the gun enthusiast. Fabulous writing by Mr. Butch Kent.

Best regards,


Palm Harbor FL

March 31, 2011



February 27, 2011

Andrew, this is your lucky day! We do give away guns, safes, scopes, ammo, and other stuff on Gunblast. com



It would be nice if you would disclose in every review, whether the guns you're reviewing were bought by you, loaned to you, given to you for keeps, or if any other consideration was made available to you for reviewing any particular gun.

I, and several others, have noticed that bad reviews from you seem almost non-existent. And while you have addressed this before by saying that most guns made these days are simply pretty good (and I do agree with you on that point), I've never seen you flat-out say, "I would not buy this gun." Surely, having reviewed hundreds of guns, there have to have been at least a few that you wouldn't buy based on the merits of the gun and/or it's price, or other criteria important to you.

Why does this matter? It matters, because you seem to go out of your way to often declare that you're NOT like the typical gun rags, and that your integrity and opinions are not for sale. Yet, reading your reviews, again... I would expect to see at least an occasional "I would not buy this gun" comment from someone who truly was 100% independent and objective. I've only shot about 25 different guns in my lifetime, and I can honestly say I wouldn't have bought 4 or 5 of those. And I doubt my standards are any higher than yours. So it's odd that you've shot so many, and have never declared -as far as I recall - that any particular guns were not worth owning. 

I'm not questioning your integrity. Just pointing out something that has been the topic of much discussion on several gun forums. Many people understandably do not believe that your reviews are as 100% unbiased as you claim. I would think you could easily prove everyone wrong, and would want to prove everyone wrong, by disclosing the degree to which you've received any consideration whatsoever from any of the makers of the guns you review.

Just a thought. We live in a world nowadays where your reputation is everything. If people question it to any degree at all... that's a problem for you.



February 27, 2011

Stephen, The weapons that I review are either on loan, or have been purchased by me. Guns are not given to me to review, as that would be unethical. Sometimes I do get to buy a loaner gun at a good discount, usually at about the price paid by a gun wholesaler, after the review is complete. I get to choose the guns that I want to review, and I do not choose to review junk. That aside, I do sometimes experience a problem with a weapon, and when I do, I always report any and all malfunctions. Always. Sometimes the gun maker would prefer that I did not, but they understand that I have to. However, even when a gun malfunctions, there is always a cause, and sometimes it is not the fault of the weapon. It could be the ammo, or even the operator's fault, as happened with me shooting a firearm recently. I had a weapon that had been feeding perfectly for three days, then suddenly would not feed at all. Guess what? I had hurriedly grabbed the wrong ammo. My fault. Also, not too long ago I did a review on the Ruger LC9. Brand new gun, and I had one of only two that was shipped out of the factory at the time. I had a problem with the first gun, and had to send it back to the factory. The second gun worked perfectly. This was all reported in the review. A few years ago, when S&W introduced their 500 Magnum, the cylinders were unlocking when firing the heaviest loads. I reported the problem, and also the fix for the problem. I know of other gun writers who had the same problem with their guns, but none reported it, except for me. There have been other problems with weapons over the past decade of Gunblast reviews, and every problem experienced with a weapon was reported in the reviews. I am not here to declare which guns are "good" and which are "bad". I am here to report the facts, as I experience them. If a gun functions as it should, is safe to fire, accurate for its purpose, and does what it was designed to do, then it would be arrogant and presumptuous of me to declare that it is no good, as I cannot determine what is best for another shooter. When folks write to me asking for a recommendation, I always give one, but in a review, I cannot determine which gun is 'best' for everyone. My job is to report the facts, and to let the reader decide what is best suited for his needs and budget. I suppose that I could select some gun that I know is substandard and do a review, but what would be the point? It would be a waste of my time and that of my readers. I could also try to feed a weapon junk ammo, but that would also be pointless. The fact is that with quality ammunition, most firearms work very well. I prefer to spend my limited amount of time pulling the triggers on quality firearms. However, if a gun malfunctions, and they sometimes do, I always report that in the review. Also, I have never claimed to be unbiased. No one is unbiased. I have my favorites, and my likes and dislikes, just like everyone else. I am very biased, but try to stick with the facts in my reviews. Just because a certain weapon is not exactly what I prefer for myself, does not mean that it might not be exactly what someone else needs. We all have preferences, and it sometimes shows in my reviews. However, I am not going to declare a perfectly functioning weapon as worthless, just because it is not my favorite. I have favorite styles of weapons, favorite finishes, favorite brands, barrel lengths, scopes, sights, holsters, etc., just as we all do. However, my job is to report upon the firearms and accessories available, and to give the straight scoop, honestly. That is what I do. If a weapon functions as it should, is accurate for its purpose, and well- built, what else can I report?


Jeff, in my opinion, you are the best writer in the business. Mr. Mullins said to say Hi. I called him today regarding Extreme Shock Ammo. I hope you are not giving up on writing and reviewing since I looked at your new staff. My wife states you "cannot buy any more guns or we will be in the poor house" So Sir, I am waiting for your next fantastic review. My only problem is, you have the contacts and the funds to purchase all of those beautiful toys. I know , I waited over a year for one of the Ruger Hand guns. And still on the waiting list for another of your guns that you cannot live with out. 

I realize you are a very busy person, so no reply is necessary. And I am probably as stubborn and obstinate as you are. My grammar and spelling is not as great as yours. Maybe one of these days I may get to meet you in person!!!! If I do that would be great, but if not at least I discovered your web site before I passed on. Take care and may God bless. 


February 18, 2011

Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate you taking the time to write. Tell your wife that you are looking out for her financial security. Stacking up cash these days does no good. The interest paid by the bank is less than one percent, with the real inflation numbers running closer to six. In other words, your money is worth less every day. Putting your money into quality guns is a sound investment, with the added bonus that you get to play with them, hunt with them, and use them to protect your family. She might go for it. Worth a try.


One thing nice about online magazines is that they have great archives. I was reading the Mike Cumpston 2003 article about the 32 Colt Police Positive recently and it was great. In fact, it might be nice to have him do periodical updates on it.

I shoot 32s a lot (both in the Police Positive and Pocket Positive revolvers, as well as wheel guns from both S&W and Ruger). They are simply totally shootable and enjoyable, which makes them valid. They also romance many new/female shooters into the fun because they have virtually no pesky recoil and produce relatively little noise (no intimidation factor). On any given day, I very well might have everything from a 25 to a 500 S&W with me, but in all instances, you can pretty well bet there is a 32 somewhere within reach.

Anyway, just wanted to pass on my salute for a job well done. 


February 18, 2011


I have been blessed by Gunblast with your insight and reviews of guns. Tonight I found your corner and was blessed again by your love for something more precious then steel. 

I liked your article about being Thankful. When you start thanking God for the little things... every day becomes brighter.

Keep the faith, I believe time is short and so little time to properly thank him for all my steel blessings.

Your brother is Christ,


February 8, 2011

Just wanted to write and make a plea to you and to other citizens who offer talent and expertise to society and use that as an opportunity to pontificate on things they don't have talent or expertise in. Its a free country and it's your website... but why not just stick to the guns themselves. It seems to me that the greatest way to make a contribution to the most amount of people is to stay on course with the details you are in fact an undeniable technical expert about... guns.

I read your page about the Five-seveN and thought wow, this is a pretty great site with really detailed reviews. Then I noticed the politics, and I have to say that I am tired of the politics in the gun world. Poor old Jim Zumbo get professionally plowed under by this horribly ugly ultra conservative gun scene when he is in fact one of the only credible hunters left in the hunting media scene and made a statement that frankly I think is awesome because it just shows how old school he is. You have Ted Nugent on camera blaming Obama for not allowing you to pick up elk sheds in Michigan and in general just acting like a gun industry whore. I'm tired of the rhetoric man and I think there are others like me that love guns, shooting, and hunting but also recognize that this is a complicated society that was not built on everyman for himself doing anything he wants - vision of freedom - but rather a vision that recognizes that sometimes we sacrifice certain aspects of our freedom for others - that we are not a venom spewing mob who only care about ourselves. People these days are using the web to push a more polarized society and all i am saying is that the folks posting content on the web need to think about how divisiveness itself is eroding our country, not some cliché idea about liberals or conservatives. Stick to the guns!

John G

January 29, 2011

I wish it was that simple, but it is not. In our nation, we have politicians who want to repeal the Second Amendment to our Constitution. Guns are the only products mentioned in our Constitution, because we need them to preserve all of our freedoms. We have the website separated. If you do not want to read about politics, do not click on that section. In our main section, we have more than 750 gun reviews, with lots of pictures, and many with videos as well. There is plenty of content for you to read, and hopefully, it will be of some benefit to you. However, in our nation, guns and politics are intertwined, and will likely remain so for the duration of our Constitution.


Mr. Quinn,

Thank you for your cogent defense of the venerable 30 WCF. I handload also and I'm enjoying the Hornady 160 FTX, but will look into the Barnes too - I know the article is from six years ago that you wrote, but figure that bullet will be worth loading based on your explanation of its use. Also checking out hardcasting with some Lyman molds soon, some hunters are swearing it's the way to go with the 30-30.

I have a 336C and it's done right by me. Backwood's Home featured a Mas Ayoob article where he extolled the virtues of the 30-30 as a good centerfire for an economical battery for country people living remote. People are catching on, though it's taken almost half a decade. Noticed that these fine rifles are finally getting their due thanks to folks like Hornady and it hasn't escaped my eye that Bud's has been selling out of 30-30's alot more - still, glad to have had one before the new rush.

Great articles and good common sense views - appreciate your site.

Kind Regards, 


January 28, 2011

Thank you, Sir. For heavy game like elk and moose, Buffalo Bore now has a 190 grain load, with the bullet designed for deep penetration.



Thanks. Thanks. Thanks again. You have the most down-to-earth and honest reviews I've read anywhere on the web or in the magazines.

I'm always a bit suspicious of gun 'experts' on the web. So, when I was looking to find my father a new deer rifle more suitable for his age, I checked out reviews from a lot of venues. The first thing I did when I came to your site was look at reviews you had written about weapons I already owned. It was obvious you had thoroughly examined those firearms, for you wrote about the same things I'd discovered about them only through extended use. I then felt confident to get my father a Savage in .243. Long story short, the old gentleman is back to killing deer at long range without worrying about messing up his bad shoulder. Now, when friends ask me whether they should buy a particular gun, I refer them to your reviews.

Your commentary is also terrific. No, we probably wouldn't agree on some of the finer points of politics and religion. But it's always great to get a fresh perspective presented thoughtfully and humorously.

Keep it up!



January 25, 2011

Thanks for the kind words. Happy to be of service to you. That is why we do what we do.


Just wanted to say that I think your coverage of the Shot Show was the best on the internet, as usual. I also think your website provides a valuable tool for us in the gun world as enthusiasts. Keep up the good work!! 

Bill Z

January 23, 2011

Dear Jeff,

When you stand up for Christ, you'll be attacked. Thank you for being a good witness for Christ.

I'm a Roman Catholic. I don't have to argue with people about what, "sell your cloak and buy a sword" is all about. I can just say, "The Pope owns guns... lots of them. The Pope provides the weapons to the Swiss Guard (they're The Pope's body guard). The main job of the Guard is to protect The Pope. Guns must be good or The Pope wouldn't own them.

The Catholic Church has explicit teachings on "Just War". During the Crusades, a Christian could obtain a plenary indulgence for warring against the Muslims. The Muslims are afraid of The Pope as he has the power to declare another Holy War. The Muslims literally rolled out a red carpet for The Pope so he wouldn't have to take off his shoes in a Mosque.

Some people lament walls separating peoples and countries. Please Google the Vatican and check out the size of the wall around The Vatican. The Pope knows how to protect and secure a country and the people in it. It is possible to take a virtual walking tour of the wall. The Pope is not granting citizenship rights to illegal aliens.

If a catholic becomes a communist, they are automatically excommunicated from The Church. They do it to themselves, just as people send themselves to Hell with their behavior. A catholic doesn't have to argue economics with a crackpot. The Church teaching is clear on the basic right to property. The 10 commandments and The Church teach that all men should, "Honor the property of others". The Catholic Church uses all the tax exemptions it can. It makes it easier when speaking to someone that wants to put his hand in your wallet and give away your money while they give nothing.

