I just returned from attending a special
class at Gunsite Academy in Paulden, Arizona that covered the
use of small semi-auto pistols and revolvers for defensive use.
The class was sponsored by Sturm Ruger, XS Sights, Crimson
Trace, Smith & Wesson, Surefire, Galco Gunleather, Woolrich Clothing,
Remington Ammunition, Sig Sauer, Beretta, and Gunsite. In
attendance were about eight media folks from print, television,
and the internet. In addition, there were representatives from
all of the sponsoring manufacturers, and three Gunsite
Our instructors for the week were Il Ling
New, Lamonte Kintsel, and Charlie McNeese. All three were very
knowledgeable and articulate, making sure that we did not put
holes into anything that did not need ventilating. Our
objectives for the class was to shoot pistols that are being
carried daily by thousands of people for self defense. These
small pistols and revolvers are the hottest segment of the
firearms market, as more and more people choose to accept the
responsibility for the safety of themselves and those whom they
are obligated to protect. The police in this nation do a good
job, but looking around me right now, I don’t see any. I walk
out on my porch, and there are no police officers to be found.
We have a few in this county, and they do a good job, but they
are not here with me. Most of us do not have around-the-clock
police protection, nor would we want to. We are each responsible
for the defense of ourselves and our loved ones. There are
predators in our society; sociopaths with no regard at all for
your life or your property. They have an entitlement mentality
like many in our society, but they take that attitude to the
extreme, and are willing to take from you your life, your
dignity, and your property, as well as anything of their desire
from your children and your spouse. These predators know the
system, and have neither fear nor respect for the law. They are
willing to attack us at will, and will attack their chosen
victim with speed and violence. All we can do is to be aware,
and react without hesitation.
If I know that an attack is imminent and
cannot be avoided, I want a rifle, shotgun, or Marine battalion
with me. The small pistol is not my first choice, but like most
of us, a small pistol is what I will most likely have available
when an attack comes my way. Going about our daily lives, most
of us cannot carry a shotgun or rifle at all times, so we do as
citizens have done for decades; we carry a handgun that can
always be with reach. Should a fight come our way, there will be
no time for preparation. We must always be prepared as well as
we can be, and still be able to work and function in our daily
lives. When the fight comes, we can only react to the attack,
and the reaction must be both swift and precise.
At Gunsite, they teach people to fight with a
handgun. They also have rifle and shotgun classes, but teaching
us how to effectively bring a pistol into a fight is their
forte. Weapon handling is every bit as important as accuracy. We
must be able to quickly and accurately bring our handgun,
whichever handgun that we choose to carry, into the fight.
Accurately placing our bullets is very important, but unless we
can get that weapon out of the holster or pocket and on target
quickly, we will never get the chance to pull the trigger.
Gunsite teaches folks how to bring the weapon into the fight,
under stress, and also in the dark.
Most gunfights take place at night, and that
beautiful set of precisely machined Patridge sights on your
prize pistol will be invisible at night. A good target sight
will allow me to really show off my marksmanship skills
deliberately firing upon a paper target at a well-lighted range,
but as the sun sets and the predators come out to ply their
trade, or when confronted in a dark parking garage, target
sights are of little use. In such a situation, a good flashlight
like any of the Surefire line is of great value for target
identification and shot placement. We received very good
instruction on a variety of flashlight techniques from the
Gunsite instructors, and the Surefire lights worked without
XS Sights brought some of their Big
Dot Express sights to Gunsite. I have used these sights for
many years, and in good light, that big white dot allows the
shooter to get on target quickly. In low light, the center of
the Big Dot has a tritium insert that is very visible and easy
to get on target.
Another great aid to shooting at night is the
Crimson Trace Lasergrip or Laserguard laser. As I have stated
before, I will not carry a firearm for self defense that does
not have a Crimson Trace Laser attached. I hear detractors of
lasers offer excuses like “the batteries could go out on you”,
and other such nonsense. Certainly, batteries do expend their
energy over time, just as ammunition is worthless after it has
been fired. I have a CT laser on my pocket handgun that has been
on there for over three years, and I test the laser twice
everyday; before it goes into my pocket in the morning, and
again when it is put away at night. It always works. If the
laser starts to go dim, which it likely will in another couple
of years, I will spend two bucks for fresh batteries. However,
while on that subject, Crimson Trace will send new replacement
batteries at no charge, for as long as you own your CT Laser.
