The Taurus
Tracker series of double action revolvers are built on a compact
frame that allows for easy portability. I have tested the
Tracker chambered for the .17
HMR and .45 ACP
cartridges, and found them to be both accurate and reliable.
Now, Taurus has introduced the Tracker chambered for the .44
Magnum cartridge. By using a five-shot cylinder, The Tracker can
handle the high pressure of the magnum, yet still have plenty of
cylinder wall strength. Weighing in at just 34.8 ounces with a
four inch heavy barrel, the .44 Tracker carries very well in a
belt holster, weighing not much more than a good twenty-two
caliber revolver, but packing a much more authoritative punch.
In fact, the .44 Tracker weighs just six ounces more than my Taurus
941 .22 magnum revolver. The .44 Tracker is made for
hunters, backpackers, and fishermen who need a good powerful
handgun while in the great outdoors to defend against predators,
of both the two-legged and four-legged varieties. While not
designed as a primary hunting weapon, the Tracker does very well
on deer sized game at close to medium handgun range.
The Tracker wears excellent adjustable sights
that are easy to see, with a white outline rear and a bright
orange insert in the front ramp. The rear sight is easily
adjusted for windage and elevation, and the sight picture
provided by the flat rear face of the sight blade is near
The overall length is just under nine inches and
the cylinder diameter measures 1.554 inches, making for a
compact trail gun that can do double duty as a concealed carry
weapon in a good holster. The barrel length measures just over
four inches, with the last .935 inch not being rifled, but
machined into an expansion chamber with four ports on each side
of the front sight. In addition to the ported barrel, recoil is
tamed somewhat by the synthetic rubber grips, which Taurus calls
"Ribber", due to the effective ribbed design.
The Tracker is of the dual mode double
action/single action design, and the trigger pull measured a
smooth eight and three-quarters pounds in double action mode,
and a crisp three pounds in single action mode. The gun is made
of stainless steel, and finished in a pleasing satin that showed
no flaws. The interior finish looked good as well. The springs
are of a coil design, and the Tracker uses a frame-mounted
firing pin with a transfer bar safety. In addition to the
transfer bar, the Tracker employs the Taurus Security key lock
in the hammer, effectively locking the action of the weapon.
The barrel/cylinder gap measured an even .002 of an inch, and
cylinder lockup was tight.
Testing several varieties of factory and hand
loaded ammunition, the Tracker handled all loads well, but the
cartridge overall length could not exceed 1.626 inches. Bullets
weighing in excess of 300 grains would prove to be too long for
the Tracker cylinder. Even 250 grain Keith bullets with their
long nose loaded into magnum cases were too long for the
cylinder. All hollowpoint ammo tested and the Grizzly 300 grain
Cast Performance lead bullet load fit the cylinder perfectly,
with room to spare. Recoil was brisk with the heavier bullets,
but the ported barrel kept muzzle jump to a minimum. Accuracy
was good, with the best five-shot groups measuring one and
three-quarters inches at twenty-five yards. Chronograph results
are as follows:
Ammunition |
Velocity (FPS) |
Grizzly 250 grain Hawk Soft Point |
1295 |
Grizzly 275 grain Hawk Soft Point |
1213 |
Grizzly 300 grain Cast Performance Wide
Lead Flat Nose |
1121 |
Cor-Bon 260 grain Jacketed Hollowpoint |
1380 |
Speer .44 Special 200 grain Gold Dot
Hollowpoint |
846 |
Handload 250 grain Keith .44 Special |
812 |
Handload 200 grain Lead Flat Point |
1122 |
As expected, all ammo functioned perfectly. Slightly sticky extraction was
experienced with the Cor-Bon load. The Speer .44 Special load was very easy
to control, and would make an excellent social work load for concealed
carry or home defense. It should even work quite well on medium sized
whitetail deer at close range.
The Taurus .44 Magnum Tracker is a good, solid revolver that would make a
great trail gun where power and compact size are important. It has the
power to defend one’s life from harm, to collect game for the stew pot,
and is a fun plinker or informal target gun. It is also small enough and
reasonably light enough to ride comfortably in a belt holster or on a pack
Check out the Tracker and other Taurus firearms
online at: www.taurususa.com.
Jeff Quinn
To locate a dealer where you can
buy this gun, Click on the DEALER FINDER icon at: |

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The Taurus Tracker .44 Magnum revolver.

Adjustable sights are very easy to see in a variety of
light conditions.

The Tracker .44's ported barrel greatly reduces muzzle
flip, and makes quick follow-up shots easy even with heavy
hunting loads.

For those desiring such a feature, the Tracker .44 has
the Taurus Security System key-locking mechanism, which
effectively locks the action.

Overall cartridge length, especially with heavier
bullets, should be monitored for the Tracker's slightly
shorter cylinder.

Even with the Tracker's shorter cylinder, a wide variety
of self-defense and hunting loads are available. Shown here
are some of the loads Jeff tested (left to right): Speer 200
grain Gold Dot Hollowpoint .44 Special, Cor-Bon 260 grain
Hollowpoint, Grizzly 300 grain Cast Performance Lead Flat
Point, Grizzly 250 grain Hawk Soft Point, and Grizzly 275
grain Hawk Soft Point.

The Taurus Tracker .44's compact size allows it to be
easily and effectively carried in a properly-designed holster.