The Pope teaches that the earth was created for man, and people are more important than other created things. The Pope does tell us that we have to take care of the earth, but this is always conditioned upon the obligation to care for people first. It is always good-- to point out that The Pope rides around in a big SUV (popemobile). 

Jesus (God- 3 in 1) has extraordinary common sense, Jesus is not a hippie, beatnik, peacenik, tree-hugging pantywaist. Jesus grew up as a working man. Jesus grew up in a family. The Catholic church like a Baptist Church teaches that the family is the smallest church. Societies are obligated by God to protect the family. Life begins at conception and ends at natural death. I read a response you made to a comment left for you. You are right about the manly character of Jesus.

I know you are a Baptist. I went to a Southern Baptist Church for a few years. I liked the people in that church. They are/were good Christians even when telling me that The Pope and I needed to be "dunked" before we were really baptized.

Thank you again for being a Christian. It's hard being a Protestant Christian. As a Roman Catholic, I can just say,..."argue with The Pope about walls, guns, SUVs.... and so on". In many ways it makes things easier. Let me witness for a moment... The catholic Christian Church (The Pope refers to the Catholic Church as "The Christian Church") was born on The Cross when blood and water flowed from the Heart of Jesus. CCC paragraph 766

Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. The Catholic Church teaches that the Gates of Heaven are open to everyone that has a Christian heart. Gods' promise extends to all people and all faiths if they develop the heart that loves God above all things and their neighbor as themselves.

Sincerely, Fellow NRA member

I enjoyed reading your Testimony!

January 22, 2011

Hello Mr. Quinn,

I've been reading your articles, and I've noticed a trend. I enjoy your website and figure you have a good insight, so here's are a couple questions and comments:

Why is it, that even with the given problems you've experienced on certain firearms, such as the new LC9 from Ruger, you still end up praising these weapons by the end of your article? Is there a kickback to saying "yeah, I had X number of malfunctions on the first one, but the next one they sent me was just perfect..." In my mind, the review would be based upon the first pistol I received. If it malfunctioned, or had problems - that would steer the direction of the review for me. However, such an event should not occur in the first place. Again, just my opinion. 

I also see you regularly promote the Extreme Shock line of ammunition.. Why would this be promoted over something that's known to actually acquire adequate penetration, such as the Federal HST, or Winchester Ranger round? From the research I've done and the articles of other authors, these rounds (ES) are overpriced, hyped-up, wastes of money. (Paraphrasing other's opinions) So, why would I use these, and why do seem to like them so much?

Alright, one last question... If you had to pick one gun that many people seem to like, that you just hate, what would that weapon be?

I also really love the way you so eloquently described your experiences in Boy Scouting when reviewing the new Boy Scout 10/22. As a matter a fact, I was a Boy Scout too, and got my Eagle at age 14, with two Eagle palms after that - but hey, who's counting? From the way you described things, you sound like the regular Eagle Scout yourself.... It's unfortunate you were unable to make it past Tenderfoot. All that fun in the woods is great, but the map reading and first-aid, it'll get you every time.

Thanks Mr. Quinn for taking the time to read my mail, hopefully I'll hear back from you.

Take care and God Bless,


January 10, 2011

I use every type and brand of ammunition that I can get in every weapon test. I use Extreme Shock because it is different. It is specialized ammunition. Some of it is made to penetrate deeply. Other loads are made to ensure shallow penetration. I killed a large Russian boar with a 9mm load that penetrated 13 inches through the tough chest of that hog. As far as price, I do not concern myself with that. What might be overpriced to me might be quite reasonable to others. Some people want to use the best ammunition available to them for self protection. That makes sense to me. 

I get no kickbacks from anyone. I report the facts as I find them. However, it is not my job to try to find a fault with a weapon just so that I can degrade the weapon. If there is a problem, I want to know what it is. Just as when the first of the big S&W 500 magnums hit the market, there was a problem with the cylinder bolt unlocking when using the heaviest commercial loads. I know of other writers who experienced the same problem, but I was the only one to report it. I also wanted to know the cause. I figured out the problem, and reported the fix for the problem as well. I could have proclaimed the weapon as junk, but it was not junk. It needed a stronger bolt spring. After that early gun, the later production guns have worked perfectly, and it is a welcome addition to the handgun market. I also own one of those. I don't buy junk, and I don't test junk. Sometimes, a weapon, like any other product, can have a problem. It is my job to report the facts, good and bad. Thankfully, almost all of the firearms made today are good weapons.


Hi Guys, I can hardly look at purchasing a firearm without consulting your site. To many magazines are obviously slanted one way or the other, what we want is real facts not BS. Brothers you are the real deal and the firearm community owes you. Even if I'm not looking to buy I still read your site regularly just to stay up to speed. I have purchased numerous firearms you have tested. I also feel I'm a better shooter and set up my weapons much more efficiently. I have followed your links to other great sites with great appreciation. 

Thanks Guys, 

John, a loyal 57 yr old member of Gunblast

January 9, 2011

Dear Mr. Quinn and Family - tac here in UK, Ontario and Oregon. Yup, we live in all three places, and share your love of guns and shooting in all three. Spending most of the time in UK means that what I do is pretty limited to what is allowed, but I still have eighteen guns here, including two BP rifles and revolvers and the strangest-looking Ruger Super Redhawk you've ever seen. But it's still a handgun, of sorts, and I put a LOT of rounds down the tube.

This is just to wish you all a great 2011, and to thank you for your endless succession of great reviews of the machinery that makes up our fascinating pastime.

I'm not a political animal, having been a soldier for over thirty-three years and now retired, and I'm heartened by your attitude to those who want to make political mileage out of this GUN-related site. My thoughts on Mr. Obama are kept firmly behind my lips, after all, he's YOUR president, not mine.

Keep up the great work, keep on telling as you see it, and keep on enjoying the freedoms that still come with living in the greatest democracy on the planet.

Remember one thing - Obamas, Clintons and Bushes come and go, but the USA abides.

God bless you all, and God bless America

tac, mrs tac and the family ig

January 4, 2011

Thank you, Sir, for the kind words. You were doing great until you had to remind me that Obama is our President!



You are right on target with your recent article on Can You Reach Your Weapon?. As a 36 year veteran of law enforcement, I can attest to the violent nature of home invasion robberies. Sadly, most people are ill equipped to defend the household from these violent barbarians. Remember, when seconds count, the police can be there in minutes. We can't be everywhere all the time. 

When the spit hits the fan, you only have two possible responses: instincts or training. There is no time for analysis or discussion. Instinctive reactions, such as biting, gouging, kicking, screaming or running away have limited utility in an immediate armed combat situation. Training, training and more training develops both mental and muscle memory that can save your life in a crisis. 

Of course, you already know all of this. But many people do not. 

I really appreciate your common sense approach to firearms and personal safety. Keep up the good work!

God bless you.

Stay safe.

Thanks, Al

December 27, 2011

Jeff, I enjoy your common sense approach to these issues and your ability to simply explain the issues.

Several times my "firearm insurance policy" has saved me from possible harm. Each time no shots were fired, in fact the aggressor/aggressors fled like sissys at the sight of a firearm.

The only actual violence was when I was 15. A guy older than me (18) was going to clobber my younger brother. I had been out rabbit hunting with a buddy. I confronted him and hit him with my .22 rifle (no round in bolt action's chamber)--He ran away Turned out he was distant cousin of mine and we later became friends with him and his family.

My thought and what I practice includes a friendly, but noisy dog along with all your recommendations. If you're able to own one (Maybe they really own us), they work great. I have a 3 year old, 40 lb. Border Collie.--Friendly to a fault--Great with kids. Very alert. Seems like some dogs can often tell if someone has hostile intentions when the aggressor enters the yard.

Two times a dog has helped out in this regard for us.

We now live in the country in Arizona. At 12:15 AM, several months ago, some clown beat on our front door. (Sounded like he wanted to knock it down) He hit the door about 4 times in about 2 seconds. After the second thump, dog was up, ran to door from bedroom, and was sounding like a 100 lb. killer German Shepard. I was up and to the door, armed and ready about 5 seconds after that Guy was long gone. No Violence-Problem solved If guy had gotten in, he would have been overwhelmed by dog's affection for everyone, or maybe the dog would have chewed on him. I don't know which, but I would have had plenty of warning and distraction from the dog to take charge of the situation

Some years ago, we lived in the country in California. A guy came into the yard and our dorky German Shepard mix went noisy nutso. Hackles and all. I had plenty of time to get a handgun I kept by door. I answered and blocked door with gun concealed. Guy said his car was dead in nearby campground--Fact--No campground for miles around. He insisted on entering my home to use phone--I politely told him I would call sheriff to get him help with his car, while he waited outside with the dog. No Violence-Problem solved. Plenty of warning for me and distraction for the "Bad Guy"

Good work

Tony - Dewey, Arizona

December 27, 2010

The dog is one of the best deterrents. Thanks for that feedback.


Dear Mr. Quinn,

I am appalled that you believe its ok to racial profile people or better yet believe that Obama was elected because he is black. The funny thing is that may like you don't either study history or have some disillusion on how America was found. I am a conservative American muslim and a veteran . I am sick and tired of people like you always blaming Obama better yet not even giving him a chance to try to make this country work. When Bush was president you can believe that the county was better under his administration, which I hope not. Yes, under the Bush administration and Republican watch what happen? Corruption, high unemployment and further racial divide. I am not a fan of Obama and I didn't vote for him either. Also, I don't get my information from Fox News either to learn what really happening in the world. What saddens me is many conservatives (white Americans) are afraid of real change (racial divide). Also, Black American did vote for Obama because he is black but many of them know that American (white) will write him off because he is Black. Don't you find this sickening? That as American we are so divided of something this childish as racism and bigotry. Their are some blacks who obsess over race (Farrakhan, Jackson and Sharpton) but the rest of black America doesn't many of them just want to be treated fairly, which is not happening. Just because we have a black president doesn't mean things has changed. Also, if you conservatives were to reach out to black, hispanic and muslim you will find many of them are conservative. They vote Democrats because at least they pretend that they are inclusive. So again are you a bigot? From reading your blog about racial profiling to me you come off as one and justifying your bigotry is even more sickening and sad. I am not trying to offend you and your entitle to your beliefs but please educate yourself (besides Fox News).

Thank you, 


December 23, 2010

Sir, if you knew me at all, you would know that I am not a bigot. In the 2000 Presidential primary, I voted for Alan Keyes, and Mr. Keyes is a whole lot more black than Obama. Obama is half white, and I don't agree with his white half either. I do not care a bit what color the man's skin is. It is of no concern to me at all. George Bush was not a conservative either. He went along with and encouraged the reckless spending passed by Congress. I disagreed with some of Bush's policies, but was not asked to defend myself from accusations of bigotry. I disagreed with Ronald Reagan too, but the skin color thing never came up. I dislike Obama because of his Socialist agenda, and because I heard him make the statement that he wants a total ban on all semi-automatic firearms. I did not get this info from Fox News; I watched as he made that statement in a debate with Hillary Clinton. However, why is it that you presume the news to be incorrect if it is broadcast on Fox? I have studied history, and am a student of our Constitution. I do not like Obama's spending policy. I do not like the idea of Socialized medicine. It is not within the Constitutional powers of the Federal government to take money from citizens to buy medical care for others. It is unconstitutional for the Federal government to take over private business. I do not think that Obama has the best interests of the US at heart, and I do not trust him. I do not use a color chart to determine this. I base my opinion of Obama upon his words and actions. I am also sick of the attitude in this country that if one disagrees with someone of a different skin color, that he is presumed to be a bigot. We are but one race: the human race. We just happen to have different skin pigmentations. Humans also have different hair colors, different shapes, heights, weights, and gender. So what? Why is it okay for me to disagree with Joe Biden, but if I disagree with Obama, I have to defend myself from accusations of bigotry? That , Sir, is the definition of bigotry. You are presuming me to be a bigot, just because I disagree with someone with darker skin than I.



Your piece on the Remington 700 trigger is whistling past the graveyard. A few sentences into it and you're already declaring the gun safe and blaming the 'liberal' press. I saw the CNBC program and it seemed like a fair documentary. The man who designed the trigger begged his bosses at Remington to fix the problem and they refused. I watched the rifle go off unexpectedly and repeatedly at the range. That video wasn't bogus. It was real. Telling your readers not to point the gun at somebody is not addressing the problem. Telling us that shooters neglected to see a build-up of oil on the sear is ridiculous. How many shooters examine the sear of any gun? Almost nobody. Remington had an opportunity to fix the trigger many years ago at a very low cost but they chose not to. Instead they chose to pay-off the lawsuits when some poor hapless person was injured. Shame on Remington. They should have faced the problem instead of putting their heads in the sand. Face it, the 700 needs to be recalled. And if Remington can't afford it, that's their fault, not the millions of owners.


