Rob Leahy of Simply Rugged Holsters is now
making holsters specifically for the new LaserMax-equipped LCP
and LC9 pistols. These are fine-quality holsters, as are all of
Rob's products, they are reasonably priced, and they are
available now.


Since the introduction of Ruger’s
LCP 380 semi-automatic pocket pistol almost three years ago,
it has proven to be one of the hottest-selling handguns in
history. The LCP was followed up more recently with the slightly
larger and more powerful LC9 9x19mm
pistol, which has also proven to be very popular.
As more and more people in the US choose to
go heeled, these lightweight, handy Ruger pistols, and other
brands which fall into the same category, are the weapons of
choice for many. Larger pistols tend to be left at home, or in
the vehicle, but small, lightweight handguns can always be
within reach.
As I have stated
many times, the statistics have proven that most gunfights
take place in low light conditions. Most thugs prefer to ply
their trade under the cover of darkness, and if a person is ever
forced to defend himself in an attack, it is far more likely to
be in some dark parking garage or alley than in a well-lighted
area. Most shooters go to the public range, stand squarely
facing a brightly-lit target, align the sights, and put holes
into the paper at known distances of five to fifteen yards. At
most public ranges, that is the way it must be done for safety
reasons. However, in a fight, the attacker has the advantage. He
has chosen the time, place, and victim, and the victim must
react to the aggression instantly and ruthlessly, if he (or she)
is to have a fighting chance.
Now, standing on a nice clean public range,
the sights on these small pistols are adequate, but in dim
light, they are very hard to see, if they can be seen at all.
Those who have been reading Gunblast.com for any length of time
know that I am a proponent of using a good laser sight. On a
controlled range, it is easy to learn to “concentrate on the
front sight”, as most instructors teach. Doing so makes for
quick, clean hits on paper targets. However, most of us, when
being attacked, will never see the front sight, nor the handgun
at all. We will be focusing one hundred percent of our attention
on the punk who is about to gut us like a fish. That is just
human nature. We focus on the attack. Using a good laser sight
places the sight and the target in the same focal plane. To put
it another way, the dot is where the bullet will go when the
trigger is pressed. It does not matter how dark it is, the
bullet goes to where the red dot is placed. While on that
subject, yes, I greatly prefer a red laser to a green laser.
Anyway, for quite a while now, Ruger has
offered pistols with the Crimson Trace Laserguard, but these new
pistols shown here are supplied with the LaserMax Lasers, and
they will be a standard catalog item. The good part is that the
addition of the LaserMax laser adds only seventy bucks to the
manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of the LCP and
only eighty-two dollars to the MSRP of the LC9 pistols, as of
the date of this review. This is considerably less than the
price of the pistols when equipped with the Crimson Trace
Laserguard. However, for those who prefer the Crimson Trace
Laserguard, the Ruger pistols will still be offered with that
laser as a distributor exclusive through Lipsey’s, but the
LaserMax will now adorn the laser-equipped standard catalog item
The LaserMax lasers project a red dot upon
the target, and are easily seen in all but the brightest
sunlight. The activation switch for the laser is in front of the
trigger guard, right where your trigger finger should be when
drawing the pistol from a holster or pocket. The switch is
ambidextrous, making it equally easy to activate using either
the right or the left hand. The LaserMax laser adds only about
one-half ounce to the weight of the weapon. For pocket carry, I
highly recommend a good pocket holster, to prevent
unintentionally activating the laser in the pocket. Simply
Rugged Holsters makes a very good pocket holster for the LCP and
LC9 pistols that will accommodate the laser sight. These
holsters are thin, and being made of leather, are much better to
protect the laser from activation than are the cheap nylon
holsters on the market. For a good concealment holster for the
belt, I recommend a Cross Breed. They are comfortable, thin, and
the leather/Kydex combination will protect the laser from
unintentional activation.
A good laser sight is a great asset to a
defensive pistol, and with the very affordable LaserMax laser
available already mounted on these pistols from Ruger, it is a
very worthwhile option to have. Given a choice, I would never
carry a defensive handgun that did not wear a high-quality laser
sight. These new Ruger/LaserMax combo pistols are in production
now. Check them out online at www.ruger.com.
For the location of a Ruger dealer near you,
click on the DEALER LOCATOR at www.lipseys.com.
To order the LCP or LC9 online, go to www.galleryofguns.com.
To order a quality pocket holster, go to www.simplyrugged.com.
To order a comfortable, reliable, affordable
concealment belt holster, go to www.crossbreedholsters.com.
Jeff Quinn