Anyway, my point is, that the laser is less likely to cause a
problem than a bad magazine, or a bad cartridge. The CT laser is
a very reliable unit, and I trust them daily. At Gunsite, the
value of the Crimson Trace Lasergrip was proven at night. While
the lasers also worked very well in bright Arizona sun during
the daytime, they owned the night. We were all using the
excellent Surefire compact flashlights at night, but even so,
the lasers still allowed those of us who were using them to
outperform those who had no Crimson Trace units on their
weapons. In fact, the instructors handicapped the laser users by
making us go for headshots instead of body shots. The point was
really driven home for me, that the Crimson Trace lasers helped
me to shoot faster and with much greater accuracy than I could
without. I was a believer going in, but left there after the
night shoot not only a disciple, but a proselyte for the use of
high quality laser sights for defensive use.
The Gunsite instructors also schooled us on
the skill of bringing the weapon to bear from concealment,
considering how each of us might carry the weapon upon our
bodies. The Woolrich folks were kind enough to supply us with
clothing that was both casual and tactical. Many folks train
wearing clothing that might be better suited for an urban SWAT
Team. That is perfectly fine, if that is the way you dress
everyday. However, I am a believer that one should train wearing
what he or she wears everyday. If your job requires you to wear
a suit and tie everyday, then you should train wearing a suit
and tie, to become accustomed to naturally bringing your weapon
into the fight from that type of clothing. If you are a lady who
wears a skirt everyday, you should train wearing a skirt. I wear
Wranglers and a T-Shirt ninety-nine percent of the time, so that
is what I wear while training. It just makes sense. The clothes
that Woolrich provided could be worn by most of us without
calling attention to the fact that we are going heeled. The
pants did not have seventeen billowed pockets, but looked like
casual, everyday pants. Same with the shirts. They had magnetic
buttons in front and Velcro sides for quick access to the
weapon, but looked just like an everyday printed shirt. That
type of dress would work well for many of us. Not me, as I don’t
dress that way, but the Woolrich clothing is great for the
majority of folks, and draws no attention at all to the fact
that you are packing.
Anyway, back to the reason that we were
there. Small pistols and revolvers are what most of us carry
daily, as they are lightweight, easy to conceal, and can always
be within reach. There were concerns that the short barrels of
these compact weapons would not provide the power to reliably do
the job, so Dave Biggers of XS Sights and Biggers Consulting
arranged to have some ballistic gelatin testing done. Even from
the short barrels, the Remington Golden Saber ammunition
achieved enough velocity for reliable expansion and penetration,
even after the bullets first passed through clothing of various
sorts, such as denim and down. From the 380 Auto, the 9x19mm,
and the 38 Special, expansion in ballistic gelatin was perfect,
as can be seen in the picture. Penetration was also ideal in the
gelatin. However, while ballistic gelatin is good, it does not
directly relate to how a bullet will behave in flesh, skin, and
bone. It is only a comparison, and is one of the best media
available which offers consistency. While the bullets behaved
perfectly in the tests, always keep shooting until the threat is
The pistols that were available for shooting
offered a good selection from the four manufacturers. I had
fired samples of all of them before, except for the new Sig 290,
and was glad to get the opportunity to fire that one for the
first time. I also fired some pistols which were very familiar
to me, such as the Ruger LC9 and SR9c,
and the S&W M&P9c. These
are all dandy pistols, and easy to conceal. Besides the 9mm
pistols, Beretta brought out a 32 ACP Alley Cat, which is the
Tomcat, but factory-equipped with the XS Big Dot tritium sight
system. I asked Lain Harrison of Crimson Trace to attach one of
his Laserguard lasers, and it made the little Alley Cat very
easy to use on targets out to fifteen yards.
It was a fun and informative trip to Gunsite.
I have been shooting for around forty years, but still pick up
something useful to help my speed or accuracy every time I go to
Gunsite. The instructors are well-qualified, and can offer good
instruction, no matter what level shooter you are. It makes no
sense to spend money for a quality firearm, if you do not know
how to use it to the best of your ability. A week-long class at
Gunsite is money well-spent.
Remember, the gun you will use to save your
life is the one which you can reach, immediately.
Check out Gunsite Academy online at www.gunsite.com.
For a closer look at the small pistols we put through the ringer
at Gunsite, go to www.ruger.com,
and www.berettausa.com.
For more information on the Remington Golden
Saber handgun ammunition, go to www.remington.com.
For more information on the XS Big Dot
Express sights, go to www.xssights.com.
To order the superb Crimson Trace Lasergrip
or Laserguard online, go to www.crimsontrace.com.
Check out Galco's line of gun leather online
at www.usgalco.com.
To look at the extensive line of quality
Woolrich clothing, go to www.woolrich.com.
For more information on some of the best
flashlights on the planet, go to www.surefire.com.
Jeff Quinn