December 23, 2010

Thank you for that feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to write. I don't have all the answers, but I am suspicious of CNBC. It was they who rigged Chevy pickups with model rocket igniters to explode the gas tanks upon impact a few years ago when doing a similar piece on the safety of those trucks. They could not get the trucks to explode upon impact, so they rigged the igniters to explode the fuel tanks. CNBC has no credibility. None.


Just wanted to drop you a note and say I really enjoy your articles. God bless you.

Roger - Madison, Tennessee

December 22, 2010

Dear Boge, Thanks for the heart attack. You'll be getting a bill from my doctor shortly. In my haste to read your article on what surely must be the Holy Grail of handguns, I thought this gun was being reissued by Smith and Wesson. Again, thanks for the chest pains. But seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed your article and your impressions of one of the finest handguns of the 20th century. In my opinion the only ones that comes close are the Registered Magnums that came on later. It is my fondest dream to own one of each someday. You're article has only strengthened my desire. I hope you enjoy your trophy because if I find out where you live, it's mine. But I promise I'll bring it by for a visit from time to time.

Merry Christmas and God Bless,


December 18, 2010

Dear Jeff

I was very much impressed, and very much in agreement with large parts of Lt Col Grossman's article on sheep, wolves and sheepdogs. It did, however, miss out a crucial set of animals, the hyenas and jackals, the unprincipled filth that pollutes modern society - the politicians. Politicians prefer the people to be sheep, which is why your politicians in the USA have tried to emasculate the Constitution, especially the parts relating to an armed citizenry able to uphold its freedoms.

A problem Lt Col Grossman did not address is that the sheepdogs are answerable to and are under the orders of the politicians, allegedly the representatives of the people. I am reminded of the photographs of the police officers, in armour and armed to the teeth, terrorising a family to force the return of a child to Castro's communist hell-hole. Or the respectable elderly lady disarmed by police officers in her home in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, leaving her and her family at the mercy of predatory mobs of savages. You know far more about what really happened with the ATF and the FBI in various places than I do, so I will not comment on them.

At least in still-civilised parts of the USA (but my no means all of it), you have the option of acting as a sheepdog yourself, as an armed and prepared citizen. Here in the UK, if we tried that, we would be hunted down by the police and dealt with severely by the judiciary.

But as long as you elect politicians who are as despicable as the ones we have in Europe, you must be concerned about good men and women in your military and law enforcement agencies being under the direction of evil people. It makes it all the more important that you defend the right to bear arms, arms which are not under the control of the Democratic Party.

Best wishes from Scotland,


December 15, 2010

You make a valid point, Sir. It is good to hear your perspective from Scotland on this topic, and serves as a warning for us in US that our vote is very important.


Greg, my name is Bill Hershiser, and I live in rural Ohio, a friend of mine e-mailed me your article about you and your brothers, and how you got started, and about being Christian, I just want to thank you for that article, it was very interesting, and it is refreshing to see and hear others who love Christ, God bless and good luck. 

Bill Hershiser

December 15, 2010

Jeff, Greg, and Boge,

Your gun review site remains the standard against which all others must be compared! I have yet to find a gun review site which has more comprehensive and objective gun reviews than yours. The level of professionalism in these reviews is much better than the gun reviews that the gun magazine publications publish!

I also appreciate the political and philosophical articles published on your site. The world is a better place for the work you guys do!

Best Regards,


December 14, 2010

A little note of thanks to all the great folks at Gunblast. com. You guys have put together the best of the best gun enthusiast site on the web. I needed an honest opinion on the Kel-Tec SU-16C and found all I needed and more at your wonderful Archive section. It's like the Strong's concordance of firearms. Also it warms my unworthy saved spirit to see real people who are not afraid to dispel the myths about our Saviour being a peace love hippie, Who wandered about saying pretty things. As I'm sure you know one, of those sayings was that He came to bring a sword. And that His disciples were also His armed bodyguards (Luke 22:49). I feel a sermon coming, better end with I found a SU-16C at the Tampa Show last week and am going to shoot it today. So far I love it and advise all your readers if they can find one, BUY IT ! Thanks again and remain strong and fearless. 

Yours In Christ,


December 11, 2010

Thank you, Calvin. I really like the SU-16, and carry mine in a mandolin case.


Your firearms description articles are written with clarity, are factual, are supported by excellent detailed pictures, use terminology commonly familiar and are easy to interpret. My compliments to your web site developer. Your entire staff is to be commended for this excellent site. My sincerest thanks for your site which I now review daily.

R. Harms

December 4, 2010

Greg: I recently found the Gunblast website and enjoy reading your "Corner" articles and "Politics and Opinions". I am a Christian in Ohio. I am 63 years old. I don't hunt anymore, but enjoy my guns. My favorite is an American Western Arms Colt SAA clone, .45 Colt with a 4" barrel. Love that gun. 

I am a conservative, who is trying to get the word out on what the Obama administration is doing to our country, and to try to turn it around. This past election was encouraging, but we have a long way to go. I don't know if you watch or listen to Glenn Beck, but he also feels that turning back to God and biblical principles is the key.

Thanks for your writings and for the website. Keep up the good work. 


December 2, 2010

Jeff & Boge, I just finished reading your article on the new Colt SAA. I know I'm late in this, but I've found exactly the same thing as you have. I bought a new Colt SAA in 07, & have found it to be very well made, very accurate, & an overall beautiful six-gun. Mine is the so called black powder frame & I've even shot BP loads in it using 35grs 3FG GOEX. I got just under 900fps & a 2-1/2" group @ 25 yards off sandbags hand held. It's a fun load. I am tired of hearing how much better this or that gun is than the Colt. It may have been true in the early 80s I don't know, but from handling & shooting my six-gun for several years now, I know it's no longer true if it ever was. Thanks for reading a late reply. 


November 25, 2010

Frank, You are correct. The latest Colts are as good as a Colt ever was. They also have some good-looking new products for next year. Not really new, but just bringing back a couple of old favorites.


Greg, thanks for a well written article. We just finished Thanksgiving with our Family & some Friends. It was great, we thanked God for all he's done for us. Namely, His Son Jesus. I have glanced at Gunblast occasionally in the past, I'm going to be much more regular now. Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours. 

In Christ, 


November 25, 2010

Thanks for the great website. I very much enjoy your reviews. In respect to the Savage Axis. Is the barrel heavy enough to keep it from heating up and drifting after 3 or so rounds? If so, it sure doesn't seem like you can beat that rifle for the price.



November 22, 2010

Yes it is. Plenty heavy enough for a sporting rifle, and also free-floated.


Hi, Jeff.

This not a question, but a Thank You. When testing the Taurus PT709 Slim, you mentioned a holster maker that included the Cross in his logo and that being a Christian was important to you. Thanks for that statement. I am also a Christian and believe that my relationship with Him touches every area of my life. Thanks again. 


November 22, 2010

Hi Jeff!! Just found your site today, after doing a bit of research on a gun I'm having problems with, I wanted to see your opinion on it. The gun I'm talking about is the new Taurus PT709 Slim. I have had nothing but problems with it, from poor accuracy with 6 different loads, to jams (stovepipes), and the magazine floorplates come loose too!!! This is all bad, no doubt, BUT, the worst thing was their Service Dept. Absolute Indifference and downright Rude! They accused me of bad shooting habits and blamed my ammo choice as well. After I had to PAY to ship them the weapon (which was only 2 months old!). they took 5 ½ weeks to return it. Accuracy was still poor @ 7 yds., which is unacceptable, don't you agree?. The jamming, they say, was bad ejector alignment and a new spring was installed as well (it still jams 1 out of 40 or so.) I saw your review on it, and was surprised, not at your review, but that you had no problems. I have read several forums on this gun, and saw approx. 30% negative feedback. This is not my first Taurus issue, as I had a similar issue with a .38 Taurus Snubbie, and got no satisfaction there either, both with the Gun and Their Service Dept, and I'm not the Bashing type, but I'm really Pee o'd about this. I though some of your readers should know, Now, I may have a Lemon here, I get that, but the Service?.. uh-uh. I, myself, am done with Taurus. I've got an FNP-9, and SIG's and RUGERS and They have all been great to deal with , IF I've had to. I Need to Say, we agree, RUGER does service like NOBODY else!!! I broke a rear sight on My 60th Anniv. Single Six and they sent me a complete rear sight( so I wouldn't have to fiddle with just replacing the blade) at NO Charge!!! This was un-expected, even after I offered to pay for it, they sent it no charge! This is what we get when we deal with a product Made In the U. S. A.!!! I like what you and your colleagues do, and thank you for the Service you all provide. Honest, and straightforward from what I've read so far, Please, Keep it up!!! I'm going to try out a RUGER SP9c tomorrow, and that will most likely be the new replacement for the Single shot, Shotgun patterning, Taurus paperweight I will be trading in!!!! Beware.. THAT gun will be out there, with Taurus denying its issues. Keep Shooting and I will keep coming here to Get the Straight Dope on whats new in Guns and Gear. Sorry to be so long winded, but it's my Fist time here and I needed to "vent". Thanks for your Time

John in N. H.

November 15, 2010

John, thanks for that Feedback. I have heard a lot of positive feedback on the PT709, and very few problems. The problems that I heard were all cured by using good ammunition. However, that does not excuse the poor customer service that you received. Taurus seems to be doing better these days, but their customer service could still stand to be improved.


Jeff, I had emailed you about a year and a half ago about your review of the Bersa .380 and appreciate your opinion. I bought the gun and have put a bunch of ammo through it. I just had my first failure to load but have yet to have any FTF or FTE issues with the gun. I have used it to get my better half comfortable with the gun and have even had my mom use it as an introduction, she now shoots a .38 Special and we actually go shooting together every other month. Who would have thought that would happen?

I've upgraded to a Glock 19 but continue to put rounds through my little Bersa and just can't believe what a value that gun is for the price. I continue to enjoy the DA/SA characteristic of the gun and have gotten pretty consistent with my grouping and just love that little gun. 

Just wanted to say thanks for your review and your response back then. You've helped me find a sport that I enjoy and that I feel has also made my family safer at home with a little competition on the side when we're at the range. 



November 13, 2010

Thanks for that Feedback. The Bersa is one of the best values in today's market.


I often am sent to your site when I start researching my next gun purchase. I've visited the site and learned so much I feel like I owe you something or at the best I am indebted to you. If you have a church or charity near you I would be happy to send a donation. Thanks again and a Happy and Healthy to you and yours. 


November 12, 2010

Thank you, Sir. If you are not already, consider joining the NRA, or if you are already a member, upgrading to a higher level of membership. They can use the money to promote shooting, and to fight intrusive gun laws.


