About a month and a half ago, I thought that I
had put together what was, for me, the perfect carry gun.
However, one thing kept bugging me. All of my carry handguns
wear Crimson Trace Lasergrips, and none were available to
fit the Bobtail Colt. Modifying a set of CT Lasergrips for a
standard 1911 would leave a hollow spot at the bottom of each
panel, so I decided to forego the Lasergrip on this Bobtail
Commander. Well, that would not do, as I have come to learn that
the Lasergrip offers a decided advantage in a low-light
situation, and to be the perfect carry gun, this Bobtail Colt
had to have the Lasergrip. I proceeded to very carefully remove
material from the bottom rear of the Lasergrip so that it would
follow the contour of the Bobtail grip, and feel good in the
hand. There was a hollow space on each side, as I knew there
would be, and to keep dirt, grit and gunk out of there, I had to
find a suitable filler. Trimming away the material did not
affect the internal workings of the Lasergrip, so that was not a
consideration. A couple of weeks ago, a reader emailed to me
that he had used automotive Bondo as a filler for his bobtailed
Lasergrip. I had none available here, but found some black RTV
gasket material, and used that instead. It looks just awful, and
I hated to do this to such a beautiful pistol, but I had decided
that I would not carry a handgun for serious social purposes
without a Lasergrip, so the compromise was made. The Lasergrip
makes the Colt a much more effective fighting gun, and hopefully
someday, Crimson Trace will build a Lasergrip specifically for
the Bobtail Colt. Until then, mine will lack in aesthetics, but
is a more perfect fighting gun, and properly concealed, no one
will see it anyway.
The “properly concealed” brought me to
another slight problem….the holster. I have several very good
holsters for a 1911 auto, but most are for carry outside the
pants, and for the best concealment, a good inside the pants
holster was needed. There are several on the market, and I own a
few myself, but most are lacking in that they do not stay open
after drawing the gun. Some have no reinforcement at the top,
and snap shut like a plastic sandwich bag when the gun is
removed, taking three hands to reholster the weapon. Others have
a double layer of leather at the top, and stay slightly open
after the gun is drawn, but not open enough for a smooth
reholstering of the sidearm. The only ones that I have ever
found that works well for me are the ones with a
steel-reinforced top. For the holster, I called Bob Mernickle.
He makes exactly what I wanted; a steel top leather holster with
a strong spring clip to hold the holster on the belt. The steel
clip on the Mernickle holster also works well without a belt,
but I always wear a belt, and the Mernickle belt shown here has
served me everyday for the past several years. The steel clip
allows the holster to be removed without loosening the belt,
offering the convenience of a paddle holster with the
concealability of an inside the pants rig. The Mernickle holster
is also offered with leather belt loops, but for convenience, I
wanted the clip. The Mernickle holster carries the Bobtail Colt
perfectly, tightly against my body, hiding easily under a light
jacket or shirt, and best of all, drawing and reholstering the
weapon does not require the skills of Houdini or dropping
my pants. The gun slides in one-handed just as easily as it is
drawn, but holds the weapon securely until needed. Perfect.
Check out the Lasergrips to fit just about any
popular handgun online at www.crimsontrace.com.
To order a Mernickle holster, go to www.mernickleholsters.com.

Crimson Trace Lasergrip.

