Hi-Point Firearms of Dayton, Ohio has been
distributing the Hi-Point line of pistols and carbines for
several years now. The guns are very popular with folks who know
very little about firearms, and are just getting into shooting,
mainly because of their relatively low price. However, many
experienced shooters look down their noses at the low-priced
weapons, and declare that they could not be very reliable nor
accurate, without ever firing one. I too have been guilty of
that, thinking that the Hi-Point line must be of low quality,
due to the low price. I was wrong. For a concealed carry
handgun, I find the pistols to be larger than what I want to
carry, and I have never fired a Hi-Point pistol, but from
reports that I hear, they seem to work pretty well. I also hear
a lot of good reports about the Hi-Point carbine, and that is
the subject of this piece. Shooters that have them seem to love
them, so I thought that it was time for me to give one a try.
Like their handguns, Hi-Point carbines are
priced well below the competition, and for a long time, I
ignored the weapons, mainly for the reason that I never had one
available, but had not really pursued getting one either. That
oversight on my part has now been corrected, and I have been
playing around with this particular 9mm carbine for a couple of
weeks now.
The Hi-Point carbine weighs in at seven
pounds, five ounces decked out with the accessories shown on it
here. I did not strip it down to weigh the bare carbine, as I
liked it just the way it is. It wears a high-intensity
flashlight, as well as a laser and vertical foregrip. These
accessories work well on the Hi-Point, and are also very
reasonably priced. I like a laser
sight on any weapon that might be used in a low-light situation.
The laser is activated by a pressure switch, so it is only
“ON” when you need it. The flashlight is activated by a
crossbolt type switch, and puts out a really bright beam of
white light. The carbine shown here also wears a muzzle brake
that attached with one Allen bolt, and the wrench is provided.
The sights on the Hi-Point carbine are very
easy to use, and consists of a rear aperture and a protected
front post. Both front and rear are adjustable for elevation,
with a very wide range of adjustment, and the rear is adjustable
for windage correction. The laser sight is very effective, and
useful out past 100 yards, depending upon the light conditions.
The stock of the Hi-Point carbine is made of
a reinforced polymer. The vertical foregrip folds both forward
and back by pressing a button. It locks rigidly in place. It
attaches to a rail underneath the forearm. There is also a rail
atop the receiver for attaching a scope or other optical sight,
and the rear sight housing is detachable if necessary to mount
the chosen scope.
For accuracy testing, I removed the rear
sight and mounted a Leupold 6.5 to 20 power target scope in a
set of Weaver-compatible aluminum rings. Accuracy was very good,
and I tested for group size at a range of fifty yards. The
Hi-Point turned in a few groups that were under one inch, and
looking at the lateral dispersion, it is obvious that the spread
of the group was my fault, as the group pattern indicates
shooter error. Anyway, the carbine was a lot more accurate than
I would have guessed, and I am well-pleased with the accuracy
performance. Out of the carbine’s sixteen and one-half inch
barrel the performance of 9mm ammo is substantially greater than
from a handgun barrel. Also, due to the gun’s heft and the
excellent telescoping butt pad, felt recoil is nothing. There is
absolutely no pain at all delivered to the shooter’s shoulder.
Upon firing, the butt plate has about one-half inch of travel to
absorb what little recoil there is. The Hi-Point carbine fires
from a closed bolt, and is a straight blowback action.
I fired a variety of ammunition over the
chronograph to check velocities, with the results listed in the
chart below. Velocities are listed in feet-per-second. Bullet
weights are listed in grains. JHP is a jacketed hollowpoint
bullet. DPX is a hollow nose homogenous copper bullet. FP is a
frangible, pre-fragmented flatnose bullet. FMJ is a full metal
jacket roundnose bullet. Velocities were taken at an elevation
of 541 feet above sea level, with an air temperature of around
the thirty-three degrees Fahrenheit mark.
Ammunition |
Bullet Weight |
Velocity |
124 |
1325 |
Buffalo Bore +P JHP |
147 |
1312 |
Cor-Bon +P JHP |
115 |
1704 |
Pow’RBall |
100 |
1717 |
Cor-Bon +P DPX |
115 |
1363 |
International Cartridge FP |
100 |
1482 |
As can be seen in the velocity chart, the
Hi-Point puts out plenty of power for a defensive carbine. The
weapon is a lot of fun to shoot, and is very easy on recoil. The
magazine holds ten rounds, and fits flush with the pistol grip.
The charging handle is easy to operate, even for someone with
limited hand strength. The Hi-Point would make a very good home
defense carbine.
The Hi-Point carbine has a very good
warranty. It is a lifetime warranty, and follows the weapon, so
if you sell it, the next owner gets the same warranty. This is
an important feature with any weapon. With this carbine, I had
to test the Hi-Point warranty. Any gun maker can make a weapon
that needs repair, and I have had my share. It is how they
handle the problem that matters. Soon after shooting began, the
carbine developed a trigger problem. I sent the carbine back for
repair, and within two weeks I had the weapon back in my hands,
and it has ran perfectly ever since. It has fed, fired, and
ejected every type of 9mm ammo that I have tried.
The Hi-Point 9mm carbine is a short, handy,
reliable weapon that would be ideal as a home
defense carbine. Recoil is non-existent, even with the Plus
P ammo tested, so everyone in the family can be trained to use
this weapon. It has plenty of accuracy for predator control, and
is a lot of fun to shoot. While there is still a national ammo
shortage in this country, 9mm seems to still be plentiful and
The Hi-Point carbine is one-hundred percent
made in the USA. It proves that a weapon does not have to be
expensive to shoot well, nor does it have to be made in some
third-world country to be inexpensive. If you are needing a
modern pistol-caliber carbine, give the Hi-Point a look at www.hi-pointfirearms.com.
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Hi-Point Model 995 9mm Carbine.

Sights are rugged and easy to see.

Charging handle is convenient and easy to operate.


Optional laser sight...

...optional flashlight...

...and optional muzzle brake.

Magazine release.

Magazine holds ten rounds, and the bolt locks open on
an empty mag.

Recoil-absorbing buttplate.