Jeff, First of all, I would like to say that I follow your website regularly and I usually enjoy your reviews and also Greg's corner. After reading your defense of Remington's problems I felt compelled to write you. I am a long time Remington owner and I have several of their firearms as does my father. When I was a teenager my father bought me a new Remington 700 in .270. I harvested several deer with it and it worked fine, until THE DAY. It happened to me. I was returning from a hunt and stopped in the backyard to unload my rifle, just as I had done many times before. I had my left hand under the forearm and my right hand, palm up grasped the bolt and lifted it. NONE of my appendages were anywhere near the trigger. The safety was ON. The gun FIRED. Luckily I had been trained from a very young age about muzzle control and safety. It was pointed in a safe direction and no one was hurt. My father proceeded to give me a thorough ass chewing and refresher safety course. I, of course, defended my honor, but I lost. The rifle was put away in my fathers safe because it was the end of the season. I left for basic training the following summer. That fall, I called my dad on a Sunday from Fort Benning and he was not himself. He apologized that day for the chewing out he gave me a year earlier, because it happened to him just a few days before that when he used my rifle for a hunt. The same thing, safety on, no fingers near the trigger, lifted the bolt, it fired. After that day, you could lift the bolt anytime and the firing pin would drop. This was a one owner gun. No one had ever touched the internals since it left the factory. I took the rifle to a gunsmith and he replaced the ball that the safety rides on and he said he did some work on the trigger. I regret not getting specifics, but he has since passed away and I can't find out now. My rifle works fine now. My father had called Remington at the time but he was told to take it to a gunsmith, they did not offer to fix it. Two years ago, I had a close friend call me to ask who fixed my rifle because his was doing the same thing. I took a look at it, and sure enough, it did the exact same thing mine had done. I work for a major firearms retailer and we have seen several cases of the same thing come through our gunsmith shop. This was all before the CNBC program aired. I am no expert, but I have seen enough personally, to convince me. Even if it is a fraction of the rifles produced that have failed, Remington should do something. Even one faulty rifle is too many. I agree that most peoples gun handling skills are horrible, I see it everyday, but the fact remains that some rifles have failed and no amount of safe handling will stop a malfunction. An major manufacturer not fixing a problem with its firearms could make things worse for all gun owners due to litigation. Remington has a responsibility to either fix the problems or scientifically prove that there are no problems. I am no fan of liberal news agencies, but they had some compelling evidence, and coming from someone who experienced it himself, I have to say they were not far off the mark. I think the matter needs more attention and I hope it can be solved. I respect your opinion, but I urge you to talk to more people like me and maybe your stance will change. I know the left is looking for a way to get us, but I don't think this is all fabricated by them. I have seen too many cases to write it off as a liberal agenda, and believe me, I am one of the biggest conspiracy theorists you will meet when it comes to the enemies of our freedom. As a gun reviewer and information provider, I urge you to be more unbiased and do more research on the subject before making a final decision. Maybe ask people to write in if they have had problems and see how many responses you get. Thank you for your time and God Bless. 

Jeremy in Eagle Rock, VA 

November 9, 2010

I have researched this problem, and received a lot of mail on this. From what I can find, in every case reported to me so far, the owner had allowed oil to harden on the sear, filling up the notch in the sear, effectively making it almost non-existent. However, I appreciate your report on this also, even though the rifle has been fixed. Hopefully, someone who has a rifle that is having a problem will allow me to examine it myself.



Thank you once again for your excellent informative and entertaining website. With respect to your article on the shenanigans by CNBC and their baseless and shameful accusations about the Remington Model 700, I must say this. I have never owned a Model 700, but I feel moved to go out and buy one now, just to show solidarity!


November 8, 2010

Well done Jeff and to Remington for professionally speaking up on their behalf. I have a Remington Sportsman 78 in .30-06 that is a tack-driver and a very safe and reliable tool. This CNBC allegation and story is typical and predictable. This is not unlike CBS's "exploding gastank" expose of a decade or so ago. Thanks. 


November 7, 2010

Hi Greg,

This article was absolutely great. I agree that Mr. Obama kept his promise of change. I also agree that the changes he put in place has no place in America. We took over the House this election and, God willing, we'll do the same with the Senate and Presidency in 2 more years. Please keep up the good work.



November 5, 2010

Hi Al,

Thanks for your comments on the recent Politics & Opinion article. Obama's vision of "change" hasn't been right for America, and finally the American people are showing him so at the polls. Perhaps now a new conservative movement will stop the erosion of our freedoms under the current administration. Until then, we freedom- loving Americans need to keep our elected officials engaged in the process of effectively representing our needs, not those of Washington DC and Obama's special interest groups.



Hey Jeff,

Just found the Gunblast. com site this evening looking for reviews on various guns. Good news: Found an amazing site that will be a tremendous resource in a variety of ways. Bad news: I've been online all evening and probably will need many more evenings to get through all of the interesting articles, reviews, and advice. I appreciate the expertise that is evident here and also the unapologetic Christian life view presented by you and your brothers. I have signed up as a member to express my appreciation for the information and to confirm my support for your ministry.


David in Texas

November 4, 2010

Hello again! I have written to y'all before on multiple occasions, and I really like your site. 

My question is, why are so many manufacturers building "retro" 1911's? Why would I want to buy a "bare bones" Remington R1 1911 for $700, then have to buy all the extra parts like beavertail safeties and extended thumb safeties, when I could just pick up a Kimber Custom II for around the same price at my local gun store? I understand the historical and collector's value of such pieces, but as a younger buyer, I don't see the point in purchasing a gun you'll have to put 100 to 300 dollars worth of work into, just to get it working the way you want it to. Maybe y'all can help me understand these gun's popularity, cause I don't get it. Just my two cents. 

In Christ, 


November 4, 2010

Same reason folks buy Colt SAA and replicas. Also, a good modern bolt action 243 Winchester costs about the same as a fifty-caliber flintlock muzzleloader. Just different likes. 


Hi Jeff,

My compliments to you and the Gunblast team for your website and reviews. Regarding the Judge, I too have noted the hostility on the part of some so called experts to this handgun. True, it is not classic in the sense of a S&W revolver. But it is, in my book, far and away the most deadly handgun yet made when loaded with 000 buck in 
3 inch shells. In a tense situation, in poor light, with the adrenaline surging, I have every confidence that it will do the job.

I totally agree with your reviews of this fine piece.


October 26, 2010

Greg, I believe that was a home run. I felt you were saving the ammo for the final assault---great job!!! and every word rang like a bell---thanks and God Bless you abundantly!!!!


October 26, 2010

Greg, I am a Christian and just wanted to say "Thanks" for your wonderful articles. I do find then inspiring and thought provoking. God bless you. Keep em comin!!

Rick in Sedalia, Mo

October 25, 2010

Hey Jeff,

Just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how much I enjoy the GunBlast website. You guys certainly review a wide range of firearms and I always consult your reviews before making a purchase. Thanks and keep up the good work. Regards. 


October 21, 2010

Regarding Mike's article on the Colt New Police and .32 S&W Long, I'd like to say that I also enjoy this gun and ammo combination, and am glad to have your article as a source of further information. I recently inherited another gun, an old hand-ejector, and intend to load up some soft rounds to safely try it out. I wonder if there is any new info to add to that which is in the article, as we have since obtained Trail Boss and plated bullets. Thanks for the well produced site.

David D, Lewis Center, Ohio

October 17, 2010

A case full of Trail Boss works very well, loaded up to the base of the bullet, with slight compression.


I do believe you are right on in regards to your article on the old thurty thurty. I live and hunt in the central interior of northern B. C. Canada where the 300 mag and the 7em em rules. Nobody up here uses the old thurty thruty. That is except the old timers, and I must say when they shoot their rifles with an animal in the iron sights they do not miss, ever. I figured there must be something to this so I am waiting on my Winchester mod 1894 30/30 High Grade 200 year Anniversary rifle to come in the mail which will be a 3 to 6 months wait. As to why I ordered the rifle, it is beyond me. Like I said before this is Magnum country where the animals are big, tough, and armor plated. I think like you said in your article, there is a certain panache to hunting with the 30WCF with lots of history attached to it and a feeling that just can not be explained. Like old Sachmo said, "If I gotta explain it you wouldn't understand". I have every confidence that the 30WCF is enough gun for our big mule deer, black bear, and maybe even an elk, provided you hit em right and they are within effective range. I roll my own ammunition and am looking forward to loading and shooting your Barnes 150gr FN load. It all makes perfect sense and for those that have no confidence in the old thurty thurty I just let them shine it on.

Cheers & Tighter Groups: 


October 9, 2010

Hey man, I don't have a question. I just wanted to write in and tell you that you've got a kick-ass site. You break it all down in a clear way, put the important info out there, and it's easy to read. Every time I'm considering a firearms purchase I check your site first to see what you think.

Keep up the great work.


October 1, 2010

If I was really really really really really smart I'd probably not bother to write you about the article you just completed on the Kel Tec PMR-30. Firstly, nice article, all in all. You seemed to have covered pretty much everything that needed covering. To my eyes only perhaps, I just can't help but wonder why I'd bother to spend $300.+ for one and here's why! I own a Smith & Wesson 22A with both a 5.5" and 7" barrel. The 7" barrel develops velocities approaching 1600 fps (1550-1575) based on my chronograph testing of Aguila Supermax. That puts it around 150 to 160 ft lbs of energy which is where I seem to find the PMR-30 ends up. I can take cheaper ammo (Aguila Supermax or Interceptor) and use Paco Kelly's tool to open up those rounds a bit at impact and I'm sure the results would be just as devastating (or more so) than the PMR-30. I think that Ruger's or Browning's near 7" barrels would act about the same. Of course they weigh a bunch more and aren't quite as small, but does the Kel Tec really justify me and other owners going out of our way for the purchase. Time will tell, of course! Perhaps someday I'll own the PMR-30, but I know I'll find a few other things to spend my limited resources on between now and then.


Bill Z

October 1, 2010

I do not really NEED the PMR-30, or most of the guns that I have, but I am glad that I have them, and I ordered another PMR-30 about two hours ago. Also, comparing a seven inch barrel to a four is not the same thing. The PMR-30 with another three inches of barrel would make a difference, as it would chopping three inches from your 22A. 


I enjoy reading your gun writeups and videos and yesterday purchased a Savage threaded muzzle 22 you featured on your website recently. I should have stuck to the reviews however after looking at the political views held by Greg Quinn. To refer to the President of the United States as "a filthy animal" is wrong. I see no mention of the terrible job the previous president did anywhere in any of the many articles posted by him on your site. I understand he is a Republican, but this is beyond partisan. Due to this, I cannot knowingly go to your site again until that article is removed. I understand you say these articles are the responsibility of the author, but it is on your site. I will also send some emails to the advertisers informing them of my displeasure with the lack of respect shown to President Obama.


September 25, 2010

I have no respect for Obama, but agree with you that this kind of stuff does not belong on There are three partners in Gunblast. com, Inc., and I am only one of them. I have had this argument with my brothers before, but I am in the minority. I think that our political articles should only pertain to politics as it affects gun ownership. If a politician tries to ban or limit our gun rights, I think we should post that information. Obama recently put a ban on importing about two million surplus US M1 Garand rifles that have been in storage in Korea. That was wrong of him to do so, and it should be pointed out to gun owners. However, even though I think that Obama is a self-centered liberal atheist, Gunblast. com is not the proper place to address his issues that do not apply to gun ownership and use. There are plenty of political websites for that, and I would prefer to not have that type of stuff on Gunblast. I regret to lose you as a reader, but I understand your position. You could do as I do, and ignore the political section.


I appreciate the site and the articles are especially of interest. It would be substantially improved, though, if there was no religious rhetoric. I would like to be able to read about guns without being proselytized. 


September 24, 2010

Chris, As you know, we primarily write about guns. However, it is not purely about the technical side of the gun itself, but about the uses for which the gun is designed. Enter in the human factor. Humans are not merely mechanical devices, nor are we just another animal. We write about guns because we care about our readers, and want to give them the best, most accurate information possible. In caring about our readers, we also care about their souls. Our life here on Earth is a brief one, but eternity is forever. As Christians, we are commanded to share with you the Gospel of Christ. There are plenty of places to read technical details of weapons. Here at Gunblast. com, you can read that information in detail, and more accurately than other places, but occasionally, we also let our readers know who we are, and who we are is influenced greatly by Who we follow. We won't try to force you into believing as we do, or believing anything at all. There are other places for that, but it is hard to not let a little bit of our faith show in our writings. If it offends you, please forgive us. After all, we are also commanded to forgive each other.


Mr. Quinn,

I know a man named Michael sent you an email about this 6 months ago. I too am disappointed in the Dillon Precision ad. I am not concerned with the woman's breast size. I am concerned with the way they dress and the reason they dress the way they do. Would you agree that they are on the ad solely for sex appeal? I have no problem with women wanting to look attractive, in a modest way. I do have a problem with lust and pornography. Most boys don't start out with hard core porn, but rather a "harmless" swimsuit magazine. I'm not advocating all women dress like nuns, but rather dress without the intent to lure men to lust (aka modest). A modestly dressed woman is not at fault if a man lusts for her. But I do not think woman should purposefully dress in a way that encourages lust. I'm sure the people at Dillon are friendly and make a fine product, but I don't agree with encouraging lust. I wouldn't want my wife or daughter to dress like that. The Bible does not give requirements on how short a skirt can be or how low a blouse, but I know smut when I see it.



September 19, 2010

You are correct. The women are in the ad to draw attention to the ad. Eye candy, and nothing more. 