Mernickle holster.
Almost three months ago, I did a review of the Colt
Lightweight Commander .45 ACP auto pistol. If you
recall, I really liked it. Fact is, I really like most guns, and
have been accused of that on several occasions. Seems that some
readers want me to search for a gun that I hate, so that I can
write about it. That is not why I am here. First of all, I will
not waste the time of my readers, nor myself, writing about
substandard firearms. There are more good guns on the market
than I have the time to review, so it seems counterproductive to
expend the effort and ammunition reviewing junk. If I test a gun
and it has a problem, I always report it, but if it feeds,
fires, and ejects properly, and displays good accuracy, chances
are that I like it. Still, however, there are some guns that I
like more than others, and I really became attached to that Colt
Lightweight Commander, so I bought it. As much as I liked the
pistol, there is always room for improvement, so I set out to
make that Colt into the perfect carry gun.
The Lightweight Commander XSE has pretty much
everything needed to serve as a dandy carry gun as is. It has
the power of the .45 ACP cartridge, relatively light weight, a
“flat” profile that hides well, and the full-length grip of
the Government Model 1911, which allows good control of the
weapon. Some of you may recall that back in 2006, I reviewed the
Dan Wesson Commander
Bobtail, which I also liked really well. That Bobtail
treatment of the weapon makes a world of difference in the feel,
control, and handling of the 1911, and makes the pistol easier
to conceal as well. Trouble is, it was not a perfect pistol
either, as it has an all-steel frame, which is about eight
ounces heavier than a lightweight Commander. The only other
maker of a Bobtail frame, and the inventor of the modification, Ed
Brown, also does not offer a Lightweight Bobtail, but only
steel-framed versions. While the Dan Wesson and Ed Brown pistols
are fine weapons, I wanted a Lightweight Commander Bobtail, so I
had to do it myself. That was a problem that was easily solved
by a call to Brownell’s. Brownell’s is the “go
to” place for gunsmithing project parts and tools, and as I
expected, the parts were in stock. I ordered the Bobtail
mainspring housing in stainless with the snakeskin design, along
with the jig to drill the hole for the mainspring housing pin in
the proper place. After the hole was drilled, a few minutes on
the grinder and a few strokes of the file, I had a Lightweight
Colt Bobtail Commander.
Another feature that was not exactly as I liked
on the Commander XSE, as I noted in the review, was the shape of
the beavertail grip safety. I much prefer the upswept version
which allows the pistol to sit lower in my hand, so again I
turned to Brownell’s for the Ed Brown beavertail grip safety,
also in stainless steel. This grip safety feels much better in
my hand, and makes the pistol more controllable for me. I also
ordered the jig that allows the rear portion of the frame to
easily be perfectly radiused to match the grip safety.
While the Lightweight Colt XSE came with an
ambidextrous thumb safety, I prefer the size and shape of the Ed
Brown unit, and had one in my parts bin, so I fitted it to the
Colt. Now, grinding away on a perfectly new Colt Commander frame
had me a bit anxious at first, but once you start, there ain’t
no turning back! The reshaping of the frame for the Bobtail and
grip safety was pretty easy, and the final polishing was
performed with a smooth rubberized polishing wheel on my Dremel
tool. I also beveled the magazine well for easier insertion
of a magazine while under stress or in the dark.
The Colt XSE comes with a good set of three-dot
sights, but any gun that I carry for serious purposes will have
some type of night sights;
either tritium inserts or a Lasergrip. I looked carefully at a Crimson
Trace Lasergrip to see if it could be bobtailed, and it can,
but the hollow back design will leave a hollow section at the
bottom on each side. Maybe someday CT will offer a bobtailed
Lasergrip, if the demand is there enough to justify it. Anyway,
I replaced the Colt sights with a set from MMC, which has
a dovetailed front and a fully adjustable rear, both with
tritium inserts. While easily adjustable, the rear sight is
well-protected, and has no sharp protrusions to cut the flesh or
Now, with all of the parts installed, I could
have left the gun as is, but the finish had been removed from
parts of the frame, and the bare aluminum would soon tarnish, so
a refinish of the frame was in order. I could have had a satin
nickel finish applied at a chrome shop in Nashville, but after
researching the various finishes available, I sent the Colt off
to Robbie Barrkman at Robar for a complete
refinish. After all, I was making this Colt into the perfect
carry gun, and a hard, durable finish would protect the pistol,
and at the same time enhance reliability. The NP3 and Roguard
finishes applied by Robar offer a hard, durable finish that is
slicker than bare steel or aluminum, and can be applied to
either. Roguard is a black polymer finish that contains
molybdenum-disulfide, and is considered by many to be the
premier black finish in the gun industry. It is also a very
good-looking finish, which was expertly applied to the Colt’s
slide. I had pondered a two-tone finish, and Robbie suggested
that look as well. I told him to do whatever he thought was
best, as he is the expert on such things, so he applied his NP3
finish to the frame and all the internal parts. NP3 is a surface
coating that combines PTFE (Teflon) with an electroless nickel
to create a hard coating that is also self-lubricating. Both the
NP3 and the Roguard are impervious to salt spray tests, and the
coatings are guaranteed against flaking and corrosion. After the
treatment, the gun is noticeably “slicker”, for lack of a
better word. Also, the internal parts were coated, which
prevents any galling of the mating parts, and resulted in a
crisper, lighter trigger pull, which now measures just a hair
under three pounds, down from four and one-quarter before the
parts were coated with NP3. One other thing that Robar did
before coating the frame was to stipple the front strap of the
grip area, making for a much more positive hold, and greatly
enhanced looks as well.
After the coating process by Robar, the Colt is
a bit tighter as well, but still slicker operating, and it runs
like a dream. It is, at least for now, the perfect
concealed-carry gun for fighting. Weighing in at 27.6 ounces
unloaded, even adding the weight of nine good combat
hollowpoints, the Colt rides un-noticed in a good belt holster.
It is relatively thin, and the Bobtailed frame makes it easy to
hide and so very comfortable to shoot. The sights are easy to
see, even at night when most gunfights take place. The frame
stippling, checkered wood grips, and snakeskin finish on the
mainspring housing makes the Colt easy to hold securely in any
weather, and the Robar NP3 and Roguard surface finishes make the
gun impervious to rain and sweat. In a good belt holster, the
Colt will hide better than most of the plastic pistols on the
market, yet when needed, provides .45 ACP power in what is
considered by many to be the best fighting pistol ever invented.
This pistol is, to me, the perfect carry gun.
For a closer look at the high-tech gun finishes
by Robar, go online to www.robarguns.com.
I highly recommend the services of Robbie Barrkman and his crew.
Robar will finish your weapon, customize it, or build you a
complete weapon from the ground up.
To order any of the Ed Brown parts shown here,
go to www.brownells.com.
For a look at the extensive line of concealment,
field, and competition leather, go to www.mernickleholsters.com.
To order the MMC sights, go to www.ptnightsights.com.
Got something to say about this article? Want to agree (or
disagree) with it? Click the following link to go to the GUNBlast Feedback Page.
Click pictures for a larger version.

The perfect 1911 lightweight .45 carry gun.

Parts from Brownell's.

Bobtail frame compared to stock 1911.

Bobtail mainspring housing (left) compared to standard
Colt part (right).

Bobtail mainspring housing installation & frame

Author ground down the grip panels to match frame
bobtail, and finished with a drop of tung oil.

Ed Brown grip safety underneath the standard Colt part.

Grip safety jig and installation.

Ed Brown ambidextrous thumb safety.

Beveling the magazine well.

Robar's NP3 and Roguard finish.

Robar applied a bordered stippling to the front of
the frame.

MMC adjustable Tritium night sights.

Mernickle holster holds pistol high and
tight for maximum concealment.