couple of years ago, Ruger reintroduced their Super
Blackhawk Hunter model, which was reviewed here on
Gunblast. The Super Blackhawk Hunter proved to be a very
accurate revolver that was tailor-made for the handgun hunters,
especially those who like to hunt with a scope-sighted revolver.
However, as with the introduction of any new revolver, there are
some who would like a few changes. The most common complaint
that I received was that many shooters prefer Ruger’s Bisley
style grip for heavy recoiling revolvers. Ruger has answered the
call with their new Bisley Hunter model.
I find the grip frame of the Super Blackhawk Hunter to be just
about perfect, I am in the minority. Most shooters that I know
find the Bisley style to be more comfortable when shooting heavy
loads. As there are many different sizes and shapes of hands,
there are differing preferences for the grip shape on a
revolver. As can be seen in the drawing below, there is a
significant difference between the grip of the Super Blackhawk
and the Bisley.
(click picture
for a larger version)
Other than the grip shape, the Bisley Hunter also has a
different style hammer and trigger than the SBH Hunter. Both
guns are supplied with Ruger’s excellent scope mount system
that attaches the rings to the heavy rib atop the gun’s seven
and one-half inch barrel. Both guns also have Ruger’s
adjustable rear sight and interchangeable front sight system.
Most of the Bisley Hunter’s design is the same as the SBH
Hunter, with the differences being the shape of the grip,
hammer, and trigger.
gun received for testing was finished in a brushed stainless,
with gray laminated grip panels, just as the SBH Hunter tested
earlier. The gun came supplied with a lockable hard plastic
case, cable lock, and instruction manual, along with the
previously mentioned scope rings.
trigger pull on the Bisley Hunter measured just over five pounds
from the factory, but after a quick "Poor
Boy's Trigger Job", the pull measured a crisp two
and one-half pounds.
mounting a two power Charles Daly scope, the Bisley
Hunter was fired using a variety of ammunition, both factory and
hand loaded. The sixgun proved to be just as accurate as the
previous version, firing several groups at twenty-five yards
under the one inch mark. In fact, the largest group fired was
just under one and three-quarters of an inch. The best loads
were assembled using Mt. Baldy’s 250 grain Keith
bullet. This is a premium bullet, cast hard and of the true
Keith design. These bullets consistently shot into one-half
of an inch at twenty-five yards. Look for an article soon on
these excellent bullets, as I have several different Keith style
bullets from Mt. Baldy that I have been shooting. I was greatly
impressed with the accuracy of this revolver with all ammunition
a sturdy, affordable, and very accurate .44 magnum for
hunting, it will be hard to beat this new Bisley Hunter from
Ruger. It takes all of the fine qualities of the Super Blackhawk
Hunter and adds the unique Ruger Bisley grip for those who
prefer its handling qualities.
complete specifications and list prices on Ruger products, click
more information on Mt. Baldy Bullets, check them out online at:
Jeff Quinn
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Ruger's new Bisley Hunter model takes the proven
features of the Super Blackhawk Hunter and adds the Bisley
grip frame, hammer and trigger.

The Bisley Hunter features Ruger's excellent standard
rear sight. The Bisley hammer design is lower than other
models and allows for easier cocking, especially with a scope

The Bisley Hunter's front sight is the same
interchangeable-blade design found on the original Super
Blackhawk Hunter.

The heart of Ruger's Hunter models is their great scope
mount system. Originally introduced on Ruger's Redhawk DA
revolver line, this system is strong, quick, easy,
unobtrusive, and allows the scope to be removed and reattached
without loss of zero.

The principal difference between the Bisley Hunter and
the earlier Super Blackhawk Hunter is the Bisley grip frame,
which is a more vertical design than the Super Blackhawk grip
frame. Many shooters prefer the Ruger Bisley grip over all
others for heavy-recoiling loads. Ruger's Bisley models also
feature a rounded trigger guard (rather than the squared
Dragoon-style trigger guard of the Super Blackhawk) and a more
curved trigger.

The Bisley Hunter carries a payload of six rounds of .44
Magnum, still among the finest all-around handgun hunting

The Ruger Bisley Hunter proved to be very accurate with
all loads tested. Author's handloads using Mt. Baldy Bullets'
250-grain Keith offering proved to be the most accurate,
consistently putting 5 shots into 1/2" at 25 yards.

An accurate, strong and practical hunting machine, the
new Bisley Hunter model is a worthy addition to the Ruger