Mr. Quinn, The "eye candy" is unnecessary. Many companies do very well by advertising based upon the quality of the product, endorsements from known gunsmiths, and a reputation for providing excellent customer service... without the cleavage. I do not support companies that use risque advertisements to attract a customer's attention. It's the same reason I choose not to eat at a Hooters Restaurant. I need to avoid things that tempt me to lust. I'm not perfect. I have done a lot of bad things. But I try to let the Holy Spirit guide me in what I choose to look at and think about. The difference between modest and risque is not specifically defined in the Bible, so I must rely on the Holy Spirit to tell me the difference between appreciating beauty and sexual lust. Women wearing bikini tops for men other than their husband to see is morally wrong. It is blatantly tempting those men to sin. The scantily clad woman cannot be blamed for the man's lust. He is still held accountable for choosing to stare and lust for her. But she is at fault for unnecessarily and knowingly tempting the man. Please pray about it. 



That is correct. What a man lusts for reveals that which is in him. For instance, a glass of whiskey is no temptation to me at all, but for some, it would be a great temptation. In the book of James, God states that temptation reveals the lust of the heart. Every day, the world places temptation before us. It is a daily struggle.


Mr. Quinn, You are right. The world does place temptation before us and it is a daily struggle. I would not place a glass of whiskey in front of someone that is recovering from alcoholism. In the same way, I would not put an image of a woman's cleavage in front of any heterosexual man. Christians cannot stop all the temptations of the world, but that does not mean they should willingly participate in sharing those things that are known to tempt others to lust. Besides the Dillon ad, I think your website is great. 



She is a good-looking woman, and I am about as heterosexual as you can get, but that picture does not make me think of doing immoral stuff to that woman. I guess we all have different things that tempt us into immoral thoughts.


Mr. Quinn, As a heterosexual, if you can look at a swimsuit calendar without the desire to have sex with the models, that is difficult for me to understand. The Holy Spirit has convicted me it is wrong for me to look at any woman with sexual desire other than my wife. Looking at scantily clad women while attempting not to lust is like playing with fire. "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." 
(Matt. 5:27 & 28) 



I agree with you, but I can look at a woman without wanting to nail her, even women at the beach or anywhere else. I am perfectly satisfied with my wife for sporting purposes. Just as we are not supposed to covet, I can look at a shiny new car without wanting it. I think that when we are right in our hearts, we can look upon anything without lust or evil in our hearts. 


Hi Jeff... I have a Kel-Tek PLR 16..... of course the 5.56 is loud...... I am thinking about getting a Gemtech silencer for it..... can you give me some idea about how much it would quieten it down?



September 19, 2010

I cannot. I have not tried the Gemtech. My Tactical Solutions can does a very good job, reducing the sound signature greatly. I suspect that the Gemtech would do as well.



Some general comments. I go straight to your site when considering ANY gun I may think I'd like to own. Your comments often solidify my `urgings' to include the; Ruger SR556, Marlin 1895 45-70, Kimber Pro Carry, Taurus Judge and a number of others I have purchased as a result of your excellent reviews. Keep up the GREAT work. I enjoy all your reviews and your Ask Jeff's (ESPECIALLY liked your response to `Aric' May 27th 2010, very, very good..)

The other reason for this post is to tell people about the ammo options for the Judge. My thoughts are if you want to just shoot Long Colt's go get a Ruger, or whatever. I bought mine for the `shotgun effect', thus I have experimented with numerous types available, `ought bucks, #4 shot, etc. The #4 shot is GREAT for a peppering effect, but since I don't shoot just to pepper someone, that was not used as a `nightstand load'. I would test the ammo at the 10 yard range, in lieu of seven yards or closer, to see the worst case scenario (distance in your house, or maybe even your car). I was disappointed with the buckshot by various manufactures that were called `Home defense ammo'. I would get about two pellets on `center mass' with good shot placement. The rest of the pellets flew out to the peripheral. Then, I saw the ads for the Winchester Extreme Elite, Holy Moly.. what a round. You would render any intruder useless with no effort, point and let loose. You don't have to worry about excellent shot placement like you would with a Long Colt (at three a. m. with your heart pounding, and `tunnel vision' etc).

As they used to say in the commercials, "Try it you'll like it." Indeed you will, great stuff.

Best regard always, 

Jim (LEO in Fla.)

September 19, 2010

That ammo is a very good choice for the Judge, and also the Bond Arms derringer


Hi Greg,

While I've been a member of your site for quite a while, I must admit that I haven't ventured far from Jeff's gun articles. But today was a different story and I read your article on "Keep your change". Admittedly, it's a little late in the game to keep Barack out of office, but we're getting close to the mid-term elections. 

I'm a Tea Party member and a dyed in the wool Constitutionalist. I served eight years in Uncle Sam's military during the ill thought out Vietnam fight (it wasn't a war because our government wasn't in to win it).

We have a chance this election to take back at least the House and a good shot at taking back the Senate. I hope the American people don't get satisfied if this happens. I mean, if we do get the Congress on the right track with this election, we still have a lot to do. It is my opinion that there are progressives/liberals/socialists/communists all around D. C.. In the election coming up in two years, we must remove the remainder of those types from our government. 

I remember when the battle cry of the GOP was "throw the bums out", and we did for a while. Unfortunately, the politicians gradually forgot that the American people do call the shots in elections. I, personally, am embarrassed to see the condition of our government; too big and disconnected from the very people that voted them into office. 

While I am a registered Republican, I admit some of our own kind and helping the left erode away American liberties and ideals. Frankly, that's why I joined the Tea Party movement - I want the Constitution to be the law of the land and to be able to make my own life choices without Uncle Sugar making those choices for me.

Thank you for your work, and may God Bless you.



September 16, 2010

Hi Al,

Thanks for your kind note, and for being a regular reader of Gunblast. com. And, thanks for your service to our great nation.

Like you, I once was proud to be a Republican. I received numerous awards from the National Republican Congressional Committee and was active in national politics, once holding a position of chair of a committee on small business tax reform. However, beginning about midway of President Bush's second term, I refused further accolades and no longer represented the organization. Those that called us to arms in order to "throw the bums out" became bums themselves. The election that put an incompetent, unqualified, inexperienced socialist into the highest position in our land should be a reflection as to the attitudes of our citizens. The Republican Party largely caused Obama to be elected due to their failure to perform as promised for 8 years prior. Now, with Obama as the worst President in the history of America, and with his extremely liberal Congress in tow, America is in worse shape than anytime in our lifetimes. Never before have we seen raw socialism at the highest levels in our land. Never before has the mantra of "change" been so evident that part of the change is to throw out the Constitution. Never before have we been this broke (economically and politically) and have witnessed the atrocities that our current government is placing upon the citizens of this land. There is a lot to be done, and I for one don't believe there is but perhaps 10% currently in office in DC that has the will or the capacity to bring about the change that we need. Change that will heal the land, change that will secure our borders, change that will bring us into prosperity, change that will serve our allies and challenge our enemies, and change that will once again have a land being led by the Constitution, a document that effectively built America into the greatest nation on earth.

I'm with you. We need to throw all the bums out. The November election should be a roll-call for conservatives. I too am engaged in the Tea Party, and Gunblast. com have formed our own Tea Party movement. I suggest you support us. This November, we need to put into office only those that have the betterment of America at heart, and that will support the Constitution and return our land to a God-fearing nation and one that is free from political socialism. Democrat or Republican. If they are not for us, they are against us. With a complete change in Congress in November, it will halt the unexplainable actions of our President, and then in two years we can elect another, one that has the best interest of America instead of personal gain at heart.

Thanks for your comments; they are right on. Thanks again for your support of Gunblast. com, and for your service to America. May God bless America.



I really appreciate your article on Homeland Security. You ended the article with, "The United States Department of Homeland Security will never openly advise this, but every citizen should acquire the means to protect themselves, their family, and their country against those who would do us harm, and pray that we never need it." I am starting to think more and more, that the largest threat to America may not come from overseas, but from within... With our loose immigration laws, and the liberals holding their death grip on the government, could there be trouble in the future from other "Americans"? Perhaps if Obama gets his way and the economy collapses, will the liberals or others like them turn on their own neighbors and fellow citizens to sustain themselves? Glenn Beck shed some light on this issue recently. This scenario may sound crazy to some... but world history shows it's possible. What is your opinion?


September 15, 2010

Absolutely. Those who prepare will have to defend themselves from those who did not. A good recent example was the flood in new Orleans after the hurricane. Many of the cops even pulled out, leaving the citizens to fend for themselves. Then, it got worse. The cops went in a disarmed the citizens.


I have looked at your website a few times, and have spoke with Jeff via email once regarding questions/advice on my next firearm I plan to get (S&W SD40).I was just on your website, again, and actually see that you all are Christians and involved in ministry! Wow. wow. wow..This is fantastic!!! I am 30yrs old and have been saved and walking by faith for 8yrs now, I am so excited to see that is backed by men of God! I will do all I can to support this website!!


September 10, 2010

I was just reading your report on the Whistlepig and Tactical Solutions barrels. I find it highly unlikely if not impossible to shoot groups like you did at 115 yards with non match ammo. I would like to invite you to our range to prove it. If you shoot a five shot nickle size group at 115 yards with mini mags from a stump, I will pay for your transportation to and from the range. If not, you owe me dinner at my favorite eating place.

September 10, 2010

I assume that you are referring to my article from August of 2004 on the TacSol barrels for the 10/22. In that review, I did post a seven-sixteenths three-shot group at 100 yards. The shooting was done from a solid benchrest, using a Target Shooting, Inc. Model 500 rifle rest. How that would translate into a five-shot nickel-sized 115 yard group shooting from a stump, I do not know.  My travel schedule is pretty busy already, and traveling very far to prove something to your satisfaction is not a priority on my list. Sir, I have no reason to lie, and I am not a liar. I take great pains to insure the accuracy and integrity of all of my reviews. I do the best I can to see just how accurately a rifle will shoot, but if it only groups into two inches, that is what I report, but also, if it groups tighter, I report that as well. I also provide photographic proof whenever possible. When testing a rifle, I shoot from a bench with a solid rest. I do not use a stump. My readers want to know how accurate the rifle/scope/ammo combo is, not how well I can shoot. I am just an average shot, and from a stump I probably could not put five shots into a two inch group. However, I believe that almost any shooter can duplicate the accuracy that I achieved with that TacSol barrel, using the same ammo, and a good scope, firing over a solid rest. Note that I did not even use any special match grade ammo, just good quality CCI ammunition that anyone can purchase for a reasonable cost. That TacSol barrel was very accurate, but I have since fired more accurate rifles. It pays to buy good stuff.


Hello Jeff, 

I have been reading your reviews for a few years now. I have found out that you tell it how it is. I specifically remember that it was your review about the AR-30 in 338 Lapua Magnum, that sold me on the rifle and caliber. I was wondering, the review stated that the recoil was substantial. Did you actually fire that rifle without the muzzle break? If so, how does that shoulder feel? After firing mine a few times, I would not dream of shooting it without the break on it. I also based my purchase of an AA 50 Beowulf AR-15 on your review. This rifle is so much fun to own and shoot. I would like to add a few details. If a person should buy one of these "car stoppers", reloading is almost a must. In addition to this, a chamber gage is a must as well. It will save a lot of embarrassment at the range from hang-ups and malfunctions. As for factory ammo, AA has a hard time keeping up with demand. Don't get me wrong, Bill Alexander has to one of the coolest guys I have ever had the pleasure to speak with. However, as far as I know, there still is not a major ammo manufacturer yet. Anyways, I have continued to base my gun purchases on your opinions. You have yet to steer me in the wrong direction. Thank you for your excellent reviews and I look forward to more in the future. 

SSG Oliver Dobai

US Army, Iraq

August 28, 2010

Thanks for that feedback, Sergeant. It is good to hear from folks who enjoy the 50 beowulf. excellent cartridge, and you are correct; Bill is a first-class guy. Also, and most importantly, thanks to you and your buddies for standing in the gap for us over there. God bless you all.


Hi Jeff, I just purchased a Kel-Tec p-3AT pistol. We find it very hard to cock. My wife & I are senior citizens. We have a very hard time cocking it. I was wondering if there is anything, I can do to making the cocking easier? My wife & I like the weapon very much. We are afraid with the time it takes to get it cocked. It might be to late. I purchased the weapon. To protect us in our home. I would appreciate it very much. If you could tell me anything that would make the cocking. Any easier or faster?

