I may use specialized handguns for hunting and
competition, but when it comes to personal defense I recommend a
good general purpose handgun. I don’t like to use the micro
minis or long barrel Magnums. A compact handgun with a four inch
barrel that weighs about thirty four ounces, in a caliber
beginning with 4, is ideal. Fast into action and controllable,
these handguns are practically ideal for personal defense. Heavy
enough for control, but not heavy enough to produce diaper drag
effect on our trousers compacts are a great choice. But there
are times when common sense dictates a larger handgun. I am not Dog
the Bounty Hunter, but occasionally I engage in the pursuit
of those who misbehave. After twenty three years as a peace
officer I sometimes get my hand in. Most of my work is done with
a computer, but the final chapter is often face to face. Most
are punks or con men and some are down on their luck.
But yeah buddy, some are the real thing. These frequent
flyers demand respect for their potential to inflict harm. I
deploy a full size Government Model .45 and appropriate backup
in these situations. I am not situationally armed, I am always
armed...but like the FBI, when I sense a greater need I buck up
with more iron. I have concluded that the 10mm offers an
advantage if facing felons behind cover or in vehicles. Ours is
a mobile society and vehicles are the most common means of
transportation. Suffice to say the 10mm has found its place in
the hearts and minds and holsters of savvy shooters. The 10mm
has advantages in versatility, but can be a harsh mistress. With
full power loads the 10mm demands proper technique and practice
to control. If you deploy a 1911 in 10mm as I do, a full length
all-steel guide rod and 20 lb. recoil spring is demanded. The
recoil spring must be
changed more often than that of a .45 or .38 Super. The finest
10mm pistol ever produced is the modern Kimber 1911, and
there is little room for discussion in that regard. But I am old
and full of emotional attachment. My 10mm is the Colt Delta
Elite. The 10mm came first, but modern shooters are more
familiar with the .40 S&W. Depending
upon your plane of reference, the .40 is to the 10mm as the .38
is to the .357--but the .38 came first. confusing? No. The 10mm
requires a large frame automatic pistol due to its cartridge
case length. The .40 may be chambered in a 9mm size frame. The
10mm was originally offered with a smoking hot 200 grain FMJ
loading that broke 1200 fps from the now defunct Bren Ten.
This was found to be too hot for longevity. No one blew
their guns up, but quite a few Colts were turned into rattling
wrecks and some suffered cracked frames. Today the Hornady
200 gr. XTP breaks 1050 fps or a little more in the 200 grain
weight. This load offers good penetration and some expansion.
For more dynamic expansion the 155 grain XTP from the same maker
breaks 1355 fps. That is honking. To duplicate .40 caliber
ballistics in the 10mm the Federal Hydra Shock breaks
about 1,000 fps with a 180 grain bullet. This is the original
"10mm Lite" that the .40 S&W is modeled after. The
Hydra Shock is a controllable, accurate load that is fine for
general defense. But when the scenario calls for defense against
felons behind cover or for protection against wild animals I
move to a heavy 10mm load. The Cor Bon 150 and 165 grain
JHP loads are impressive. For animal defense, Cor Bon's 180
grain JSP loads would be ideal. There are many loads available,
but the point is if the shooter is skilled enough to deliver the
shots accurately, the 10mm offers plenty of horsepower. The 10mm
is perhaps a specialist's cartridge. It shoots as flat as the
.38 Super and is much more effective at any range. The 10mm
offers .357 Magnum or a little better power in a flat and
relatively compact package compared to the revolver. The 10mm is
offered in a platform that invites a seasoned shooter to exhibit
excellent speed and control. This is not the cartridge I deploy
on a daily basis, but when I need something more than the .45
the 10mm is an important part of my battery. The 10mm should
never be discounted out of hand. It is a fine alternative to the
more common cartridges and a powerhouse than can do the
At this point, someone will ask how I conceal
the 1911. The Colt Delta Elite is no larger than the 1911 .45
and I have carried a Government Model .45 concealed for most of
my life. (Thirty nine years just about.) Presently I am carrying
the Delta Elite in a strong side holster from Harlow Holsters.
The holster is well made of good material, offering excellent
retention. There is a speed slot in the front of the holster to
assist in bringing the muzzle clear on the draw. Coupled with a
good belt, this is a fine concealed carry rig. For greater
concealment in humid weather, I deploy a Mach 2 Kydex
inside the waistband holster. This rig travels very close to the
body and rides high. It is very different from every other Kydex
IWB I have attempted to use. The MACH 2 rides a bit higher above the
belt that others, giving a practiced shooter the opportunity for
a good sharp draw. Plus, the geometry is quite comfortable.
10mm is often a misunderstood cartridge. Loaded with the 10mm
Lite the pistol is more controllable than any .45, but with full
power 10mm loads the 10mm outgrips the .45 or the .38 Super. The
10mm may not be an everyday cartridge, but neither is the 10mm
and the Colt Delta Elite ready for retirement in the foreseeable
R.K. Campbell
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author's Colt 10mm has seen considerable use and still has
much life left.

.45 ACP, left, is a fine general purpose cartridge but the
10mm, right, has many good points including penetration.

Lt. Matthew Campbell finds the Colt Delta Elite with full
power 10mm a hoot. He is firing a Cor Bon hunting load.

recoil loads such as the Federal Hydra Shock are very pleasant
to fire and deliver power in the .40 caliber Smith and Wesson

author’s Harlow holster is a first class rendition of the
strong side belt holster in the western style.

Harlow belt scabbard features basket weave carving the author
thought was a lost art

comparison, left to right: the .38 Super, 10mm and .45. These
happen to be the author’s favorite cartridges. The 10mm is
perhaps the most interesting.