2017 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits

by Boge Quinn

Photography by Boge Quinn

April 25th, 2017


The 2017 NRA Annual Meetings were April 27-30, 2017, in Atlanta, GA, and Gunblast.com was there!

With Freedom's Victory in the 2016 Presidential election still fresh in our minds, Freedom-loving Americans now must turn to the fight ahead. The Opposition is more virulent, vicious, and venomous than ever before; after having snatched Defeat from the jaws of Victory, those who oppose our Freedoms have turned increasingly violent, using Terrorist as well as legislative tactics in their single-minded, irrational, and obsessive attempts to de-legitimize the election of President Donald Trump. With President Trump, at long last, we have a President in the White House who respects the Second Amendment, along with our other cherished Freedoms and Liberties; Donald Trump received the NRA's endorsement for the 2016 Presidential Election, and he was in attendance at the 2017 Annual Meetings to show his appreciation and help mobilize us for the coming battles.

But Gunblast.com does not attend the NRA Annual Meetings to go to political meetings, attend press conferences, or listen to concerts and speeches. Rather, as we always do, we attend the NRA Annual Meetings to see the newest mid-year offerings from the gun makers; to see what is coming from cutting-edge companies offering innovative new products and services; to visit old friends, and to make new friends. We find the NRA Show to be a much friendlier and more laid-back experience than the SHOT Show, as any NRA member can attend the NRA show, while only Industry, Media, and Law Enforcement can attend the SHOT Show. Because of this, the gun makers can directly interact with those who actually buy their products, and we get to meet many new friends.

The NRA Annual Meetings are something every Freedom-loving person should see at least once in their lifetime. If you are able to attend, you owe it to yourself to do so.

If you are not currently an NRA member, please join now and help us in the fight that lies ahead!

Boge Quinn


2017 NRA Annual Meetings Preview

Posted April 25th, 2017


NRA Show 2017, Part 1

Posted May 5th, 2017


00:26: Dixie Gun Works - www.dixiegunworks.com
00:38: Weatherby - www.weatherby.com
00:50: Leupold - www.leupold.com
01:40: Ruger - www.ruger.com
03:35: Remington - www.remington.com
03:53: NRA Member Interview: Chris
04:24: Crickett Rifles - www.crickett.com
04:36: Aguila Ammo - www.aguilaammo.com
04:48: Springfield Armory - www.springfield-armory.com
05:00: Double Tap Ammo - www.doubletapammo.com
07:26: Burris Scopes - www.burrisoptics.com
07:38: Skinner Sights - www.skinnersights.com
08:11: Tyler Gun Works - www.tylergunworks.com
09:00: Colt - www.colt.com
09:12: Remington - www.remington.com
10:17: Springfield Armory - www.springfield-armory.com
10:29: Timney Triggers - www.timneytriggers.com
12:09: Henry Repeating Arms - www.henryusa.com
12:21: Hogue, Inc. - www.hogueinc.com
12:33: Cross Breed Holsters - www.crossbreedholsters.com
13:42: Trijicon Optics - www.trijicon.com
13:54: Nightforce Optics - www.nightforceoptics.com
14:06: Axelson Tactical - www.axelsontactical.com
15:20: Blaser Rifles - www.blaser-usa.com


NRA Show 2017, Part 2

Posted May 5th, 2017


00:09: Henry Repeating Arms - www.henryusa.com
02:16: Ruger - www.ruger.com
02:40: Crimson Trace - www.crimsontrace.com
04:43: Colt - www.colt.com
05:01: FireFunder - www.firefunder.com
05:52: Remington Custom Shop - www.remington.com/custom-shop
06:04: Dan Wesson - www.danwessonfirearms.com
06:16: Leupold - www.leupold.com
08:10: FN - www.fnamerica.com
08:22: Navy Arms - www.navyarms.com
08:34: Trijicon - www.trijicon.com
09:59: Magnum Research - www.magnumresearch.com
10:11: Eagle Grips - www.eaglegrips.com
11:38: Kimber - www.kimberamerica.com
11:50: NRA Member Interview: Ken Foster
12:40: Hi-Point Firearms - www.hi-pointfirearms.com
12:52: Nightforce Optics - www.nightforceoptics.com
14:08: Inland Manufacturing - www.inland-mfg.com


NRA Show 2017, Part 3

Posted May 8th, 2017


00:09: Cross Breed Holsters - www.crossbreedholsters.com
02:13: Leupold - www.leupold.com
02:25: Ruger - www.ruger.com
02:37: Remington - www.remington.com
02:49: Italian Firearms Group - www.italianfireramsgroup.com
03:01: Crickett Firearms - www.crickett.com
04:01: Henry Repeating Arms - www.henryusa.com
04:13: Nosler - www.nosler.com
04:25: Navy Arms - www.navyarms.com
04:37: Bond Arms - www.bondarms.com
04:55: Savage Arms - www.savagearms.com
05:31: Eagle Grips - www.eaglegrips.com
05:43: Galco Gun Leather - www.galcogunleather.com
05:55: Magnum Research - www.magnumresearch.com
06:52: Crimson Trace - www.crimsontrace.com
07:04: Republic Forge - www.republicforge.com
07:16: NRA Member Interview: Tony Boggus
08:30: Charter Arms - www.charterfirearms.com
08:42: Aklys Defense - www.aklysdefense.com
08:54: Pendleton Safes - www.pendletonsafes.com
09:12: Taylor's & Company - www.taylorsfirearms.com
09:30: Galco Gun Leather - www.galcogunleather.com
10:52: IWI - www.iwi.us
11:04: Hailey Ordnance Company - www.haileyord.com
11:16: Cross Breed Holsters - www.crossbreedholsters.com
11:28: Triple K Holsters - www.triplek.com
11:40: Italian Firearms Group - www.italianfirearmsgroup.com
12:29: tactical Solutions - www.tacticalsol.com
12:53: Heizer defense - www.heizerdefense.com
14:05: DDupleks - www.ddupleks-usa.com
14:23: Rossi Firearms - www.rossiusa.com
14:35: Taurus Firearms - www.taurususa.com
14:57: OUT-TAKE