Thank you very much, 


August 24, 2010

Try cocking it with the cocking hand turned backwards, so that you are pushing the slide to the rear, instead of pulling it with just your thumb and finger. Pushing it, you get more of your hand on the slide. Just keep your finger away from the trigger. Keep me posted.


Jeff, Boge, and Guest Writers,

Love GunBlast! The best site on the web for gun and accessory reviews. I visit your site every day to check for new articles and read the archives. The reviews are concise but contain just the right information to make an informed decision and the videos provide that something extra to bring it all together.

Based on your reviews I bought a Sig P238, a Simply Rugged holster for my 44 mag, and a Demon Tactical takedown pin and they are all as advertised. Now I'm in the market for a Target Shooting Inc. rifle rest.

Keep up the great work and take care of Tennessee while I'm away.

Mark B.

August 22, 2010

Thanks Mark. You will love that rifle rest.


Hey Jeff,

I love firearms, and I'm all the time researching one aspect or another of them or their use. I can't count the number of times that the information you have provided on your great web site has proved invaluable. Thank you for providing such quality information so unselfishly. I deeply appreciate it as I am sure many others do. Also, I want to wish your website a happy Tenth Anniversary!

Many thanks again.


August 21, 2010

Animais invasores

Voce concorda em matar javalis e outras espécies animais consideradas invasoras para controle populacional?


August 19, 2010

Sim eu faço. Com javalis selvagens, nos matamo-los, mas também come a carne. Muito saboroso. 


Jeff, thank you for a great review of the Ruger LCP. I am a retired LEO and have been looking for a small pocket pistol. Like you if a gunfight arises I would prefer a rifle or large bore pistol. But they are hard to hide. Your review has convinced me to get the LCP. Again thank you. 


August 15, 2010

Great choice. I always have one in my pocket, unless going through airport security. Even when I pack a larger handgun, I still carry the LCP.


Thanks Greg,

I have been stopping by the Gunblast site every couple of weeks for over a year. I enjoy the well written articles that feed my shooting hobby. As a Christian I appreciate your articles even more! How cool to check out a website for leisure enjoyment and also get a blast of spiritual encouragement. We serve a Great God.

You have a great ministry. 

Thank You for praying for me. I will be praying for you.


August 12, 2010

Hi Derrell,

I truly appreciate your kind words. Thank you for your encouragement, and we are glad that Gunblast. com has been a blessing to you in more ways than one. Being the largest gun test magazine on the Internet provides us more opportunities than just being the best at testing and reporting about the shooting sports. It also provides us the tremendous opportunity for a vast ministry outreach, and share the love of Christ with readers from all over the world. It is truly a grand opportunity, and I am humbled by the chance to serve our Lord in this capacity. Sometimes its a very thank-less job, so I do appreciate your feedback. Before writing this note back to you, I said a prayer specifically for you and your family. I don't know you, nor do I know what you are going through in your life right now. But, I know a God that does, and He loves you more than you know. Keep serving the Lord, and keep praying for me and for Gunblast. com. I not only get to serve the Lord through this work, but I get to do so with two of my brothers that I love very much. God is good.

Thanks, and may God bless you.



I just wanted to encourage you to keep up the good work. I read a few of your archived articles and was impressed. I have been reading Jeff's articles for years now, but never strolled across the Greg's Corner section. You have a powerful tool, to use to be a lighthouse to the world essentially, and need to make the most of it. To everyone that God gives much too, he expects much in return. If you continue to use what He has given you, it will continue to grow. The two fold mission of the Church is to 1. See People Saved, and 2. To see people Discipled. You can use your outreach as a means to spread the Gospel to more people than most people will ever meet in a lifetime. Don't stop putting the Gospel in each of your articles. The Gospel is what people need the most. Everything else will pass. Keep up the good work, I will be praying for you 


August 11, 2010

Really enjoy your tests and the short videos. I'm thinking what I like most is the down to earth way your videos are presented. Uptight people are so uncool. Thanks for the info and continued success!


August 4, 2010

Like your reviews, and trust your opinion; I just thought I'd help you clean something up . . . I'm not trying to be the grammar police. Keep up the good work.

In your Marlin XL-7 review you wrote "I also used no premium or handloaded ammunition in the Marlin" 

Would have sounded better if you'd have written . . . . " I refrained from using . . . . "


August 3, 2010

I sometimes ain't got no good grammar.


Mr., Quinn,

Thank you very much for an awesome review of the Ruger SR556. I bought my first Ruger because of this article.



August 3, 2010


Many thanks for maintaining this site. When contemplating a purchase or modification, I always check to see if you've done something similar. Most recently I have thought about upgrading the trigger on an M&P15-22 but do not want to enlarge the holes in the frame or add any external clips. From my research it appeared that the only manufacturer that fulfilled these criteria was the trigger from Timney, and, sure enough, you've done a couple for the AR platform.

There are no videos anywhere on this trigger, and I could not figure out what the setscrews were for until I read your write-up. Thanks.

FYI for your readers: I called Timney, and they said that due to the fact that .22 ammunition is often difficult to ignite, they recommend the trigger designed for the AR-10 for the M&P15-22. Because he hammer spring is stronger, and the hammer itself has more mass, it will give more consistent ignition that will the unit for the AR-15.

Thanks again.

Washington DC

August 3, 2010

Just read the article on Taurus Slim. Information & photographs are unbiased, clear, level headed, & outstanding from every angle. You are excellent journalists and I will bookmark your page and use it as my first point of reference for any firearm info.


August 3, 2010

I read your article on the SIG P250 2Sum, and while I in fact do buy into the idea that its very close to having 2 guns for the price of one, I think the Sig P250 actually has another even more important strength. 

You know how your wife can talk on the phone to her mom, while doing laundry, making breakfast, giving you your day to day marching orders, and run the vacuum cleaner all at the same time? Yet this same incredible multi-tasking creature runs into a dead end when she sits on the sofa and tries to figure out the remote control???

Not only does she not give a red rat's ass what all the remote control can do for her, she hasn't got a spare moment to devote any attention to it even if she did. Do you really think she will be interested in any kind of a firearm that has anything but the most simple of manual of arms? Therein lies the real strength of the Sig P250.

The 1911 in my opinion, requires a DEDICATED student to learn, thereby ruling it out. I have taught over 500 people to shoot a Glock, and most of my women students had significant trouble grasping the idea of the 2 stage trigger. Oddly, I taught nearly this same number of women the Beretta and they actually had LESS trouble with the 2 different trigger pulls of the Beretta than the 2 stage pull of the Glock. The Sig P250 DAO trigger is clearly the best of all worlds for this application. And its trigger is wonderfully smooth and uniform while not being heavy.

Most guys have some sort of DA revolver for their wife. I think that this is an excellent plan. Especially if it shoots more than 5 times. The Smith 351 22 mag. would make an excellent ladies carry gun IMO. But what about the nightstand? 

Here, I think the Sig P250 would leave all others in the dust. Its easy to mount a light on, as well as a laser for those that just have to have one. 9mm is about the best caliber for the ladies, and the P250 itself is perfectly scaled for its chambering both inside and out. Its not overly large nor heavy and best of all as reliable as it can possibly be. 16 shots should be enough to discourage even the most rabid home invader, but I am currently shopping for an extended magazine base. 

I dont have to worry about having to have her keep it without a round in the chamber or an accidental discharge or if she is going to forget to snick the manual safety. I like the Sig P250. I have one on layaway and it will be her nightstand gun real soon. 


July 20, 2010

You are correct, Sir. I think you nailed it precisely. Excellent weapon, and easy to use.


Howdy folks,

Have been reading for so long I figure that my membership could cover some of the bandwidth for the site. You guys do a great job. Enjoy the write ups. Glad that it is being produced by someone local. (I grew up in Portland, TN before moving to Chattanooga).

Have a great day and keep up the good work, 


July 14, 2010

I stumbled on this evening and read your commentary on why Obama is good.  I agree completely and want to thank you for your story.  We as conservatives need to embrace this and capitalize on the moment to restructure our government and its way of doing business.
This site is going to my favorites list!!!!

July 13, 2010

Thank you, Curtis, for your kind remarks.  If all of us conservatives stick together, then we will see a change in America that is positive.  “Change” should be our new mantra again, but change from Obama policies, from liberal spending, from socialist viewpoints, replaced with change to conservatism, patriotism, and a focus on becoming the nation that lives as the republic established through our Constitution.  Change is coming; we can insure that November reflects the kind of government that Americans want.

Thanks for being a new reader.


What a great site, lots of information on many things. I was very interested in the Ruger SR-22 article as I inspected one at a shop here in Quebec. I have a 10/22 carbine so the reliability issue is a non issue. Just wanted to congratulate you on a great site.


May 12, 2010

I've owned several (5) Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifles following the ownership of a custom built heavy barrel DPMS AR.  It is exactly as you say in your article.  I now own a Mini-14T which lives up to the expectations that you stated as well.  My groups at 100 yards are sub 0.5 MOA with reloaded ammo.  It's a wonderful rifle to own and rivals the performance of the previous DPMS AR.


April 10, 2010

Dear Jeff Quinn,

A couple of hours ago I was looking through a small local newspaper and saw a Taurus Judge 410/45 LC for sale and since I've not been involved with firearms for some time due to a divorce that allowed me to walk away with only my life I was quite intrigued with what was advertised. I used to be involved with deer and elk hunting years ago when my sons were quite young but after their mother took them (and their sister) I just kinda gave up on everything. Used to own a S&W 357 and a 410/45 LC Derringer made by the Texas Derringer Co. but lost these as well.

All that to say I typed in Taurus Judge at Google and your website came up, and just as I'm grateful that God forgave me because of His son's sacrificial work on the cross, I'm also grateful for what you stand for and how our Lord is using you in the fashion that He is. With all of the accomplishments that you've achieved coupled with the integrity that seems to run through your words I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!! As a photographer since the late 70's early 80's and former owner of a photography studio I also am very impressed with the very high quality photographs that Boge and yourself have put on your website. The few articles that I read dovetailed with the images in quality and professionalism.

Moreover your involvement in the body of Christ as a minister by proclaiming the truth in God's Word and the giving of your life to young people is something I'm unable to comment on due to the lack of words necessary to express how thankful I am for that as well as I'm sure the parents of these kids feel also.

Needless to say at this present time I live in a concrete and metal environment called the city, in a suburb of Portland, Oregon and at 60 years of age and possibility in the summer of my years I do pray that that will change. As a matter of fact my wife and I have contemplated moving to your neck of the woods, believe it or not.

I apologize for bleeding to much so I'll briefly get back to Gunblast. com for a moment before I close, ok? The revolver that I saw advertised has a 6 1/2 in. barrel and on your website the 410/45 LC appeared to have a shorter barrel length, is that correct? God Bless you in your endeavors and I do hope to hear from you soon.



March 16, 2010

Thank you, Sir, for the kind words. We would like to use even higher-resolution images, but many people are still on slow connections, so we keep the pictures at a lower resolution, so that the pages load faster. The Judge comes also in a two-inch and a three-inch barrel version. I prefer the shorter barrels, myself.


I just wanted to say that, though I may not agree with all of your postings, I commend you greatly on the fact that you can state how you feel with confidence. I respect someone that can do this and obviously show that they have spent time either researching or already have knowledge of what they are speaking about. 

What brought me here was an article about the Bersa Thunder .380. I have owned mine for about two years and couldn't imagine living without it. I agree with your review and can only say that this pistol is one of the best I have found for concealed carry. I own the mini 9MM as well, but the Thunder is what I carry every day. My 40 cals are just too heavy and the mini 9MM just feels so bulky in comparison. As far as both Bersa pistols are concerned though, I have been extremely happy with their performance. When you factor in the price, they are absolutely incredible!

Great website. please keep posting!

Amanda - proud Oregon CHL holder

March 14, 2010

Jeff, I'm a police sniper with the Honolulu Police Department's SWAT team and I do a lot of research on different rifles on the internet. I've seen several rifle reviews on your website and think they're awesome. I'm in the market for a ArmaLite AR-30 and your review was the best I've seen anywhere, with a lot of pictures. Please keep up the good work and thanks.



March 10, 2010

Thanks Greg, for another "Right On" in your opinion of the Obama health care disaster. I feel that most folks are feeling, this is a run away train and it cant be stopped, as I do. I see this country going literally to hell sometimes. I'm 62 years old fought in Vietnam, raised 9 kids, have 16 grand children and I see a dismal future for them in this life. Will we wake up, or is this a sign the lord is getting ready to pass his judgment on this country for all its sins?------- thanks again--- keep them coming!


