Lipsey’s Partnering
with Gunblast.com to Provide Free Service to Our Readers
by Greg, Jeff
& Boge Quinn
March 9, 2004

Jeff with Lipsey's Jason Cloessner
Gunblast.com has become, largely to you readers, a household name among firearms
enthusiasts. We were the premier online gun test magazine, and have
remained the leader in this industry. With over 160,000 visitors per day
and growing, our website has performed a service to many readers. That’s
what we are about, and happy to do so. Like you, we love guns, and pride
ourselves on what we’ve built. At the same time, we are always looking
for ways to be better, to provide more services to our Gunblast.com reader.
We often get requests from readers, after reading a firearm review, asking to
purchase the gun. Gunblast.com doesn’t sell guns; to do so would
compromise our dedication to an unbiased review of any and all firearms and
related products. However, we want to help our readers find the guns they
want to purchase. We’ve tried to do this through email replies, but with
the huge volume of email we receive, it is physically impossible to respond to
everyone. Therefore, we wanted to provide a service on our website where
any Gunblast.com reader could simply “click” and find a local dealer in
their area from whom they could purchase the firearm product in question.
For that reason, we contacted Lipsey’s to utilize their huge national
dealer referral network for the benefit of our readership.
For over 50 years, Lipsey’s has established a reputation as one of the leading
firearms wholesalers in the United States. For many years, the Gunblast
brothers have had our local dealer to order guns for us from Lipsey’s.
Our buddy Jason Cloessner has taken care of us on gun purchases for some
time, and we know that they provide a great service at a great price to their
gun dealer network. Now, in order to provide a free firearm purchase referral
program to our loyal Gunblast.com readership, Gunblast has developed a unique
association with our friends at Lipsey’s.
Here’s how it will work. You read an article about a product on
Gunblast.com. You want to go out and buy that product, but may not know a
dealer who carries this product. No worries! You can simply click on
the Lipseys banner at the bottom of the article or on the Home page, and you are
carried to the Lipsey’s website. You can click the "Shop
Online" and browse the items that Lipsey's carries. Your dealer can go
online and check Lipsey's inventory to see if a gun is in stock. If you do not
have a dealer, you can see Lipsey's dealer referral network, a great free
service, which allows you to find a local dealer in your area that carries the
product in question. You buy the product from the local dealer, who gets it at
great pricing from Lipsey’s, and everyone is happy. And, we at Gunblast
have provided another unique service to our readership.
Please note that Gunblast.com doesn’t get a kickback from Lipsey’s or any
dealers. We don’t care where you buy your firearms products. But, we
know that if you buy through a Lipsey’s dealer, you should expect to receive
great service and a great price for the product. We always have.
Another neat thing about Lipsey’s is their “Lipsey’s Exclusives”.
Through special relationships with major manufacturers, Lipsey’s often sells
through their dealer network exclusive guns that are not obtainable anywhere
else. Watch on Gunblast.com as we review these Lipsey’s exclusive gun
We hope this service is a good one for you. Keep us posted on how it
Greg, Jeff, Boge Quinn