March 5, 2010

Hi Tom. First, I would like to say a big "thank you" for your service to our great country. Secondly, another thanks for being a loyal Gunblast. com reader. You are among almost one million readers monthly who make Gunblast. com the number one resource, online or in print, for reviews of guns and related products.

The Obama healthcare plan is a huge disaster. I am very thankful for those politicians who had enough integrity to stand up and say "enough is enough" and refuse to let this thing be railroaded through. Unfortunately, there is not enough of them. Most of our members of Congress are more concerned over personal gain or staying in office than they are truly representing the people and what is best for America. Those that are hearing what America is saying about this healthcare bill need to be applauded. Those that are trying to find a way to fleece the citizens of our nation should be ashamed, and voted out of office come November. In the meantime, all of us need to take a stand and let our Senators and Representatives know that this healthcare bill is not good for our country, and we want no part of it. 

Thanks for your comments. God bless America.


I've read the press from Para Ordnance, and am very much interested in purchasing this pistol. I've always liked the 1911 Colt, ever since I fired my friend's sporterized version. Your review answered all my questions (especially about how well constructed this pistol is), what loads you prefer, and how enjoyable it is to shoot. As a bonus, your choice of "In Walked Bud" on guitar as the soundtrack was right fine! And the cardinal singing while you spoke your piece was calling me back to Warm Springs, Virginia or Pisgah Falls, North Carolina to visit my folks. I'll no doubt view some of your other reviews and come back and visit your web site often. Take care!


March 4, 2010

Right on. We MUST have a MONSTROUS voter turn out in November. My main mission in life the next 8 months is to convince as many people as I can to throw the bums out. Your article is great and should really help out. Stay well and keep it up. THANKS SO MUCH. 


March 2, 2010

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the feedback. You are correct. It is not just our President, but the attitude of the majority of Congress, that have caused such a mess. Obama shouldn't surprise any of us, as he is doing exactly what we thought he would do upon being elected to the highest office in the land. I admire him for his accomplishments, but I cannot appreciate anything he represents politically. But he is not the problem; the problem is the entire Democratic political machine that put him in office. And, unfortunately, most of the Republicans are not much better. We need people in Congress that support individual rights, that support the rights of the states, that understand the intent of the founders of our nation, that support the Constitution instead of constantly trying to change it, that act with morality and integrity, and that support the voters who elected them. We need men and women in the House and Senate that will not try to kill our Second Amendment rights. We need people who can help put our government back on Biblically-based truths of right and wrong, that understand the right to life, and that will not sacrifice our nation for personal greed. This whole healthcare issue is a good case in point, as is the Tea Party movement. Why is Congress and our President considering a healthcare bill that will bankrupt our nation and is something that doesn't represent the intent of the people? Would we have a need for a Tea Party revolution within our nation if our people were not so fed up with the dishonesty and incompetence of our elected officials? We do need to band together to make a difference. This is not an issue of Democrat versus Republican. This is not an issue of Barack Obama and whether we like him or not. This is an issue of the rights of the citizens of the United States of America, and the rights of the States as supported in our Constitution. Hopefully, working together, we can help people see the light and make necessary changes now to prevent bigger problems down the road. The "change" that President Obama promised is truly bad. We need change for the better. Hopefully before November's elections, but certainly we have an opportunity at that time. Let's get the word out. Let's take America back! We appreciate your readership and comments.


Dear Jeff,

I would like to start off by saying that I have watched tons of your videos on YouTube. They are very interesting and educational as well. Some of your videos convinced me to purchase certain firearms , and so this is where this email comes in to play. 

Jeff, my name is Jordan; I was born and raised in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and remain there today, I'm 20 years old and a war veteran of the USMC. I joined the Marine Corps right out of high school at the age of 16. I was home schooled due to my father's beliefs on public school and what it was pushing on all who attended it. So that's how I joined at such a young age. I have been deployed to Iraq twice and a short tour in Afghanistan, I left early because I was wounded in action. I have seen my fair share of horrible things that no human should see. I had to put my deceased best friend's body parts in a damn bivy sack because our company did not have any body bags. I have put my share in the war, and keeping America as free as it is today. I was honorably discharged as a corporal of Marines. I apologize if I'm rambling on about my past, but I feel that it is necessary for me to so you can understand what happened to me about a week and a half ago. I recently bought a Kel Tec sub 2000. I did not buy any ammo for it because I did not have enough money on me. I took it home and I love it. Well I recently went to my local gun shop (different from the one where I bought my rifle) and asked to purchase some standard 9mm Luger rounds. Well wouldn't you know I cannot purchase handgun ammo and why? Because l am 20 and the store requires you to be 21 to purchase handgun ammo. Now before I tell you how absurd this is let me point out some things. For one it blows me away how you can be 18 and buy any rifle ammo which is 5 times deadlier then any pistol ammo you can buy, but have to be 21 to buy pistol ammo. 

For two, how can I purchase the rifle that shoots the 9mm ammo but I cannot buy the ammo for it? I don't understand it maybe I'm crazy. 

And last but certainly not least, how is it ok for someone as young as me, to go off to the Middle East, put my life on the line for the good of the country, watch my friends die and for me to take lives as well. But its not ok for me to buy 9mm ammo because I'm "20" and not " 21"?? I try to explain this to the local gun smith but nope, still refuses to sell me ammo. Now understand this I loved my time in the Marine Corps. It is what I wanted to do ever since I was a child and hell I fulfilled my dream Jeff. 

Can you give me some insight as to why America is the way it is? And why is it so backwards now?


February 23, 2010

Don't try to make sense of the gun laws in our nation. It will drive you crazy. It is my opinion that when you mustered out of the Marines, you should have been allowed to keep your M-16 and been issued a thousand rounds of ammo and ten magazines. However, that would make too much sense. The reason is because many of our political leaders in this country are spineless, sniveling little weasels who believe that they know what is best for everyone, and that a Marine who is no longer in active duty is a liability instead of an asset. I appreciate what you have done for our nation. Send me your address, and I will send you some 9mm ammo for that Kel-Tec.


[ED. NOTE: The videos we post to YouTube are the same videos we feature in our articles. We recently expanded to YouTube in order to reach-out to potential new readers, and it is working wonderfully. - Boge Quinn]


Having read your article there is only one truthful thing to say---YOU ARE Right. Being "right" NEEDS NO JUSTIFICATION---IT JUSTIFIES ITSELF. Thanks for writing it! 


February 19, 2010

Pistol grips; why this or that? I am guessing that each style of grip gives one kind of advantage at the expense of another advantage. I would very much appreciate your observation on the comparative advantages of each type. Assume a four inch ro six inch barrel for each and assume you could find a common cartridge for all of them with some real power like a 38+P or better.

Ruger GP100, Blackhawk, Bisley, Colt Police Positive, Python, S&W Regulation Police, Great Western (birds head), 1873 Hartford Stallion, the new Rhino, modern Springfield XD semi-automatic.

John M

February 18, 2010

That would be a simple task, if it were not for different hands. Look at a few dozen hands and you will understand. Thick hands with short, fat fingers, small hands, huge mitts, long fingers, all make for different style grips. Then there are different shooting styles; one hand, two hand, high grip, low grip. Like many other things in life, it just comes down to what an individual prefers.


Hey Greg,

I just read your article labeled "Keep the change you filthy animal." I just wanted to say I couldn't have said it better! It was a very good article. I'm going to post the address on my Facebook so that I can share it with others because I think every American should read it. Thank you for writing it.



February 10, 2010

Hi Mike,

I appreciate the kind words. If enough Americans said "enough" we could stop some of this insanity. Thanks for your help in spreading the word.


Dear Mr. Quinn:

Just a quick note to say I really enjoy the Gunblast website and the information you offer there. You write well, you make sense (the common kind), and you are thorough. 

Hope you are having a ball doing what you love to do. 

Best regards

Eric in Slippery Rock PA

February 9, 2010

Thank you, Sir. I really enjoy doing this.


Jeff, I am a paying member of Gunblast and a huge fan. I was a little disappointed with the new ad you have up from Dillon Precision Products. Do they really need the big breasted girls on this ad? Seems out of character for your site. Regardless of anything being done about the ad I will continue to read and enjoy your site. Just wanted to voice a small concern. 


February 9, 2010

I appreciate the feedback, but I see nothing at all wrong with the ad. Dillon Precision is a good company, and they make some fine products. We are happy to have them as a new advertiser. The girls are clothed, and seem to be well-proportioned. I do not think that the breasts are overly large, but just about right. Both of those women are very nice ladies.


Hallo, Ich spreche leider nicht englisch, ich benutze ein Programm für Übersetzung, Sorry. Eine wirklich sehr schöne Homepage habe ich hier gefunden!

Ich besitze auch einen Ruger Super Blackhawk New Modell 44 Mag..

Dafür suche ich noch schöne Griffe und bin so auf deine Seite gekommen.

Leider kann man hier keine guten Griffe kaufen. Hat Spaß gemacht sich hier umzuschauen. Schaut auch bei uns mal rein.

wir freuen uns über ein Feedback im Gästebuch, danke 

viele Grüße aus Deutschland

GSJV Seit Admin Uwe

28 Jan, 2010

Sie können einige schönen Faustfeuerwaffegriffe an www. eaglegrips. com sehen



I have been reading your reviews on-line for about a year now. After reading your review on the new Ruger SR9c I realized I should really drop you a line to express my gratitude for the great work you guys do over at GunBlast.

I have always been a gun "aficionado" and avid supporter of the second amendment, but it was only in the past 3 years that I was able to purchase my first handgun (full size SR9) and begin to exercise my rights as well as enjoy the fun of shooting and passing this passion onto my sons.

Being relatively new to handguns, I truly appreciate your common sense and straight forward approach to gun reviews. They are detailed enough to be valuable and basic enough for guys like me to educate myself through your efforts.

Well that is probably enough said.

Thank you again from me and my family,


January 27, 2010

Dear Gunblast staff. I just want to say how much I thoroughly enjoy your website. I first got turned on to it by my father who is also a huge fan. And while I don't share his love of political talk, we both share a love a firearms. And it goes without saying your site produces some of the absolute finest and thorough reviews I've even seen. It's easier to get an idea of what I'm dealing with through the great photos that are placed alongside your reviews. As a full time EMT & Police Officer here in Tennessee, I very much value our 2nd Amendment rights and very much respect appreciate your responsible takes on gun ownership & preparedness. I look forward to reading your website for quite some time and thank you all for your time and dedication to my much beloved past time.


January 26, 2010

I'd like to comment in response to Lewis who wrote that the idea of citizens using guns for protection against the US government is a silly idea. Lewis said "Tell me why I'm wrong".

I can tell him in two words: Iraq, Afghanistan.

The Islamists have a couple hundred thousand insurgents fighting with small arms and have given the worlds most powerful militaries a lot of trouble in trying to secure those countries, despite the use of virtually every advanced weapon in the US arsenal short of nuclear weapons.

Now imagine what several million armed Americans fighting on their own turf and blending into the population could do with small arms if needed. If would take a major, prolonged war effort to attempt to subdue or disarm the American people. The fact is that the majority of today's US Military service men and women, who swore an oath the defend the Constitution when they joined, would not be willing to fight a prolonged war against their own people, even if ordered to do so by a nutjob in the Whitehouse. Those US military elements or private contractors willing to do so would be far outnumbered in the face of a nationwide armed uprising. They would be facing the combined forces of the armed population together with many elements of the military who would rise in defense of the people. It is the regime that would fall as a result, not the armed citizens, and this is why the 2nd Amendment helps insure that no government will ever succeed in suppressing our democracy by force, as long as we are armed.


January 23, 2010


Thank you for your fine website, and straight-up, to the point reviews. I read your review on the Diamondback .380, and the FN Five-Seven pistol, and came away impressed; so much that I purchased my own Diamondback Firearms DB380, and FN Five-Seven. After shooting both of them, I came away from the range that day very impressed, especially since both of those firearms measured up to what you said about them in your review. I want to thank you for your hard work, and dedication to "keeping it real" when reviewing firearms. Keep up the good work!

Thank You,

SPC Benjamin W., U. S. Army

January 17, 2010

I picked up my STAG model 8 last week and I have to say I am very impressed. I have been shooting AR's for 10 plus years now (Military/Law Enforcement) and I am very pleased with the performance of this weapon especially with the cost being so low. I have an EOtech 511 single red dot optic mounted and a "grippod" that I have added. The collapsible stock and shortened barrel of 
16" allows this rifle fit easily into my patrol car with ease as opposed to my previous department issued Colt without a collapsible stock and a full length barrel.

I was also a bit hesitant about buying the piston model as I have relied on the DI system for years. The piston system cut the post-range cleaning time down dramatically. Needless to say I am very pleased with my purchase and thank you again for your review

Officer J.

January 17, 2010

Your Grayman review was, by far, the best, most compelling knife review I have read, and I have read a few. Thank you for your commitment to provide clear, concise, reviews. 


January 11, 2010

Thank you, Sir. Grayman makes a good product, and although I usually do not do knife reviews, I think that getting the word out about his knives was deserving of a review.


Jeff, Do you ever publish a negative review? Do you like all the guns you test or do you simply not wright up the lemons?



January 8, 2010

I try to make it a practice to not spend my time with any junk, but if there is a problem, I always report it. Always. I am working on a review today in which I had to send the gun back for repair. That info will be in the review. I was the first out with a report on the then-new S&W 500 magnum. The first guns to leave the factory had problems. I reported it. No other writer did, and I know of several who had the same problem that mine did. Still, if a gun works as intended, is accurate, and functions reliably, that is what I report. If there are any failures, I report them. 


I have been reading Gunblast for a couple years now. For about two years I just read your reviews on the latest guns that were out. But recently I visit your site more often to read about politics. I personally agree with a lot of your views, Jeff. I appreciate the fact that you will let your readers with different views post questions and comments on your site. While I consider myself more of a Republican than Democrat; I also consider myself neither. I've had it with both parties. 

On to my question; What is your stance on the gun show loophole? I am all for gun rights and upholding the 2nd Amendment, but in order to do that I think we as responsible gun owners should do everything in our power to keep guns off the streets. I think everybody should have to go through the same background check that I have to go through every time I buy a handgun or rifle. I think that getting rid of this loophole (that does not require a background check if you purchase a gun at a gun show) would actually help our gun rights. What is your opinion on this Jeff?

Thank you for all your great work Jeff and everyone else at Gunblast. com.



January 7, 2010

The "gun show loophole" is false. It is propaganda put out by the anti-gunners. I attend lots of gun shows. Dealers at gun shows have to run background checks on gun purchasers just like they do when selling from their gun stores. I have bought lots of guns at gun shows, and always have to fill out paperwork on the gun, and wait for a background check, unless I am buying a gun from an individual who is not a gun dealer. In that situation, it is perfectly legal for a citizen to purchase a gun from another citizen.


I am a gun owner, and active shooter, and while I don't hunt, I don't carry a grudge against those who do. The NRA however is beyond my scope of comprehension. I for one, am in favor of gun education and licensing for owners of fire arms. To me it is just like an automobile license. However if you share that idea with a NRA guy - he will go ballistic!

These people who support the NRA are laboring under a strong misconception. The argument seems to be that an armed public is a protection against the government. That is just plain silly and I will tell you why. These people actually think that America could fall victim to a Hitler. This idea is central to the hysterical reactions from the NRA when anyone proposes anything common sense in terms of gun legislation. Well Pardner, let me introduce you to item number one that blows that simple minded red neck argument into pieces.

The Lockheed AC-130 gunship is a heavily-armed ground-attack aircraft. The gunship's sole user is the United States Air Force, which uses AC-130H Spectre and AC-130U Spooky variants. The AC-130 is powered by four turboprops and has an armament ranging from 20 mm Gatling guns to 105 mm howitzers.

In other words, a bunch of hill billies with AR-15's , hiding in the woods ready to take on the government will in short seconds be hamburger meat. Compliments of the AC 130. 20 mm Gatling guns? This plane can take out a forest, much less the would be patriots hiding therein.

The US Air Force uses the AC-130 gunships for close air support, air interdiction, and force protection. Close air support roles include supporting ground troops, escorting convoys, and flying urban operations.

Get that last part? "flying urban operations" - yup, that's right urban operations.

So the entire idea that we the people could in some way mount any kind of attack or defense against the Government is just plain stupid. We will not have another civil war. Period. The fighting is over in terms of fighting the US Government with weapons. Certainly not in any sustained manner..... terrorist like Tim McVeigh, sure, there are nuts out there, but that's about it.

Tell me why I am wrong?

My Guns:

12 gauge coach gun. .40 S&W .357 Taurus
20 Gauge Remington Featherweight .44 Ruger Old Army
(2) .22 S&W pistols -- all early model 422's

I probably left something out. I own guns for target practice, my hobby, and for home protection from criminals not the Government!

I also live in Texas where we have armed militia that live in guarded compounds!!!!!! Those folks are seriously deranged.


December 25, 2009

Deranged or not, that is their right, if they want to live that way. Me, I am content living where I live. I certainly hope that we never come to the point that we have to stand armed against our government. However, that is the very reason that the Second Amendment to the Constitution was placed there. It guarantees the right of citizens to be armed. It has nothing to do with deer hunting, or even self defense against punks. The sole purpose of that part of our Constitution is there to protect the citizenry from tyranny. Whether or not we would stand a chance has nothing to do with it. The Constitution does not guarantee a right to drive an automobile, so that argument is irrelevant. The Federal government has no right to "license" me to exercise any of my enumerated rights. They are guaranteed by our precious Constitution, but given by God. To many in our government, the Constitution is merely an aggravation that prevents them from trampling on the rights of the citizenry. Thank God that the founders of our nation, and the citizens of that time, insisted upon that Bill of Rights.



To which I would add: Lewis, your belief is that, if one is seriously outgunned, then one should just roll over and accept tyranny? I'm glad that attitude was not the prevailing one throughout history.

Boge Quinn

Jeff, This response is about your Ruger SR-556 Review. I've never provided feedback on any gun review in my life, but I felt that I needed to this time.

Reading through, your article didn't sit well with me but I couldn't put my finger on it until the end. I'll put a couple of your sentences and respond.

"I am expected by some readers to be impartial, and to an extent, I am." As a gun reviewer you are always expected to be impartial! What readers do you have that would want you to be biased? Then, to make it even worse, you admit that you are only impartial "to an extent". My trust in you went out the window upon reading this. If I'm going to drop $1500 on a rifle, based on your review, I sure as heck better trust you.

"However, while the market is flush with excellent AR style rifles, I am really excited about this one. I don't know exactly why, I just am." You just wrote a gun review. If you are really excited, you sure as heck better have a reason. If you do an entire article and then sum it up with you recommending the rifle and then saying that you "don't know exactly why" there is a serious problem.

This review does not approach the level of unbiased reporting that gun buyers deserve.


December 19, 2009

Perhaps you should read somewhere else. In my review, I was being absolutely honest. I report the facts, the details, and the accuracy of a firearm. However, am I not allowed to like a firearm? I am still human, and have preferences, just like everyone else. Perhaps that is my problem. I still like guns, and I love this job. I can't help it. Many gun writers do not like guns. They would be as happy writing about anything else. This is apparent when I go to shooting events hosted for writers. Many of them just sit on the bus and drink coffee, never even picking up a gun. Me, I shoot all that I can. It is still exciting for me. I love guns. Tell me of any other website or paper magazine that gives info straight to the reader like we do? I try to provide a detailed description, have around 30 to 40 good pictures, and a video when possible. I list all of the facts, but I also sometimes throw in my opinion. I never write a review from a press release. I have to hold the weapon, shoot it, and take it apart to look inside. At the end, the review is just my personal evaluation of the subject at hand. It is not perfect, does not cover every possible detail, but is always an honest hands-on review. If that doesn't sit well with you, do not read it.


I have looked at a lot of gun reviews over the years and have to tell you that you do a wonderful job! No fluff and worthless info; just good solid usable information presented in an enjoyable format.

Thank you

Capt Brian M.

December 18, 2009

Jeff, Just finished reading your article "The End of an Era: The Last of the Winchester Model 94" from Jan 18, 2006. I've read it at least a dozen times over the past two or three years, but I always come back to it. It is the single best written article I have read on the subject of the death of the '94. The entire article mirrors my feelings on the subject and articulates those feelings in a way that I never could. Looking at your photo's, one would never know there was so much depth there. Thanks for that article. It is such a pleasure to read, over and over...


December 18, 2009

Thank you, Sir. I am glad that you liked it. For 2010, Winchester is bringing back a limited production Model 94, made by Miroku in Japan.


Jeff- I've had your web site bookmarked for a long time, and have taken sanctuary there many times. It's good to find people who are honest, direct, and capable of seeing through the smoke created by those that rely on deception and self-service. I thank you and the others for your work. I served a term in RVN with the army, and nearly four decades in law enforcement (Southern California); with 13 years on a SWAT team. When a host of injuries finally ended my active career I became a police psychologist. I now live in Alaska (where my range runs from my shop for as far as my eyes can see. I don't know if that's a commentary on my eyes or where I live). I have loved to shoot my entire life, and reload as well. By working part time for the local police department I get all the ammo I can reasonably shoot (and all the brass) and well-discounted prices on firearms. I also write professionally.

For my entire life I have served to be honest, ethical, patriotic, and given to doing "the right thing." In the military I swore to several different oaths (as assignments became more selective and secretive), as I did for for my work with different law enforcement agencies. If I take an oath that invokes the personage of God, it has significant meaning to me. I never took an "anti-oath" that released me from what I had earlier bound myself to. And in each of those oaths, I promised to "protect and defend the constitution of the United States ... from all enemies, foreign and domestic." I never had a problem with the foreign ones. They didn't look like me and shot at me a lot. It's the domestic ones that are starting to really concern me. When people discuss the Second Amendment and try to invent meanings not intended by our founding fathers, they carefully side-step the Federalist Papers. There it's made abundantly clear that the general citizenry of our country is to be armed to, among other things, take back this nation from those who would have it be something other than what was originally intended.

The thought of what that means makes my blood run cold. But I also know that I have promised to do what each of those oaths have asked of me. I have a feeling you may have given this situation, or something similar to it, more than just some passing thought. With what I think may be your religious/spiritual beliefs, coupled with your political orientation, I'm hoping I may get a little perspective on what is concerning me. If you think this is something you need to stay away from, I'll understand. Thanks all the same for what you're putting out on the net.

With greatest regards,


December 13, 2009

I believe that a fight is coming. Too many people, however, have no concern at all for what those in our government are doing. As long as their houses are warm and their bellies full, they give little thought for liberty or of the great price paid for it. 


Jeff: I like your site. You have some good humour mixed in with your observations. My feedback is actually short. I was wondering if this statement: "For any one specific task, I can think of another gun that can do the job better than the Judge."

was that what you intended or should it contain the word "not" in it??: For any one specific task, I can NOT think of another gun that can do the job better than the Judge.

It's in the ultra-lite article!

Thanks for your time!


December 12, 2009

No, the statement is correct as printed. For instance, when a shotgun is needed, a full-length shotgun is better than the Judge. When a .45 Colt revolver is needed, a Blackhawk or Mountain Gun is better than the Judge. For a compact trail gun, a good .22 revolver is best. However, the Judge does quite well in all of these roles. Its versatility is its strong point. While there are several guns that can do any one of those tasks better, the Judge is versatile enough to do it all.


I just wanted to drop you a note and say a big thanks to you and Gunblast.. I had received a Ruger SA revolver from my wife's grandfather after he passed away. Unfortunately it was missing the cylinder, and I had no idea what it was until I ran across Bill Hamm's article on the Bearcat .His article was a veritable "one stop shop" for all of the information I was looking for. It turns out I have a excellent condition "alphabet" Q9xx manufactured and shipped in July 59 with an original Bucheimer tooled leather holster and cartridge belt from the same era. 

I also am now singing the praises of Ruger firearms. I shipped it to the service department and they had the original cylinder in stock. They installed the cylinder and the safety conversion, and shipped the pistol back with all of the original parts for no charge.

Again, thank you for the great work.

God bless.


December 3, 2009

Thank you, Sean, for those kind words. Glad we could help. Bill Hamm is a walking enclopedia of Ruger information. That is a dandy little revolver that you have there, and nobody does customer service like Ruger does.
